Reviews for Connecting Realities
Brotherhood56 chapter 9 . 9/25/2018
Well, this is a fine crossover, and it really nice to have this since I was wondering if there are any good alien nine crossover and I got. Also took me long enough to review since I saw this a year ago, so better late than never.

I not sure when you are going to update since you are so busy in life, but I can be sure that some of us appreciated this fic since this is one of kind that lot of writer will never conceived since alien nine is a obscured anime to begin with(though you can watch them on youtube on dub now). On that end, I hope you can update this someday, if not then it still a nice story to have here so thank you for this.
VSX-2018 chapter 9 . 1/15/2017
Are you still continuing this?
Lost Friend chapter 6 . 8/18/2012
Wow im so happy someone did a digimon alien nine cross over. The storys interesting i love it