Reviews for The Witches' Conspiracy
littleditto chapter 13 . 1/11
This is fantastic, I love it!
Kai chapter 4 . 11/22/2024
"Some inconveniences were worth the gain"? Really? Dumbledore MUST have seen the numbers, It's his sodding JOB, so he knows and is actively aiding and abetting! Snape doesn't only coddle a couple death eater brats. He's systematically destroying auror and healer intake. He does his very best to make sure that only those with a death eater background can join the ministry's fighting force and are capable of healing casualties. Snape is not just a bit mean to some students, he's committing TREASON. I don't know if there's something like aiding and abetting treason, because in the end it's just treason as well. In many countries they have the death penalty for that. And in some countries where the death penalty was abolished, treason was the last crime on the books that was still punishable by death. Magical Britain has the death penalty. Snape AND DUMBLEDORE could very well be introduced to the veil of death from a "traveller's" point of view for those "some inconveniences".

Dumbledore doesn't only murder (or let murder) whoever is in the way of his "Greater Good", he's too stupid to recognise what the Greater Good actually is.
Lordel chapter 13 . 11/6/2024
Great story, really enjoyed it. Thanks
TheWhitlockGirl chapter 13 . 7/9/2024
Really enjoyed this story.
Love2read23 chapter 13 . 7/8/2024
Absolutely marvelous.
This fic was referred on a facebook group, and I am so happy I read it. I'm excited to read your other works.
I love fics like this where the wizarding world is revolutionized while still retaining it's traditions.
Thank you for writing.
Love2read23 chapter 11 . 7/8/2024
Awwww. Yay for a happy family Christmas for Harry and Sirius.
The Longbottoms really didn't let Harry stay over for Christmas? Why? They had to have known that the Dursleys didn't let him celebrate. Weird.
I'm so excited for all the education changes. And I love how the dark faction think they're being oh so sneaky about accepting it to get their own way when educating children about both worlds is exactly what they wanted.
I think two hour class periods is too long but you've obviously done a lot of work to figure out the schedules. I know a school near me that has a seven day rotation schedule with 8 periods 65 minutes long each. So day 1 has ABCD, day 2 EFGA, day 3 BCDE, and so on. It's crazy but brilliant. It's so you don't always have D period in the afternoon when you need to leave early for example.
Anyways, school schedules are crazy. Thank you for writing.
Love2read23 chapter 7 . 7/7/2024
Wow. What a great plan!
I'm amazed that there are only 375 students
Multiple teachers for each subject is a must.
Thank you for writing.
Love2read23 chapter 6 . 7/7/2024
Ooo this is so good! I'm so looking forward to these changes. And I like that Albus isn't actively working against them. Hopefully he will recognize that it just may be time for him to retire and rest.
Yay for Severus being on probation. Yay for Arabella teaching.
Love2read23 chapter 3 . 7/7/2024
I love that all the teachers shut Dumbledore down when he tried to stick his nose into Harry's business.
And I love the changes they're making at Hogwarts. Yay for a new History teacher. And I really hope they get Sirius free soon.
Love2read23 chapter 1 . 7/7/2024
This is awesome!
I love that these four have devised a way to get Harry apart from the Dursleys for most of the day. And now the Dursleys know someone else is invested in Harry's future so if anything happens to him or if they lie or if he's mistreated, someone will respond. I wish all that Augusta said about the foundation having ties all over Britain looking for advanced youth was true. Then it'd be able to find Hermione or other muggle raised magical youth who deserve some preparation. Thank you for writing.
Olaf74 chapter 13 . 7/4/2024
An Absolutely AMAZING! Story.
Bad Wolf Jen chapter 7 . 2/26/2024
you forgot about Madam hooch the the flying instructor
Rainy Ravenclaw chapter 13 . 1/15/2024
I have loved this fic since I first read it years ago, and wish I'd reviewed it sooner. It's fantastic, much like your other fics. It certainly deserves more than the 999 reviews it has, so I'm happy to push it to 1000!
I look forward to reading more of what you can cook up, and hope you're doing well!
edwards-sparrow chapter 13 . 10/28/2023
I'm hoping you have done a sequel
Busymom75 chapter 1 . 9/29/2023
So far, this story intrigues me. (Don't worry, this is a good thing!) It is the first story that I have read where someone, adult (and not Severus Snape!), actually wants to help Harry to become somewhat accustomed to the magical world before he is due to start attending Hogwarts. I love the Witches Conspiracy concept, and the Longbottom Foundation could be an ideal stepping stone in future years for other Muggleborn/Muggle-raised children to get a foothold in the world that they are likely to spend much of their lives in once they turn eleven.
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