Reviews for Lily's Defender
Gabby chapter 32 . 10/5/2024
I don't believe in spanking kids but James deserves it
011239 chapter 50 . 7/5/2024
100 percent agree with the authors hell yeah Severus did
Guest chapter 28 . 5/16/2024
Lovely story so far. Pothead and black keep say sec is a dark wizard yet they seem to have the same have muggleborn like the death eaters do. Of corse Dumbledork will take take potheads side. After all he can do no wrong. I didn't expect peter to become friends with sev and lily but I love that you did that make sense he's so called fried did treat him like a loser. I hope Dumbledork doesn't come back. Dear siri keep using spells my Bellatrix whi literally is a death eater yet the idiot keeps calling his brother dark. To me they are worse then the death eaters because at least the death eater aren't hypocrites
Pratik chapter 4 . 3/31/2024
Why ruin a perfectly good story with an unrealistic dumbledore cancelling all punishments out of nowhere. I was enjoying the story till then. Dumbledore for all his faults, isn't a bigot. Especially to another muggleborn and not when Snape is literally the Prince Godson. Dumbledore is sensitive and calculative.
Mollyweasleyrocks chapter 4 . 11/14/2023
I will say a few things here. First, it is insinuated that the marauders rarely got caught, and that is part of why they got away with so much. Next, we are told that they did have plenty of detentions, but likely they were one off, or maybe a weeks worth for something more major. Third, it is hinted that part of Dumbledores partiality was because they were bullying a Slytheren, I'm not sure if he would have overlooked it as easily if they were bullying a muggleborn, or Remus. Also I think there is an argument that Dumbledore will not cancel punishments given unless he thinks they are given falsely (as in the person was wrongly accused), we know there was more than once that Harry got detention and Dumbledore did not get him out of it. Although I admit that may be something that he learned AFTER the marauders time, and also you could argue that he does think they are being unfairly accused. I am really enjoying this story so far.
Guest chapter 12 . 6/4/2023
Black Lief and Black Conner? Is there a competition involving how many ways the names can be scrambled? Still...fairly good story. Thanks
BANGTAN4EVER chapter 51 . 5/12/2023
Yep... definitely the one i read definitely
BANGTAN4EVER chapter 46 . 5/12/2023
Potty is acting like a bizarre malfoy sr
BANGTAN4EVER chapter 38 . 5/11/2023
BANGTAN4EVER chapter 32 . 5/10/2023
BANGTAN4EVER chapter 29 . 5/9/2023
I hate pothead so much...he never deserved lily in canon, i never understood how he went running to in enjoying the bashing lol
BANGTAN4EVER chapter 22 . 5/8/2023
Definitely the one i read...but i dint rlly pay attention to the tree thing the first time so yea
BANGTAN4EVER chapter 10 . 5/7/2023
I KNEW IT WAS P I KNEW IT I KNEW IT IM SUPERNATURAL. okay, ummmmmm ignore that plz
BANGTAN4EVER chapter 8 . 5/7/2023
Ayo...,i think I've read this before lol, I've read so many fanfics that I can't keep track.,...isn't this the one where Dumbles gives that son of a bitch Potter a spanking? Let's wait and see then lol
BANGTAN4EVER chapter 4 . 5/6/2023
Please don't make this a Dumbledore bash pleasee
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