Reviews for Presidential Initiation
Keith the Evil Dark Lord chapter 10 . 8/2/2015
Thank you Russia for your opinion! It's what I was waiting for.
Mr. Awesome... Of course he did...
And America is super babysitter isn't he?
Keith the Evil Dark Lord chapter 9 . 8/2/2015
Russia is fan-freaking-tastic as always. Him and America are the best
And now for Prussia, right? Please?
Keith the Evil Dark Lord chapter 8 . 8/2/2015
Yep, still loving the First Lady
I think the President most definitely feels like that awkward girl especially when compared to his VP and the countries. It's just possible for him not to feel that way
And mindfuck sounds like the perfect description for the President right now
Keith the Evil Dark Lord chapter 7 . 8/2/2015
Well, at least he's taking it better now that he's using Sarcasm
OMG the First Lady is amazing
Can't wait until the VP shows up
Keith the Evil Dark Lord chapter 6 . 8/2/2015
So, fair warning, if you haven't figured it out already, I am totally planning on reviewing every yeah... Moving on to the actual review
Still loving France embarrassing England
Stole the car... America is soo beautiful... And he puppy dog eye England!
Im gonna say it again, poor Mr. President
And England wins the insults with the I Surrender joke
And Canada's now my favorite
Keith the Evil Dark Lord chapter 5 . 8/2/2015
Yes it is Mr. President. In fact, it's freaking hilarious
Go France! Make England embarrassed!
Lol and who says VP's are useless?
This really my favorite president ever though
Keith the Evil Dark Lord chapter 4 . 8/2/2015
God damn it, America, you broke the President!
And thank you. Now Hoover's my favorite president
Changed my mind. This guy is my favorite President
Keith the Evil Dark Lord chapter 3 . 8/2/2015
Called it.
But punching someone always leads to a wonderful friendship, trust me... Maybe America and Mr. bitchy should try the punching too
... Or whatever the flailing fists thing is. That works too
Surprise, Mr. President. Your kidnapper is freaking amazing
Keith the Evil Dark Lord chapter 2 . 8/2/2015
And I had every right to be worried! He sung Friday to the President! Poor man...
Poor, poor dude. Come on America, it's his first day!
He's so going to punch him anyways lol
Keith the Evil Dark Lord chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
Omg, Alfred what are you about to discuss? Why am I so worried? I'm actually freaking out with excitement about this story, no joke
Guest chapter 11 . 7/26/2015
"Well, Alfred blew up the Washington Monument again," XD. So funny
afairysghost chapter 11 . 7/13/2015
This was a great end! Loved this very much!
ObsoleteBread chapter 4 . 7/12/2015
This story is abolitely brilliant! I have been in tears from laughing at how ridicoulous this entire scene is.

You are very clever.
ApplePajama chapter 11 . 5/14/2015
Well, I have to agree that it wasn't the most exciting epilogue, but I don't think any other epilogues could have satisfied the story. I mean, with all the craziness that the President had to face, an uneventful ending is good enough to justify the story.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/24/2015
That was really cute!
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