Reviews for Harry Potter's Existence after Life |
jeannetaylor79 chapter 14 . 5/18/2018 just one short bit. If Hermione the dictionary/encyclopedia was not so prominent in this fic I'd have great things to say about it but thank merlin for my mouse cause I can scroll her out as much as possible. nuff said. |
Buckethead390 chapter 11 . 1/18/2018 I had to stop here. The story is fairly solid, even if DracoxGinny is a bit dumb. The problem is that you really need to rewrite a huge part of it or get a beta. Situations feel odd, expressed incorrectly, and rushed which really hurts this. |
Talonwalker chapter 26 . 1/6/2018 I enjoyed the story, thanks! |
deleted97deleted chapter 9 . 2/26/2016 I can't understand how naive can someone be to think that Ginny (or Hermione) could date Draco after everything he did. Seriously it just made me sick and I'm stopping this fic after I finished to throw up. |
WhiteElfElder chapter 26 . 8/31/2015 There are so many gaping holes...please fill them in. (no innuendo intended). |
WhiteElfElder chapter 25 . 8/31/2015 will Harry find out he has a child on the next visit to the other realm? If so, how will Ginny handle that? |
WhiteElfElder chapter 23 . 8/31/2015 Malfoy is so petty he will rape and kill Ginny just to prevent her being with Harry. |
WhiteElfElder chapter 21 . 8/31/2015 Damn...nice twist. I wonder if this is like the mirror image thing happening here? |
WhiteElfElder chapter 15 . 8/31/2015 Draco thinks he is clever, but what he has done is made sure that he is tortured before he dies. |
WhiteElfElder chapter 13 . 8/31/2015 I was hoping that Harry was possessed or something, but it seems that he has flipped his lid. |
WhiteElfElder chapter 7 . 8/28/2015 Harry is such an ass. |
gus chapter 26 . 6/14/2015 nice pacing... shame it wasn't really an enjoyable story. no real payoff at the end, either. |
Guest chapter 21 . 3/1/2015 Called it! Called it! I so, totally called it! |
sylvelle chapter 21 . 9/13/2014 Well... It was what I hoped would happen. I kept remembering Harry the last time we saw him. YAY |
sylvelle chapter 18 . 9/13/2014 OMG.. Well I knew Ron or Hermione were going to know the girl. Had no idea it was Selene I think her name is. Wow that means little Charlie is Charlie's son. WOW. Good one. |