Reviews for Fangs of the Father
animecutylover chapter 20 . 1/26/2018
Woah. Inutaisho is really truly after Kags. Wow.
animecutylover chapter 19 . 1/26/2018
Ayame is pretty okay for me.

I’m glad there’s less suitors vying for Kags since they don’t deserve Kags at all.
animecutylover chapter 18 . 1/26/2018
I kinda do feel for Kagura.
animecutylover chapter 17 . 1/26/2018
Ooh. Inutaisho sure is showing how he appreciates Kags.
animecutylover chapter 16 . 1/26/2018
Awww... Inutaisho is perfect for Kags! XD
animecutylover chapter 15 . 1/26/2018
Sesshomaru is definitely honorable.
animecutylover chapter 14 . 1/26/2018
Woah, woah. Wait, what? It was Inutaisho’s soul all along?! Wow. Just, wow. O-O
animecutylover chapter 13 . 1/26/2018
What?! Kags is not her reincarnation! That lying bitch!
animecutylover chapter 12 . 1/26/2018
Aww... They kissed! :3

I forgot whose fang Sou’unga is made from. If it’s Inutaisho, maybe it’s a representation of his inner demon or something like that.
animecutylover chapter 11 . 1/26/2018
Yay! Tessaiga has updated! XD
animecutylover chapter 10 . 1/26/2018
Aww... Sesshomaru is denying that Kags acts like Rin to him?
animecutylover chapter 9 . 1/26/2018
Sesshomaru is pretty awesome! XD
animecutylover chapter 8 . 1/26/2018
Poor Kags.

And now Tessaiga seems more like Inuyasha. I hope there’s still mostly Inutaisho in there.
animecutylover chapter 7 . 1/26/2018
Ew. I don’t like Tokijin either now. I forgot his origins.
animecutylover chapter 6 . 1/26/2018
Awww... Tessaiga’s so sweet! Even though he can be a pervert. XD

I can definitely see Inutaisho in him.
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