Reviews for Hedone Ranch
Senorfrogs chapter 18 . 7/24/2024
Senorfrogs chapter 6 . 7/16/2024
Senorfrogs chapter 4 . 7/14/2024
WellHelloThereEdward chapter 16 . 2/7/2024
Well that was amazing. Thank you so much for sharing, loved every chapter x
WellHelloThereEdward chapter 11 . 2/6/2024
Real life sucks! Stay there with Carlisle
WellHelloThereEdward chapter 10 . 2/5/2024
Aaah a bit of jasper, finally! She’s getting good at this!
WellHelloThereEdward chapter 6 . 2/3/2024
Hmmm. Instructions to take note of! *fans self and heads off to find hubby*
WellHelloThereEdward chapter 1 . 2/1/2024
Yoo go girl!
JaysWorld2 chapter 16 . 6/15/2023
I... I truly don't know what to say.

32! freaking 32. Holy shit. And Carlisle. I just. I mean. Her sexual awakening is inspiring. Truly. Holy shit. I love this. You've left me speechless here. Thank you.
twilightobession chapter 17 . 10/30/2020
Lol. Poor Edward...not. lol
twilightobession chapter 16 . 10/30/2020
Carlisle has it bad for Bella. Glad she did decide to give him a chance.
twilightobession chapter 15 . 10/28/2020
She is taken with Carlisle. Can't wait for them to hook up again.
twilightobession chapter 14 . 10/27/2020
Hot sex scene!
twilightobession chapter 13 . 10/26/2020
Alice is tricky! Love her. So Bella had a totally different experience than Alice did when she went to the ranch.
twilightobession chapter 12 . 10/26/2020
Finally some Edward. I was wondering why he wasn't one of the guys at the ranch. Can't wait for their fireworks.
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