Reviews for A NotSoNormal Shore Leave
Loves Jack chapter 4 . 5/27/2011
Great story! Fun, exciting and very entertaining!
T'Paya chapter 4 . 5/27/2011
The story's a bit rough around the edges, as you said yourself...but I really enjoyed the read and loved the quick updates! Thanks!
HeatherTN chapter 4 . 5/27/2011
Sorry to have taken a while as I don't come by here often. But what a fabulous tale! Loads of action and suspense and fun at Sarek's expense. :D I loved the reference to Lady GaGa's 'Poker Face' in the last chapter as well, made my day!

Many thanks for writing and posting this.


PS/Only one tiny observtion. I am noticing a common mistake with the usage of the words 'Breathe' and 'Breath' in fic that I have also seen here. 'To Breathe inout' is not the same spelling as 'holding (or) letting out a breath'.
LuminiaAravis chapter 3 . 5/26/2011
Wow. This just keeps getting better. I love your style - actiony bt not purely demonstrative, playful but not superfluous, and I adore the interaction between the big three. I think you're getting Jim and Spock's relationship just right. You're sort of showing us what it's all about while leaving what already goes unsaid...

AND EEK! A CLIFFIE! Good thing you're riding that wave of inspiration. Keep it up! Commas are still steadily improving, and I'm drooling for more!
DeletedAccountKCS chapter 3 . 5/26/2011
I think I love you, a bit. I'm all for sappy, fluffy gift-giving fic, but when an author takes the idea of a gift and fleshes it out into its own story, adding background and realism like you've done with Kirk's intents here, it turns from a warm fuzzy into a thing of beauty. That's the difference between normality and art, and this was perfect. These kinds of details - like the biobed not screeching when it reads Vulcan readings instead of human - are what make me fall in love with stories, and this was simply perfect.

And I lol'ed at the green-blooded Sherlock Holmes moment - because I've created an AU where Holmes is actually a Vulcan stranded on late nineteenth-century planet Earth! :D Also, over Bones's enthusiasm over comfort food (he seems to have forgotten that corn and potatoes aren't exactly healthy veggies. XD)

I think my favorite detail, though - and tell me if you get tired of hearing my ramblings - is Spock scrambling off the bio-bed in horror when the doctor indicated 'stress is logical'. So Spock, and so adorable. Enough that I can almost forgive you for three chapters in two days and then LEAVING US ON A FLIPPING CLIFFHANGER LIKE THAT. *scowls*

Thank you for the quick updates, though, seriously; it's made my week. I have three major fics due for exchanges on LJ (like 40,000 words total), and I've hit writer's block on each and every one; so you've been a major inspiration (and a kick in the pants) to me. *hugs*
DeletedAccountKCS chapter 2 . 5/25/2011
YAY new chapter! Love that it appeared so soon. I usually let mine sit for a day or two as well, but I'm selfish enough to be glad you didn't. :)

I adore your Sarek and Amanda, I have to say. They're rarely explored to their fullest potential in TOS fics, and they're a joy here. Amanda knows exactly how to get what she wants, and Sarek's wise enough to not go up against a human woman's emotional power. XD Loved the whole 'deep meditating breath' instead of sighing bit, btw. Is that what they call it, then? *laughs* Your Kirk is lovely here too, what little we see of him (poor thing). Part of his charm, to me at least, is being able to tell the biggest bold-faced lie ever invented and trying by sheer force of powerful will to make people believe the ridiculousness (ie. mechanical rice picker, etc). XD Love that you pulled that in here with the I-thought-it-was-a-museum bit.

Hee to poor Sarek having to do clean-up after his son and adopted son. _ I can just see the tolerant not-sighing, muttering 'children' under his breath as he mournfully watches his car get towed away. Also, I about died laughing when you said Bones finally had had enough and conked Jim out with a sleeping pill, for purely /medical/ reasons, of course. When in doubt, sedate the patient. (LOLs forever)

Also, have I mentioned I love scary!impressive!Spock? *smushes him lovingly*

Personally, I'd lean more toward waiting a bit with the coming out of the coma. As you said yourself, it's 'the usual' to have the mind-meld, etc., and if I can be honest it's a cliche which automatically cheapens a story in my opinion - a definite turn-off for me at least. People throw mind-melds around in Trekfic like they're just mental conversations, very flippant about them, which I don't believe is accurate. A true mind-meld was called a mind-fusion; which by definition means becoming one with someone else's mind. For a Vulcan to do so to a human was unheard of - Spock's first one, according to canon, was with Van Gelder, and so I think it's a far more personal and private thing than most people seem to think. It would almost be considered sacrilege, is the vibe i get from the thing, for a Vulcan to demean himself to do so with a human. I think waiting a bit at least would be the better approach, literarily speaking, for your story. /two cents' worth

But whatever you do, I'll love it. :) Do continue!
LuminiaAravis chapter 2 . 5/25/2011
Hey, it's me again! Chapter 2 is looking good, and I can't wait to see what happens next! Your comma usage is improving, too!

I'd like to see Spock snoop around for a while ;)
DeletedAccountKCS chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
"Cuz I'm paranoid and I like to beat the crap out of Jim" is my new Favorite. Story summary. EVER. Should totally print it on t-shirts for us all. :D

Ahem. Anyhow, I've always adored fics that take place either on Vulcan or with Amanda/Sarek and the Enterprise crew; there's not many of them out there, and even fewer which are written well. So I can already tell this will be a favorite!

Referring to Vulcan as a 'giant litter-box of a planet' was hysterical, especially given that Vulcans supposedly have felinoid ancestry. Totally made my day. :) Also Sarek's potential worrying that his house was being overrun by humans, and the nod to Yesterday's Child (!). Details are what make a story for me, and your details are fantastic.

I'm intrigued by this doctor here. Not by his being human, as we know M'Benga is fully human and simply studied there, but more by why exactly Kirk's (apparently randomly) visiting him. Given that all instincts are screaming sabotage of the shuttlecraft, one would assume that at least he or someone connected with him is behind your main plot. I do love a conspiracy story. :) And I have to say I laughed out loud at the scene where Spock's driving exactly the speed limit but fidgeting because his father's all silently disapproving next to him. My mother always did the same thing when my father would drive fast stretches of road, keep looking over to see if he was speeding - and that's what I pictured there. *snickers* And LOL to Sarek's cringe at Spock peeling out with the family car, then driving like a teenager without insurance down the Vulcan freeway. *dies laughing*

And you've also hit one of my favorite topics (I'm evil, I know) with touching on Kirk's dislike of being alone - it's a topic most people shy away from, because they want him to appear the confident captain most of the time. It's also rarely done well, because the balance between the necessary fear and h/c and not making him a sobbing child is a hard one to walk. I like what you've done here, very much. I also like Spock's entirely logical RUN DOWN THE LE'MATYA RUN IT DOWWWWWN charge there at the end. XD

All that to say, please do continue. As in, now if possible. _
LuminiaAravis chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
Wow, what a fantastic and energetic story so far! I really love how cranky McCoy is, and the relationship between Spock, Kirk, and Bones is spot on. It's funny, serious, and action-Paxked all at once!

My one bit of advice: don't be afraid to use commas. They don't bite, I promise ;)

I just can't wait to see how it ends! Keep up the good work!
sophiedog chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
I think you're off to a great start. Lots of action and suspense. I enjoyed reading it. Also, I agree with sabotage and assumed that was the direction you were heading. Please keep it up.
SHABS chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
I would love it if You made the accident a sabatoge, maybe from that assistant to the doctor? I dont really know but i think that would be really cool. Great job so far!
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