Reviews for Ice Cold in LA
mariazinha chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Loved - loved - loved...

John could a bastard most of the time, but he truly loved his boys...

And they do deserve some rest...

Very nice and well written - as usual...

Take care,

Clarice ; }
jensensgirl3 chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
That is what John needed was some time for his boys, glad he got to spend some with them even though it was short.

Sammy is doing a whole lot better now, with Dean by his side he'll get the rest he needs.
Colby's girl chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Nice epilogue. Patch's place sounds like the perfect place for a cold snowy day. Good stuff.
triplealiam chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
And a special appearance from John Winchester! YAY!

Aww :( It's over. That was fun though! In a sad sadistic way...

I loved it! As I think I've said before, but... oh well _

Thank you so much for posting!
judyann chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
OMG I loved that scene and John showing up! I am rewatching and on season 1 so that brought back memories. I hope next season we get more brotherly moments. I miss the brothers being brothers! I loved this though! Amazing story again!
WolfButler chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Aww another happy ending *sniff*

I love your stories Skag :)

Looking forward to the next one, whenever and whatever that may be :)



StarfallAraj chapter 3 . 6/13/2011
I really enjoy your particular approach, tone and style of SPN fiction; not too heavy on the schmoop, great on pace and in character. It's also mostly because I know I can get a good ol' fashioned h/c fix in lieu of some pre-season 4 goodness from it! I do miss the old days of Sam the little bro and Dean the big bro (kinda unequal but awesome partnership vibes from the old days), even if I do like their equality of later seasons too. Thanks for another great installment, I'll be keeping watch for more from you, hopefully soon! Keep it up, and cheers!
kiwimoonelmo chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
This was truly a brilliant enjoyed from start to again
Desertfyre chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Beautiful story! I was shocked at John appearing like he did! Sad he didn't stick around or let them know it was them, but glad he showed up.

Loved the story!D
Jedi Sapphire chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Loved it so much I actually logged in - notoriously lazy though I am - so I could review and tell you *just* how much! :) Which is... you know, a lot. There's just not enough hurt Sam on the boards these days!
Paralelsky chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Aww, what a feel good chapter with a side dish of angst - John presence saw to that. But the overall impression is that of a warm sweater after a chilly wind. Something to be treasured over and over again. I'll definitely read this again someday in the future when I'll be craving some SPN fantastic fics. :D

Have a wonderful week,

CeCe Away chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Awesome, bringing John into it like that. Sneaky dad and using a warlock no less. Patch is fun. Wouldn't mind seeing him more often.
DreamShadows chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Just lovely my dear! And such a much needed protective!caring!John scene.

*smishes you*

Great fic, hun.

Take care
Wragziez chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Ah, shame this is ending but I know there will be more stories up soon so I look forward to it!
cindy123 chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Loved it so frickin' much I'm giggling with glee! Very inventive way to bring John into the story and so happy you came up with it...loved seeing him worried and loving. Great story! Thank you so much.

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