Reviews for The Last Human |
Ransomrigged chapter 14 . 11/21/2011 All im thnking is No,, no, no. Marceline cannot be dead. This story's ending may have been known all along, for her to die, being planned out alongthe way to here, but Marceline... Your story is amazing, and i coulnt think of anything better. |
Royal-T chapter 14 . 11/21/2011 That was...just wow! How you make a happy ending from this, I cannot wait to see! I almost cried! That last image you placed in my head was clear as day! I can still see it! I anxiously await the completion of this story. Just wow. |
Neverthrive chapter 14 . 11/21/2011 I hope your happy ending still includes Marceline... I super psyched to see that this was finally updated, I'd pretty much lost hope on it. I'm looking forward to seeing this finished. |
Bored2Life chapter 14 . 11/21/2011 omg this ish is crazy! im loving it keep writing :) |
I'mNotCrazy.I'mInsane chapter 14 . 11/21/2011 O_o Oh. My. Glob...and the awesome plot thickins... |
Patrick the observer chapter 14 . 11/21/2011 yes! finaly the new chapters out. and what a chapter it is. it would be nice if he had explaind more about why the earth was destroyed. and even he should know that their is no way you caqn completly wipe out a speicies. its like with bugs for every one you kill their are 10 you dont. any way awsome chapter, i realy hope that marceline faked her death again and didnt die for real this time. cant wait for the next chapter. plz dont take as long puting out ch 14 as you did puting out this one. |
Vector117 chapter 14 . 11/20/2011 First of all, I want to thank you for updating. I have finished reading the the thirteenth Chapter, and I can safely say that it was well worth the wait. I'm looking forward to reading the next! Thank you, Vector117 |
Decaying Moon chapter 14 . 11/20/2011 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :C Now I truly need that next chapter! |
He23t chapter 14 . 11/20/2011 Great Chapter But are you still updated? |
Gold Testament chapter 14 . 11/20/2011 Too bad a story can only have 2 genres. |
DeepC chapter 14 . 11/20/2011 I have been waiting for the new chapters to arrive and I am definitely extremely satisfied with this story so far! I personally think this deserves its own TV Tropes page with all of its own tropes. Hey, if MLP: FiM fics can have them, why not this truly epic story? |
poisonapple88 chapter 14 . 11/20/2011 Wonderful as usual. Can't wait for the update. I hope you make more AT stories! |
BladeGuy9 chapter 14 . 11/20/2011 Been waiting some time for this next chapter to be posted. Very nice job. Looking forward to the rest. |
Blastronaut chapter 14 . 11/20/2011 Oh man. I've waiting so long for this update and it didn't disappoint. Emotionally shatter me maybe, but not disappoint. The Cosmic Owl, the source of the Ice Prince's powers? The Ice prince being Marcie's religious grandfather? Marcie STAKED? When this epic story finally comes to a close, It will leave a void in me bigger than the sun. |
UltraGenius chapter 13 . 11/18/2011 Gaaah! So many twists and turns! How the hell is finn gonna explain the kiss too? Gaaaah, Im sick of not knowing, I need more info! Update soon. |