Reviews for Terms and Conditions Apply
musemum chapter 33 . 2/8
this fic has been added to my "all time favourites" list... absolutely love itthanks so much for sharing it!
musemum chapter 30 . 2/8
Perfect chapter... love it...
musemum chapter 23 . 2/7
this chapter was SO worth the burn to get to !
musemum chapter 16 . 2/6
so... is Edward "playing the game" or is he really interested now ? ...mmmm
fanfictionalcolic chapter 31 . 11/10/2024
It was a great story, i hope you will come back to us one day.
fanfictionalcolic chapter 33 . 11/6/2024
Thanks for this lovely story
MsLiss chapter 14 . 10/11/2024
Oh we all knew he knew lol
MsLiss chapter 13 . 10/11/2024
Seriously Bella what the hell ?
MsLiss chapter 12 . 10/10/2024
Oh these two are a tangled web of lies and deceit
Very intriguing
Bevey99 chapter 33 . 11/14/2023
Obviously this plot was taken from THE PROPOSAL, but you made it your own. And, damn I loved this Edward. Thank you for writing and sharing.
Bevey99 chapter 15 . 11/13/2023
Agsters chapter 30 . 10/2/2023
This is one of my favourites I can read over and over again. I love the little ways you describe Bella and Edward’s admiration for one anotherswoon-worthy!

However, some of your word choices in this chapter when describing the people at the reservation (and a handful of instances prior for different purposes) is very, very questionable and you might want to be careful with that, regardless if you’re trying to convey that it’s just the characters who are thinking like that or not…
winterhorses chapter 29 . 11/21/2022
Wth? “Nature loving freaks”? “Dirty ears”?
winterhorses chapter 22 . 11/21/2022
So close to maintaining a shred of dignity.
winterhorses chapter 18 . 11/21/2022
Back in the red, sigh.
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