Reviews for Harry Potter and the Summoner's Stone
Squarekiddo chapter 3 . 9/21/2015
Sorry that made no sense, with the dialogue you had with the Hat, Shiva, and potter, it was rather clear it was SLytherin, oh well I dont really care that much, more then I dislike Hermione, but it was rather odd how you went about that one.
SortingHat chapter 7 . 9/4/2015
Yes indeed! Precision and control!
SortingHat chapter 5 . 9/4/2015
It was silly in the first place and very illogical to expect the truth to be covered up. Truth demands to be set free and covering up something good makes the person look suspicious and rightfully so. In fact if it doesn't make the person look suspicious then deduction skills of the community is very poor and that is a whole new can of worms.

A society based on honesty and truth will not hide themselves or need people to *cover* them up as they know they have nothing to hide and thus should live *Normally* without needing special help.
SortingHat chapter 2 . 9/4/2015
So her ice throne is her ever ready battery to charge her magic?
SortingHat chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
If Shvia is from Final Fantasy Ten then why the hell isn't this labeled as a crossover?
Guest chapter 12 . 7/30/2015
Forced canon-plot is still forced. Bleh. Maybe I'll skim through another few chapters to see if things pick up again. :-/ If nothing else this story makes me want to play some Final Fantasy, so at least there's that.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/30/2015
I'm starting to lose interest in this story. It started really well, with a great AU premise, but now you're just following canon events as closely as you can. It's boring. Tell your own story! It was really a brilliant beginning, but after around chapter 4 it's fallen off significantly.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/30/2015
They don't do Wingardium Leviosa until Halloween first year. The day the troll shows up. It's a pretty big day for them. I know that this is AU, but when an AU deviates from canon it's good to explain why rather than just do it. What changed to make Flitwick teach that spell a whole month early, only two weeks into the term?
Guest chapter 5 . 7/30/2015
Well, that was retarded. I was wrong. Here I thought you knew how to write. This story just jumped from an 8/10 to a 5/10 in one go. I don't give a fuck about the emo, but I do care that it's unrealistic and out of character given that he's got the next best thing to a deity LIVING IN HIS HEAD and advising him. Baseline canon Harry, sure, I could see that happening, but under these circumstances I don't buy it. You just wanted to shake things up, and had your character do something unlikely and OOC to do so. My biggest pet peeve is characters doing stupid things that they're unlikely to do PURELY for the sake of furthering the author's demands for plot. You broke the suspension of disbelief, and that's an unforgivable sin in a writer.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/30/2015
It's a great start. I like what you've done with it so far.
Simianpower chapter 26 . 7/31/2015
Nicholas got killed during about 45 seconds of conversation? He probably didn't get to the door of the medical wing yet by then!
Simianpower chapter 15 . 7/30/2015
You're breaking your own precedents as well as the ones in canon now. With no reasons given. In canon, Harry shook off the Imperius without much effort. Granted, he was a 4th year, but it's more will than magical power so that doesn't seem like it's relevant. In addition, you have Shiva throwing Dumbledore's legilimency off with nary a twitch, and here she can't do bupkiss. Plot for the sake of plot, never mind what you're already written. It's sloppy.

Rules of AU:

1) Explain variations from canon, either at the beginning of the story or as you go. Don't just vary without explanation. If you're going to do that, then just write your own original fiction instead of plucking from someone else's mind.

2) Make sure your plot does vary from canon, because otherwise there's no point. And it's illegal.

This entire story is basically a regurgitation of the canon first year with TINY modifications. You had a huge, drastic, MAJOR variation from canon in chapter 1 that made this a very interesting story. Harry with a deity vestige to advise, assist, and empower him is HUGE. A voice to counteract his family's conditioning, an adult he can go to for help that will ACTUALLY help (unlike the teachers), and a friend who never leaves him alone. That's awesome. And it's been wasted by you forcing the same events of canon in the same order, with only mild changes to account for a different house and friends. This story could have been stupendous, but I find myself very disappointed how it's played out after chapter 4. At that point I'd have rated it 8/10. Chapter 5 alone dropped it to 5/10. And it hasn't come back up since then. You had everything in place to write an awe-inspiring story using all the elements of canon, but in cool and different ways, but instead you just re-did the same old story. I don't think I care to read any further.
Difdi chapter 28 . 7/28/2015
My guess would be that boys are princes, not kings - and Harry took up the mantle of the KING of Dragons.
Difdi chapter 23 . 7/28/2015
Humans get very attached to what they see as their rightful due - privileges and luxuries - to the extent they will cheerfully wage war to preserve them, feeling righteous and justified every step of the way. No matter how unjustified and unrighteous those privileges and luxuries actually are.

Harry's Quidditch plan and Flitwick's points adjustments stepped squarely on the Slytherin belief that winning the House Cup was their rightful due. It's not surprising they went to war over it.
Difdi chapter 18 . 7/28/2015
You have a major plot hole in this chapter - Harry doesn't know Arithmancy, amd Arithmancy is FAR beyond the math an 11 year old Muggle learns, so how does Harry know it?

Things may have been different when Flamel was a stident, but in 1991 Hogwarts dosn't teach Arithmancy to first years. Or even necessarily to seventh years - Arithmancy is an elective class starting in third year, which means not every third year learns it.

It's possible that Harry is unusual and has studied it on his own, but your story makes no mention of such an oddity. And yet Harry is somehow able to understand Arithmancy - which is really WEIRD math by Muggle standards - just because Flamel shows him the math for a spell and assumes he can read it?

How likely is an 11 year old to understand calculus or trigonometry if simply shown an equation and told to parse it?
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