Reviews for Boromir's Return |
DeepInDemons chapter 29 . 3/21/2023 It is hard to express in writing what this story means to me! I am amazed by your knowledge of Ttolkien's lore, medieval reality, your vivid imagination, and beautiful language, Author. I loved your portrayal of Boromir. This is no doubt the strongest point of your work. You have showed us his soul so intimately, with humor, kindness, sometimes pathos. As I read your story, he became a genuine inspiration: time and time again deciding to pull himself together and do the right thing, despite everything that went wrong, despite his conflicting loyalties and personal misgivings. I genuinely hope the feelings and attitudes that I picked up from him while experiencing the story through his eyes will stay with me for some time yet. Your work is very long, but it still feels too short. It would always feel too short, I would never have enough of it. Good thing I can always re-read :D Also, just so you know, I ship your Boromir with Hurin's sister :D I crave a side story or perhaps a continuation. I love a witty strong-willed lady, and I'm positive Boromir could be convinced to love her too :D This could be a sequel. (I know it's been over 20 years but let there be a sequel, I pray.) Sending my warmest regards and love 3 |
catsandbooksandthings chapter 29 . 2/12/2023 I can’t even speak to how much this story means to me, as someone who adores Boromir’s character. You’ve done a phenomenal job of writing a piece of work that is entirely unique while allowing us to live in an imaginary world where Boromir might live. I stayed up literally ALL night to finish this. You’ve done such justice to the character, and this is probably one of the best LOTR fics I’ve read. Thank you. |
Psycho Ray chapter 3 . 2/9/2023 Why the hell do I keep imagining Svip will somehow become a woman, or shape-shif into one, or at least become something close enough? God damn it, I think I've been watching too much anime. |
Guest chapter 29 . 10/13/2022 What a lovely story. Svip will be long remembered. Thank you. |
Sarahml chapter 23 . 8/24/2022 "Not that I believe Lord Faramir will be any other than a noble and valiant Steward. But, My Lord, so would you. And you have trained for it all your life. It can have been no easy choice for you to make." This statement from the newly minted king of Rogan summarizes how I feel as well on this matter. Yes the fact that Borormir has come back to life is enough, and perhaps that should be enough solace for those who are reading this fanfic to get a glimpse of an alternate reality... But it is really a shame that Boromir after all his training through his life grooming to be the Steward had to abdicate in favour of Faramir... AND to add to the injury, this overlapping proposal to suit Eowyn is so sad.. :'( |
Sarahml chapter 22 . 8/23/2022 I knew Boromir would need to abdicate but it breaks my heart to read the thought process... Oh and the file contents about Boromir in Denethor's file cabinet brought tears to my eyes. This has been a very very well written sorrowful chapter. :'( |
Sarahml chapter 21 . 8/23/2022 I am aggrieved to see Denethor Son of Ecthelion die in such a meaningless purposeless battle! Sighs... like what some of other reviewers said, I guess it makes sense that he had to die so that Aragorn's claim to the throne of Gondor could be uncontested. That being the case, I think Denethor's accusations against Thorongil/Aragorn in the previous few chapters were every bit sound and rational. Perhaps I need to read the canon again to accept without wavering that Aragorn is a just claimant to the throne. Having been so thoroughly absorbed by this story and the skillful 1st person narrative from Boromir's perspective via this fanfiction, I too now loathe this Northern Ranger who dare challenge the Ruling Stewards of Gondor to usurp governance! Where has Aragorn and his forefathers been when Gondor had been experiencing the decline? What has he and Mithrandir been so late in warning Gondor and coming to its aid indeed? Only reminding myself that ultimately the Ring's destruction is the only ultimate solution, then can I begrudgingly remember to accept Aragorn's impending return. This fan fiction has done an incredible job if it can make Aragorn appear to be an ungrateful usurping vagabond... Wow what an excellently written piece it is! |
Sarahml chapter 15 . 8/22/2022 . . The awkward yet heartfelt conversation of strained yet loving relationship between the father and son and Boromir's bravery to stand for his city is awesome to behold! |
