Reviews for The Pureblood Princess
Fuck Names chapter 3 . 11/25
v nice
Fuck Names chapter 2 . 11/25
Guest chapter 21 . 11/21
Last three chapters are garbage… writer derails the story! Never explain what happened… you’re left with garbage ending!
BRoberts1353 chapter 21 . 11/10
I take back my earlier review/comment. I made it after reading 18 chapters. the last three chapters are F'n stupid
BRoberts1353 chapter 1 . 11/10
A pretty good 10 chapter story that happens to be 21 chapters long. Not a bad read if youre between stories or waiting on new chapters. You'll skim over a lot but it aint bad.
viningc chapter 21 . 9/22
Thank you for your story. I really enjoyed it so much that I will be following it in the hope that you will continue it beyond their child’s 11th birthday.
A German guest chapter 7 . 9/10
Rather too slow for my liking.
ECTO-DMC chapter 21 . 7/4
Good story very interesting. Does she get her memory back from the book? Did she think he left her so she had herself obliviated? That's the only thing I'm confused about. Other than that loved the pairing loved the style good job you did!
Hamilton chapter 21 . 5/25
Great story, I loved it but I feel we missed out on at least a few explanations. Obviously, Daphne used up her magic to save Harry, was squibbed and in good old pureblood fashion was set up in the Muggle world. But she must have been obliviated as well, so how did she keep in contact with her parents and sister, not to mention Nott, without being aware of the magical world? It must have been done quite subtly as well (despite her nightmares), as she remembers her mother dying “ a few years ago” from an unexplainable heart failure (AK-ed I assume by the last 2 death eaters just before Harry found them) shortly after her mother presented her with her wand in a box - and her mother was killed only a month or three after the invasion of the death eaters. Her parents were enough at home in the Muggle world to keep up the pretense if she only saw them say once or twice a year in a muggle restaurant or so, but presumably she still lived at home for at least a while after leaving Hogwarts. And btw, Astoria marrying Nott also requires some explaining… .
There were a few minor mistakes in the end scenes as well (Ginny being at the wedding for Ian to flirt with, despite having been burned to death in Draco’s bedchamber, the Black house Harry inherited is at number 12 Grimmauld Place, not 13) and it would have been nice to find out about Daphne’s reaction to the magical world, and Claire’s adventures at Hogwarts, but I’m afraid there will be no sequel to this. Still, overall a very nice read, thank you.
Guest chapter 21 . 5/9
While entertaining, the ending felt too abrupt and clashed with the rest of the story. Daphne seemed like too much of an observer near the end than an active character.
vswey chapter 7 . 4/3
fr, so passive to the point of not helping her sister? that's pretty low. you seem to imply that daphne enjoys her home life, so they must have at least some family relationship. to be so callous towards her younger sister is pretty gross. if the goal here is crafting an absurdly passive, self-absorbed mc, then spot on, but it's not a very likable character to be given so much time.
vswey chapter 5 . 4/3
lol fr author? like if someone takes your hand and you dint want them to you just demurely move away and say nothing? that doesn't really track, youve portrayed daphne so far as quite stubborn and willed, yet now this? poor consistency.
vswey chapter 5 . 4/3
sorry the inner dialogue here is weird. daphne is going on about the oddity of notts behavior yadayada, but she hasnt once explicitly asked him to remove himself. im all for boundaries being respected but when someone does cross them it is odd to not make it known.
Richard Smith chapter 21 . 4/2
I really enjoyed this story
would love to see daugher’s Hogwarts letters “…wow why didn’t you say you and Daddy are famous!”
Sad Daphne sacrificed so much for Harry what happened to her memory?
Good story well told
Guest chapter 21 . 3/9
The end was abrupt. A very dramatic switch without much pay off.

We never got the full explanation on Daphne gone muggle, though implied she lost her magic saving Harry, then was purposefully memory charmed and hidden her in the muggle world.
We never saw her reaction to learning she was a witch.
We never got the aware version of Astoria, their father and Theodore seeing Harry with Daphne again. And we never saw Harry respond to their deception (which probably should have resulted in Theodore’s death due to his association with Death Eaters and attack of Daphne). The idea Astoria was with Theo after how evil you made the character… shocking.

Overall, not the best of your work (but you also have some seriously amazing work). And Daphne was never really likable as a character. Harry as a secondary character, was very likable and really the character that kept me interested, but I felt like he was done during, having such a good character pining after a bitter, rude, narcissistic girl.
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