Reviews for Something to worry about
Racelle chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
To Kaylee if you ever see this

I don't know what happened and I can't delete it but it was a mistake, I hope you don't think I write reviews for myself and then even uses my own user for it.. ;) heh anyway next time you you write a question could you then write it from a user because otherwise I can't answer you. But anyway thanks for the review :)

and it's me Rachelle writing as an anonymous if you had't guessed it:p
Kaylee chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
Luv it! Keep writing.

Weird question here, why did you give yourself a review?
Bella Lund chapter 1 . 6/18/2011
That was good! :) I think you should write some more of this story, I would love to find out what Jaspers relationship to the mysterious girl is! :D
MlleEmmaMlle chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
LittleMissGifted chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
Love it. u should write more. it start of a great story. so keep up the good work.