Reviews for Presidential Initiation
Shiva491 chapter 6 . 1/11/2012
You know, I've wondered several times. Why did you say that Italy and Germany are 'probably the worst kept secret in history?'
Vani Jane chapter 11 . 1/8/2012
It's such a sad to see this fic to come to an end- I honestly loved it! (And as I've mentioned before, I love your Presidential fics!)

I had hoped more Tony but I've realised that little exposure was MORE THAN enough. Oh, the children are forever scared- and just after they met Gilbert! D: (Gilbert's "Boy Toy" comments made me LOL so hard XD)

I do hope you'd still continue to do random one-shot Presidential fics in the future. And after reading this one, it makes your other Presidential fics funnier. xD

Again, your fics has improved my mood greatly - I think I should save these on my mobile phone to get rid of my negative mood swings. XD

Thank you for writing this and sharing it!

I look forward to your next one-shot! :D

-Vani Jane
StargateNerd chapter 8 . 1/3/2012
I seriously am loving this story so much! Would you mind if I use your NPP idea in one of my stories if I credit you?
lasmn chapter 11 . 1/2/2012
Well written and funny! Great combination for any story. I was always curious as to how the countries introduced themselves to their bosses. Leave it to our dear America to have fun with it. I also liked your NPP explanation. It sounds very reasonable. Anyways, great story!
SafetyScissors chapter 7 . 1/2/2012
Im seeing the First Lady as a mix between Hungary, Mairia of Austria, and Polands boss in world series episode 40-something.

Love this! I'm laughing all the way through.
SafetyScissors chapter 2 . 1/2/2012
His kidnapper was singing Friday.

Maybe if he was lucky this guy would off him quickly.

Nothing will ever beat that line. Ever
bbissocute chapter 11 . 1/2/2012
Great ending. I loved every moment of it, and even read it to my little sister. When I told her this was the end she was terribly sad. XD Absolutely hilarious work. Can't wait to see what you do next!
Funky Bracelet Chick chapter 1 . 1/1/2012
Great ending! I'm sad it's over, but this was just so much fun to read! Kudos to you!
cylobaby chapter 11 . 1/1/2012
That was so clever! I loved it! haha, that line about the Queen having to deal with England streaking through London was hilarious
heyyl0 chapter 11 . 12/31/2011
Thank you for this great story!
nobody10901 chapter 11 . 12/31/2011
This is INCREDIBLE. You're simply amazing... Beautiful. So much fine detail! Wonderful job! I always wondered what it would be like... You have so much creative thoughts! Thank you so much for writing!
DaughterofDemeter123 chapter 11 . 12/30/2011
Oh, it's over?

... will there be a sequel?
Dr. Stilla Live chapter 11 . 12/30/2011
Aw, that was a nice ending. :)

Oh Tony you charmer you. XD
takuya chapter 11 . 12/30/2011
oh a very funny end, i laughted a lot at this chapter my fav, was i think the bit about alfred blowing up the moments "again" how many times has he done it before, 'is it terrices again, no thats just alfred, oh thats ok then'
whereami2012 chapter 11 . 12/30/2011
Aw how nice! Oh well, cheers to the President, may Alfred never drive you what am I saying? Of course Alfred will probably cause you to need therapy...Good luck with that!
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