Reviews for As the Sun
Srw chapter 23 . 5/25/2019
Thank you for the story. I enjoyed it immensely thank you again.
Guest chapter 15 . 4/12/2018
what was the point of all the political maneuvering if they're still doing the invasion plan from teh cartoon?

or more accurately, what was the point of the invasion if zuko already controlled the home guard and was almost in with enough of the commanders to take a fairly clean transfer of power?
are the two halves of the party just not talking for no reason?
Guest chapter 13 . 4/12/2018
i never understood why the avatar cartoon treated ba sing se as some kind of utopia in the final couple episodes rather than something that needs to be burned down, what with iroh blabbering on about how he was meant to protect the city rather than siege it

the finale felt weirdly out of character for the series in general
NameIsntImportan chapter 23 . 4/3/2018
Wow, just... Wow. This is absolutely fantastic. I don't know how I couldn't find this gem before. I went to the Avatar page here on FF, sorted by follows and with the "complete" status, then kept scrolling looking for Azula and Ty Lee fics. I just stumbled across this from there after going through an ocean of Zuko and Katara fics, and I'm so sad that this sin't easier to find. It's absolutely amazing.

The most respectable thing I can offer as praise is that I love how concise you are. There aren't any unnecessarily long dumps of exposition, everything is to the point. But, it's not to the point that all the minute details are lost. There are so many small things, like facial expressions, or small gestures, that really make this stand out.

I would honestly be here all day singing praises on this story if I could, but this is just perfect. The storytelling, the way you portrayed the characters (bonus points for having Toph be an Avatar and including Lin without runing the fic with a bunch of Korra garbage) having the Avatar Spirit be the Spirit of the World, TyZula, just everything. It's also nice to find fics that have such good grammar. I couldn't find a single typo in all of this, and I tend to have a rather observant eye for doing so.

TL:DR this story is perfect and my only regret is not having found it sooner.
Piandao chapter 1 . 3/3/2018
Przyjemna historia.
RedQueenOfMine chapter 23 . 1/21/2018
Great story. I loved it from beginning to end. I like how you characterized Azula, and Mai and Zuko dealing with the Fire Court.
It's really good!
Dragon Elexus chapter 23 . 9/14/2017
I devoured this fanfic over the course of three days. It was absolutely stunning. I have always found it incredibly difficult to find good atla stories, let alone AUs, but this was a beautiful tale- unique from the original, yet still honoring the characters and themes. The moment I gasped aloud was when Lin showed up. I had thought this was written before Legend of Korra- and indeed, some part of my mind mourned all those lives who were never born because of the altered timeline. But then she showed up, and it was beautiful! And I utterly adore how you actually used the brainwashing element of the Dai Lee, and delved into how horrifying that really would be, since it's such an underused element in fandom.

Thank you so much!
Led Feynman M.D. D.D.S. Ph.D chapter 22 . 8/21/2017
That was neat!
Salome Maranya chapter 23 . 7/23/2017
Well-written and kept me engaged until the end. Azula is such a complex, interesting character and she's so wonderful here. The relationship between the characters are not perfect but it works so well. The conflict and madness that's swirling inside her is almost mirrored in the story's format, I think. Everything happening all at once and all these people dealing with plans consequences.
stuckunderwater chapter 23 . 7/20/2017
This was so wonderful 3
Kimmytrainer chapter 6 . 5/5/2017
Whoa. That was intense.
Kimmytrainer chapter 5 . 5/5/2017
Sweet they rescued Azula and Mai stayed with Zuko even after he was named a criminal of some sort. No longer annoyed at her; she clearly loves him and not his royal status. Hope Zuko takes this new info about Avatar Azula well.
Kimmytrainer chapter 4 . 5/5/2017
It's annoying how Mai takes him back only when he's named the crown prince again. I'm curious how this will play out, what with Azula captured.
Kimmytrainer chapter 3 . 5/5/2017
Shit he found out. I'm not confused anymore; obviously the cycle went Roku, Aang, Hama, Toph, Azula. Interesting. Too bad Toph won't play a bigger role in this; I do so adore her. Anyway, I hope Azula will be alright.
Kimmytrainer chapter 1 . 5/5/2017
I'm confused about the history and who these people are. Why is Hama there? I know the "yellow boy" is Aang (at least I assume because he wears yellow), but the blind earthbender? Kyoshi? Was she ever blind? That's why I'm confused, because Toph was blind but she's younger than Azula, so I don't understand how AU this story is. It's interesting, though.
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