Reviews for Ice Cold in LA chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Great epilogue. Awesome to have another dose of still sick, but healing Sam and loved how you slipped John making sure his sons are okay into the story. That was a really cool idea and you pulled it off brilliantly! No wonder Pastor Jim sent them to Patch's hotel!

Hope you have another story in the pipeline as just love your work! :)
BranchSuper chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Totally enjoyed this story! You even got fatherly John into it, which I really liked. Beautifully done.

Er, but just to mention: it's Santa Claus. No "e". And "on site". Can't help myself - when something is written so well it just kind of jumps out... I'm rather OCD about it, I'm afraid. I'll be waiting for your next fic with anticipation, they're always well worth reading.
Gothraven89 chapter 4 . 6/13/2011


SupernaturallyEgocentric chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
Great story, really like it.
hotshow chapter 4 . 6/13/2011
This was a great epilogue to your story.

I don't want to spoil anything for you, but were you able to watch anything for season 6?

Thank you.
Ash8 chapter 3 . 6/13/2011
Damnit! You made me cry! Whhaaaaaaa... OMG! That was breaking my heart.

I could. not. believe. Dean said that to Sam... I could actually feel Sam's pain and I wanted to punch Dean's lights out right there and then.

Oh boy... those boys are so screwed up. They feel so much and their love for each other blinds them sometimes...makes them say hurtful things. At least Sam was possessed by something when he said his... Dean didn't have that excuse

I'm really glad you addressed that later in the fic. In fact, it was such a great ending. I then felt bad for Dean.

Argh... boys! So messed up! Normally I not keen on hearing the boys say they love each other... but you handled that really well and I think it was definitely needed after everything they'd been through.

Great story hun. I was so tied up in it. I'm glad I left it to read after you'd finished it.

Thanks for sharing! 33333333
Phx chapter 3 . 6/12/2011
OOh woman - I am so sorry I haven't reviewed before now. I honestly thought I has, especially since I've read this chapter about four times now, lol!

I did think Dean got off lightly with the doctor after he caused Sam's cardiac arrest - I don't care what the kind doc said, Dean getting into it with Sam almost as soon as Sam regained consciousness, played a huge factor in that heart attack :P Dean lucked out that he didn't get chewed up and threatened with being banned from seeing Sam if he got the kid riled up again :P

I loved that Dean DID get into it with Sam because he is so deliciously guilty after, but what a low blow about Jess and it was so in character for Dean. We have been shown that when Dean is upset or hurting himself, he doesn't really censor what he says to his brother - so while it made me cringe when he said it, it also fit with him.

And I loved that he apologized both to a semi-conscious Sam and then again to Sam when Sam woke up. SO many people write Dean feeling sorry but then stop at him actually apologizing or they have Sam say he doesn't need one so Dean doesn't give him one but, by that time, it is the reader who needs to have Sam hear the apology so I adored that part.

Tarquin made me laugh! Loved that Dean did call Jim and 'confessed' and that he has arranged for Sam to have some down time - I think they both need it.

Ooh and John in the background? Yippee! Loved that.

And the return of the wonderful brotherly banter at the end? Awww - perfect. Absolutely perfect!

This story was brilliant and I am totally honored and humbled you wrote it for me. It is one I am going to re-read many times. Thank you, my dear friend, thank you very much.

ColdSam rocks!
WolfButler chapter 3 . 6/10/2011
Hellar there :)

I'm glad I read this, for two main reasons.

One, it was awesome, as usual. You're an ace writer - especially when it comes to Sam and Dean brotherly-ness :)

Two... YES! Hunter of the Shadows Book 3 - WOOP! :D

Looking forward to that (could you tell? haha)

Until next time,



cindy123 chapter 3 . 6/10/2011
Lovely ending to a wonderful story my dear! And yes...please do an epilogue of their little vacation! Great job on the drugged up Sammy...loved it and laughed out loud! Take care.

isxbelv chapter 3 . 6/9/2011
This was soooo cute. I really like how you dealt with the Roosevelt problem and how the problem was solve. Annnnnd I absolutely, positively loved Surfer Dude. Great characterization and fluff moments(:
silvermonkey chapter 3 . 6/7/2011
Loved the story, limp Sam gets me every time. good thing Dean got round to working things out with Sam. I can't wait until you start posting Hunter of the Shadows Book 3 :)

I really enjoy your stories so keep up the good work :D

sammygirl1963 chapter 3 . 6/5/2011
Awesome chapter my friend. I needed some brotherly bonding with everything going on in my life right now. Gotta say though, for a minute there, I was ready to knock Dean's head off witht he way he was yelling at Sammy.

Definitely looking forward to the epilogue.
vanillavillian101 chapter 1 . 6/5/2011
Awww, poor sammy! Dean save your lil' bro! Good work, you can totally feel the character's internal conflict and emotions! D
tellytha chapter 2 . 6/3/2011
Thanks so much for updating I really love your stories. Can't wait to read the Hunter of the Shadows Book 3. I've been looking forward to it. Love
TraSan chapter 3 . 6/2/2011
Whoa. Take an extra long weekend-come back-and Skag has an entire new story posted!

This was just full of awesomeness. All the hurt!Sam, guilty!Dean a girl could want with a healthy dose of a wonderful bro-mo to top it off.

Thank you for writing!
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