Reviews for Rise of the Uchiha
Ruinous Crow chapter 45 . 12/20/2014
Oh man. I don't want Naruto to betray Madara x.x Just when I thought things might work out for Team Madara because of Oto's defection, this happens.
Guest chapter 45 . 12/17/2014




Guest chapter 22 . 12/17/2014
Erm, it's "Terumi" to the best of my knowledge. Terumi Mei, rather than Tserumi.
Guest chapter 19 . 12/17/2014
Team Missing-Nin is my favorite. BEST ALTERNATE-CANON TEAM EVARRRR

I love the way everything's getting switched around. This story is great! I'm just a bit curious here - are there going to be pairings? I'm only interested because of the Ship Tease between Naruto and Hinata, plus Gaara and Sakura.
Walk The Max Planck chapter 4 . 12/13/2014
"In canon we are not told how old Gaara is when his uncle tries to kill him"
Incorrect. In chapter 97 it is stated that the first assassination attempt was made when he was 6 years old, and in chapter 131 during Gaara's recollection of the night of Yashamaru's death it is fairly clear from the context that it was the first assassination attempt, so we can conclude that the Yashamaru incident occurred when Gaara was 6.

"instead, we only know that Yashamaru is the last in a long line of would-be assassins."
Incorrect; you actually have it backwards. Yashamaru was the first "assassin", though in chapters 546 and 547 (both were translated, uploaded, and available online no later than July 6 and 12 of 2011, a few weeks before you posted this chapter, so no excuse of not being able to know this) this was shown to be false. Yashamaru's task wasn't actually to kill Gaara, but rather to test Gaara's control over his power by attacking him both physically and mentally. It was after Yashamaru died and Gaara lost control to Shukaku that the Kazekage started sending more assassins.

Additionaly, Yashamaru is not the Kazekage's brother, but rather the brother of Gaara's mother, i.e., he is Gaara's maternal uncle.

all of this information can be easily found on Gaara's Narutopedia page (remove the spaces):
:/ naruto . wikia wiki/Gaara
Narutopedia is generally a resource I highly recommend. It is kept extremely up to date, and everything is sourced from the manga, anime, and official guide book (such as the databooks).
nbons chapter 45 . 12/12/2014
Three questions

1. When did Minato have the ability to permanently change a person's eye colour? I thought he was a ninja, not a magician.

2. First Minato said there wasn't much time so Naruto gave him the cliff notes version of his life. Now all of a sudden there IS enough time for him to learn two techniques (not hard to guess what those are), that would normally take months if not years to master in a mater of minutes. When did Minato's chakra imprint become a hyperbolic time chamber? This is Naruto not Dragonball Z. Also the sharingan is not able to copy those jutsu because they don't have hand seals, plus its the byakugan that is able to see chakra flow, so why are you breaking canon for this one instance?

3. Your main character is supposed to be Naruto Uchiha, not Minato version 2.0. What has Naruto done to deserve learning those techniques in the first place? Just because he's Minato's son? Not a good enough reason if you ask me.

Hopefully you will answer these questions because I believe there needs to be some kind of explanation for some of the decisions you made regarding this chapter.
Guest chapter 18 . 12/3/2014
What is up with the no spaces? That can't be a mistake.
AmethystFeather chapter 42 . 11/28/2014
That omake. I had to resist bursting into song. I love your story so far but that just made my day.
Nirvana48 chapter 45 . 11/22/2014
I can't wait to see the next chp or is it the last?! O.O
erodemonking chapter 45 . 11/21/2014
If I had to say the one word that describes this story is epic. Not just in terms of length or enjoyability but the complexity of the plot, the depth of the characters and their development. There's just a lot I feel like I'm taking away from this. Around the start, I wasn't sure how you'd make this work. It seemed to kick off a little slow and I thought, well is this guy just going to make another overpowered Naruto is trained by Madara to become super dark overlord of the series type fic? But man, you blew me out of the water.

Each of these arcs have built upon one another, something very few authors are able to. I wonder if you planned this all out from the start? The events are so fresh and new since you're exploring places and events that we barely saw in the manga. My favorite arc thus far may be the Zabuza takeover arc, only because this arc has yet to finish. One thing I'd like you to know is that especially in these last few chapters you've really kicked it up a notch. It might be since we've reached what may be the climax of the story but this arc has been some amazing storytelling. The strongest part of it is the character development. I feel closer to the characters than I ever have because of how powerfully personal their POVs have gotten.

My favorite character is Naruto. The conflicting ideals that he faces adds an amazing depth to his character. At first I hadn't really thought to much on it but over time I began to realize that there was more than meets the eye to our protagonist. I've always thought that in a story, characters need to be larger than life but still need to be a person we can relate to. That's what I felt you've done with Naruto. He's a real human being. He wants a family and he loves his friends. At the same time he recognizes that what's going on in society is wrong. He recognizes that since he is one of the few with the chance to stop it he can't just look away. His fights are more than just thrown punches and kicks. They feel as if there's a purpose in them.

Hinata is my second favorite (potentially tied with the character of Madara, who I'd love to get in to but I think I'm tiring myself out with this). Her predicament is similar to Sasuke's in the canon series. Her father was killed before her and her clan is a husk of what it was before. What's amazing is that I can feel for her just as strongly as Naruto. She, just like him, wants piece for her clan and village. Her resolve to go so far as killing the one person that shared her beliefs and showed her kindness in the crappy system really shakes the reader. It's at that point that I realized just like Naruto she sees beyond herself and works for the good of the people.

It breaks my heart when I see them at opposite sides of the battle because I know that they both want to see the village free and happy. More than anything it hurts me to see them not allowed to be happy themselves. I think that the happiest times for them were back when they used to meet secretly and train with one another, laughing, eating together and having fun. I really hope that they'll be able to go back to those times and I know I'm probably not the only one.

Another comment I'd like to make is that I've always thought of Naruto, as a character, to be a person of unbreakable morals and resolve. I guess when reading the manga that's what really solidified him as a character for me. A normal person when having his entire village slaughtered and his father figure murdered wouldn't hesitate to kill said murderer, not for a second. Naruto saw beyond himself and told Nagato that doing so would only further feed the cycle of hatred and that any peace he brought in such a way wouldn't be true peace. That was one of the most powerful moments in the manga for me and really defined his character for me. When I look at your Naruto, I see that Naruto.

Lengthy review, haha, but this story really did something for me. I enjoy it a lot and look forward to more.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/9/2014
Yeah just one thing I want to point out. Naruot's father (not Madara) is the Fourth Hokage.
AC130INBOUND chapter 45 . 11/8/2014
I can't wait for this to be finished. Definitely a favorite fic for me. Also I think you captured the essence of Zabuza's character perfectly here, I love it!
mheredia1 chapter 15 . 11/1/2014
Guest chapter 25 . 10/28/2014
where the fuck is naruto
Please send me messages chapter 26 . 10/22/2014
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