Sarahml chapter 11 . 8/22/2022 Oh oh I really do adore this chapter! I like Faramir and Boromir together and this chapter is so much better and to my liking than the canon that ruthlessly did away with Boromir. While I love JRR Tolkien's original story, I thoroughly hated how he killed off Boromir. He deserved better and this fanfics does well to give back the brothers the tender moments that they deserve. |
Sarahml chapter 10 . 8/21/2022 This is a gem of fan fiction. Goodness gracious. I think I started reading this many years ago and never finished it and it is such a solid beautifully written fan fiction. I pray and hope the author will write more Boromir fanfics in the future.. Sighs so hard to find lengthy quality boromir fanfics! |
bellaboo13 chapter 29 . 5/31/2022 This is amazing. One of the best LOTR fics I've ever read. I loved Svip, and I particularly liked your characterization of Denethor. It feels very true to the books. I often get frustrated when fics portray him as always being as he was in Return of the King, since Tolkien is pretty clear there that he was a very wise and good ruler (at least before he went mad from the palentir). I also really liked how you delt with Aragorn's coming as king. I hadn't thought before about how it must have been for people who had served Gondor their whole lives to have someone who was (relatively) unfamiliar with Gondor just come and claim kingship. I have to say, I was rooting for the council to deny Aragorn's claim (I was very on Hurin's side at the council meeting), and was pretty pissed off at how much Gandalf and the elves were putting their fingers on the scale (especially at the council). It really felt like the were usurping Gondor's sovereignty! I gradually came more over to his side as the story went on though. Thank you for writing such a masterpiece! I'm sure I'll come back and reread it at some point! |
Guest chapter 1 . 11/29/2021 Those last reviews have been undeservedly nasty and so I feel the urge to write a positive review for your story which I immensely enjoyed, just to balance things a bit. I particularly enjoyed your realistic portrayal of Gondorian society and the web of loyalties. Your story also highlights why Tolkien had to kill off Denethor- only the vacuum left by his and Boromir's demise, as well as Faramir's incapacitation enabled him to basically walk in and claim the throne of Gondor without any resistance. Them both being alive (in Denethor's case, at least for a while longer) shows, that his claim was by no means a open and shut case. Gondor being a society so deeply rooted in tradition I doubt very much that a newcomer from the North would be welcome unreservedly. Being a big fan of the Steward's family I very much enjoyed reading this story of yours where they all 3 have a more active role to play than Tolkien allows them. Thank you! |
Anonymous chapter 28 . 11/27/2021 really, this is a response to Mattywilkss ...because there's something hilariously ironic about someone slogging through TWENTY EIGHT chapters of a work that supposedly is so dreadfully unsatisfying... I did personally find the first chapter the most engaging but ...that's why I didn't actually read all the way through to the end. Y'know: because I was losing interest. And didn't think reading TWENTY EIGHT CHAPTERS solely for sake of writing a bitchy review would serve any purpose other than wasting my oh so precious time. Calling out irony, however, is entertaining. |
Mattywilkss chapter 28 . 11/10/2021 So...Boromir doubts, Hurin hates the king, eowyn refuses to marry anyone, the Rangers are fucking assholes, Merry refuses to go home, and all the guards despise one another. I thought I could force myself to finish this shit but I'm done. I'm done watching you take a shit on a classic. You'd think that after a few millenia of war is finally over that some of these people would take the opportunity to be happy. Thats what happened in canon. Everyone was pretty content that their ancient enemy was finally broken so they came together to rebuild. Not in your story. Hatred, doubt, split loyalties, and racism are the things I see most in the chapters since the fall of mordor. Not only that but enough worthless exposition to put anyone to sleep. I dont know what the fuck you were trying to accomplish here but this might be one of the most unsatisfying stories ive ever read. Have a nice life. |
Mattywilkss chapter 26 . 11/10/2021 Just like in the books when people were crying and railing against aragorn being king and calling him a piece of shit from the north who should just fucking die or go away. Oh wait...this isnt fucking game of thrones. |