Reviews for The November 9th Letters
cloudshape to ennien chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
Love this story, I just had to add it to my favourites.

Was that recluse who found a cure to dragon pox Snape as well?

Anyway - great story and great story-telling. I love that Snape seems to be content, maybe even happy at the end.
duj chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
Sweet story. But all I could think, most of the way through it, was that canon-Harry calls his son "Al", not Severus - everyone does - and little canon-ASP doesn't even seem to know the story of the Slytherin he's named after. (If he did, he wouldn't need the explanation.) In fact, judging by the "Why are they all staring?" question he has to ask a bit later, it doesn't sound as if his dad has told him *any* of the stories about those days.

As you said, this is "not epilogue-compliant", and that's your prerogative. It's not your problem that I just don't see the *point* of a story about the epilogue characters that ignores what little we actually know of them. Your Harry is certainly much more reflective - more mature - than canon-Harry. And that makes your epilogue-world heartwarming, where JK's was just sappy.
acelly chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
Excellent story! I so didn't know that Robert was Severus. I'm gonna go back and re-read to see if I can spot any clues! :-)
Zireael07 chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
I love the story! I didn't suspect Uncle Robert to be Severus Snape, though...
arynwy chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
This was a perfect way to end my day. I was pretty certain that 'uncle' wasn't quite all he seemed to be and I was glad to be correct in the end.

Had to smile when Al changed the order of his name and started going by Severus. Thank you for this.
minerdude chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
Great story, did not see the twist coming
Infinity Limited chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
I'd give you yet another rave, but that gets boring when someone writes as well as you as often as you do.

I'll just let you know that if you ever quit writing, I'll bring out a Slytherin plot to make your life a living hell as just retribution. At this point, I am sure I can find plenty of help.


cara-tanaka chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
I thought Robert was Severus in disguise. Yay, I was right. Love it. Hope you update soon :D
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