Reviews for Theories of Bellativity
LillianBroderick chapter 32 . 7/27/2022
LillianBroderick chapter 31 . 7/27/2022
Jelly in Australia is a dessert - jello I think you call it. So when you said she used grape jelly, I had visions of minced meat and dessert jelly - ewww

What you call jelly as in a spread, we call jam.
LillianBroderick chapter 15 . 7/25/2022
Also I have a delicious vegan ‘meatloaf’ recipe - no tofu - just all flavour .
LillianBroderick chapter 12 . 7/25/2022
Dangerous drinks often sound harmless
Jillgrab chapter 19 . 7/21/2022
Oh my god I can’t! This was too good! I really hope someone finds out about this patient!
Jillgrab chapter 12 . 7/21/2022
Oh my gosh! I’m dying laughing! I really hope she said that out loud!
Paradizei chapter 32 . 7/10/2022
this was a really cute story
Paradizei chapter 3 . 7/10/2022
dr GQ lol
aka AddictedToFic chapter 34 . 4/7/2022
Great story, I loved it!

EdwardsVampTramp chapter 34 . 3/7/2022
This story was such a joy to read and I had a hard time putting it down at times to deal with real life!
I had heard about this story over the years, but for some reason I always held back from reading it. I guess it hadn't been the right time...until now. :)
Thank you so much for the laughs and aaaawwww moments.
You are a wonderful writer and I hope more readers come across your little gem.
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 30 . 3/7/2022
'Is the visual of Edward in Batman Underoos better than having a stupid song in your head?'
Wow! How uncanny was your statement about Edward and Batman years ago?
Here it is 2022 and Robert is actually THE BATMAN now!
Who would have thought?!
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 28 . 3/7/2022
"Good to know, because I'll be joining you. I want you to get to know my parents, too."
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 15 . 3/6/2022
Nope... I completely agree with Bella!
Sushi... Yuck!
Edward and Emmett kill me.
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 12 . 3/6/2022
Long Island Iced Teas will do it every time.
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 9 . 3/6/2022
'Well, smack my ass and call me Sally. I now completely understand the term "panty dropping."'
Damn straight!
Loving this story even though I'm late to the party!
Gotta love TBR lists and RobAttack!
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