Reviews for The Butterfly Effect
RayBot chapter 28 . 11/16/2024
Well, this was gorgeous. What a strong emotional arc, what characters.
SianJohn chapter 28 . 2/27/2024
Thank you so much for sharing this truly unique story with us, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Rue1921 chapter 28 . 6/18/2023
I've read this before, but it always surprises the ups and downs Anna just how eloquently you weave the story. Love this ExB version. Great job!
TheCharO chapter 1 . 2/27/2023
Very very good story as always
acw1 chapter 28 . 2/13/2023
Guest chapter 9 . 10/16/2022
Humans are animals, too, and just as easy to understand—as long as you don’t try to apply a subjective human moral code. Sure, one could say our ability to reason and experience complex feelings somehow transforms instincts into motives, but it’s still survival of the fittest at its core. Animals constantly react and make decisions based on appearance, smell, electrical signal, etc. in ways dictated by both genetically-coded instinct and learned behavior. It’s just that descriptive labels like “prejudice,” “bigotry,” and “racism” are usually reserved for human actions and states of being. And of course animals similarly wage war—oftentimes due to the basic concept that different/unknown equals bad.
Knit Bit chapter 28 . 5/11/2022
Oh my goodness! I don’t know why I never read this before! What a wonderful journey. I loved young Alice and how she tried to guide Edward to the right path. Such a great story.

AlexandraaCullen chapter 28 . 2/10/2022
I love love love this story so much! And the ending, it’s perfect! Thank you SO much for sharing! This had me on the edge of my seat at some parts. I love the idea of Time travel and the way you went about it with Alice controlling it was brilliant!
AlexandraaCullen chapter 27 . 2/10/2022
I love the way this story came full circle. I love that Alice is back at Esme’s bday party. Very interesting with the two brown eyes too. I love that as readers we see what the first life was like vs how Edward fixed it and how it affected everyone in his life. I’m so glad Edward still has his parents too, I’m sad that Jasper passed but I understand why you did it that way.

I did notice at the end of this chapter that Alice explained to tiny Jasper that he will soon have a baby sister and at 8 weeks nobody would know the gender and I wonder if she’s telling the future…
AlexandraaCullen chapter 26 . 2/10/2022
I figured early on in the story Edward would end up having a son named Jasper. When Edward first met tiny Alice at his niece’s bday party when Alice said she would never get married because he wasn’t born, I guessed that it was because Edward never had a son named Jasper and he was supposed to have. My guess felt even more likely when I learned of Edward’s friend Jasper who wouldn’t live past 18 years and that they would name their future son Jasper.
AlexandraaCullen chapter 22 . 2/10/2022
This chapter hit me so hard, I can’t believe he’s gone although I knew it was coming, my heart is aching over his death! Also the last line from Alice in this chapter is such a strong powerful one wow!
HildysBrassHat chapter 28 . 1/8/2022
I so enjoyed your story! You mixed my two favorite book series! You did a wonderful job with the "do over" trope. You even made me cry! Thank you for sharing.
brookemichelleee chapter 26 . 1/7/2022
This has nothing at all to do with your story, well, not really anyway, and I don’t know if you even still read these reviews, buuuut, my daughters middle name is Sierra - like the character from Dollhouse. And I just thought you would like to know

Also, I am in love with this whole story.

Okay, thanks.
atouchofcitron chapter 28 . 5/12/2021
gosh i loved this so much. thank you for this story.
atouchofcitron chapter 20 . 5/12/2021
this chapter did me in. i haven't found myself crying for many stories, but this one truly got me, the anguish in being denied happiness and profound love. gah.
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