Reviews for It's All in the Details
Annetta chapter 53 . 9/14/2016
Awesome. The plot is very compelling, and I love the humor. Look forward to reading more.
Soului chapter 53 . 9/13/2016
This has just become my favourite AU to date. I wasn't sure about the Stargate plug-in for a minute, but you actually made it work. I also like how you've started bringing in things that ordinarily didn't happen until later as well as new stuff that didn't happen at all, since we've gotten to the point where things have already gone way off script and it would make sense for events now to be significantly altered. Keep it up! I can't wait for the next chapter.
potatomydragons chapter 53 . 8/29/2016
Ahhhh it took me literally all summer to binge read but finally I am caught up! This fanfic is such a treasure tbh, and I cant wait until the next update!
blaleblelelel chapter 12 . 8/25/2016
Loved the chapter!
Loved Gabriel's appearance, I am seriously loving him and this story with all my heart! :D
blaleblelelel chapter 11 . 8/25/2016
Loved the chapter!
I love that Sam, Dean, and Cas are sitting down and having a talk about Cas' true identity! :D

And I loved Crowley's bit. Between you and me, I kinda ship Castiel and Crowley, I just love the idea of them being together in a sex based relationship! :D
blaleblelelel chapter 10 . 8/25/2016
Loved the chapter!
I love that Cas visits Dean in his dreams and I love how he handled those thieves, very nice! x'D

And I love that Gabriel now knows which brother Cas is. I don't know where I read this, but wasn't Castiel under Gabriel's care when Castiel was created? Doesn't this make their bond as brothers more profound, I very much like that idea! :D
blaleblelelel chapter 9 . 8/25/2016
Loved the chapter!
I am impressed that Bobby figured out that Castiel was an angel! And I think that foreshadowing Bobby was wary of was the Castiel of that time being able to get past the wards and locate Sam and Dean. I cannot wait until that Castiel and this Castiel meet! :D

And I love that Dean called Cas beautiful, the Destiel in this story really is the same amount we get in the show! x'D
blaleblelelel chapter 8 . 8/25/2016
Loved the chapter!
I love Cas' parts in this, I am seriously loving this story! :D
sad sabrin chapter 53 . 8/25/2016
blaleblelelel chapter 7 . 8/25/2016
Loved the chapter!
I absolutely love that Gabriel is in this story and I absolutely love the pagan god background he made for Cas, very original and unique! :D

This is much better than finding out he's an angel, although I'm still looking forward to that moment! :D
blaleblelelel chapter 6 . 8/25/2016
Loved the chapter!
Love how Cas stopped the others at the station from being tortured and killed by Lillith! :D

And I love that Cas told Dean about the loopholes, I can see Dean slowly becoming familiar with Cas. :D
blaleblelelel chapter 5 . 8/25/2016
Loved the chapter!
If Cas' true identity isn't revealed during this arc, I will be seriously surprised. Fingers are crossed for that badass moment!
blaleblelelel chapter 4 . 8/25/2016
Loved the chapter!
Good thing Cas didn't want to blow Gabriel's secret, there's still a chance for that badass angel reveal! :D

And the whole conversation about the contract was hilarious, I absolutely love Cas. x'D
blaleblelelel chapter 3 . 8/25/2016
Loved the chapter!
Still hoping for that badass angel reveal! :D

Love how adorable Cas is being and how the others are reacting to Cas! x'D
blaleblelelel chapter 2 . 8/25/2016
Loved the chapter!
I love that it took Cas a week to look across America finding lost change and bills, and that he collected half a million dollars. Very unique way of him obtaining money! x'D

I am absolutely loving that they think Cas is a demon. I hope that when they do find out he's an angel, it's during a badass moment like Cas killing a demon with his hand! :D
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