Reviews for Harry Potter, Rise From Dust
Nimbus2023 chapter 21 . 9/13
so all of the girls are cockblocking each other, that is hilarious.
Nimbus2023 chapter 20 . 9/13
if you ever pick this story back up, give it a rest with the 'Harry falls everytime he uses any form of magical travel' cliche. At this point in the story, it's getting old and it doesn't,make any sense to keep beating that particular dead horse.

Also, I think this arc with the 'super-dementor' is where you contracted such a debilitating case of writer's block that you haven't added to the story in a decade so it may be a good idea to go back and rethink the story from the beginning of season three... just a thought
Nimbus2023 chapter 19 . 9/13
I'm pretty sure it was the Bats' beater who hit Harry in the back of the head, not the Magpies.
Nimbus2023 chapter 17 . 9/13
Harry did not make a great showing in the chamber.
Nimbus2023 chapter 9 . 9/12
Is it really necessary to exaggerate the fanon stereotype that Harry has trouble with the Floo Network? He fell one time in C.o S and it was his first time traveling by fireplace, after that it was never mentioned that he had trouble staying on two feet after floo travel. Why every fanfic author insists on latching onto this cliché as comedic relief is a mystery to me.
Nimbus2023 chapter 9 . 9/12
I'm starting to think that English isn't your first language. Certain words you use are correct in a sense bit they aren't used in common English phrases.
Guest chapter 21 . 9/5
When will you updaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate?
EmperorSnorlax chapter 8 . 5/8
Personally its my headcannon that Harry here was either cursed (accidentally or purposefully not sure yet) by Voldemort, or fate itself just wanted to fuck with Merlin's apprentice to "build character"

Either way the way its set up makes it seem like something was stopping Lily, James and the rest from recognizing Harry was around.

It may be highly unlikely but I have faith that this will get updated one day
Mando-Vet chapter 21 . 4/1
A good story with a lot potential, forgotten. Pity...
Guest chapter 21 . 12/21/2023
I read this when it first come out in 2014 roughly and re read it in 2023- still goes hard, such a shame it wasn't continued
Momihe chapter 9 . 11/14/2023
This is not logical even for science fiction. Is Harry COMPLETELY forgotten even by his parents? Harry thinks that this is normal and does not even sense the deception. But then his mother remembers him and thinks she is a bad mother. But what about a simple analysis of the situation? Why doesn’t she admit the idea that this could be, I don’t even know, a curse? God, what idiocy. You are building a fanfic base on stupidity and idiocy and therefore it turns out to be complete missed.
OsferusVar chapter 21 . 9/14/2023
You did that bad, man. 9 year ago? OMG. Hope you come back
Ricee chapter 5 . 8/15/2023
the constant shifting of time is terrible
Ricee chapter 4 . 8/15/2023
why are you gender swapping people? there's enough chicks already
DarkLordPotter77 chapter 1 . 8/14/2023
Wow, such a jerk author you are. You have not only equated Lily as a unwed mother as well as parents and all others as equivalent of Dursleys. Not reading this shit, however promising the story may be.
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