Reviews for Rise of the Uchiha
ToLazyToLogIn chapter 44 . 10/21/2014
I want Naruto to be Sortof Evil.
I love this FANFICTION, please write more ;-)
Guest chapter 43 . 10/21/2014
I love the one more day omake thingy.
AstroScience chapter 45 . 10/19/2014
Noooo! Itachi's gonna die again! Don't let him die!
KrC chapter 45 . 10/18/2014
Omg I need to know what happens! So many cliffhangers in this chapter!
Arsallahaimen chapter 45 . 10/11/2014
Awesome story! I'm dying to see what happens next!
Guest chapter 8 . 9/30/2014
fuck you naruto's over reliant on his shadow clones
Guest chapter 7 . 9/30/2014
naruto still relies to much on the the sahadow clone
Guest chapter 2 . 9/30/2014
i hope naruto gets corupted by madara
ElementUchihaMaster chapter 45 . 9/28/2014
Excellent. I do enjoy this read thus far.
EiriFllyn chapter 45 . 9/21/2014
I cannot fathom how Naruto could seriously consider killing his father at this point. Not only does Naruto know that Madara has been amenable to discussion on his policies before, he has largely accepted the ideals that Madara taught to him, with some adjustments of his own - adjustments which preclude killing people he considers precious. I find it questionable that he would even rate "Konoha" more precious than Madara.
I also cannot believe he would willingly accept the change to his eyes. When he gained true Uchiha eyes, he became accepted by the clan, and got what he always wanted - a family, a living family that acknowledged him. This point was strongly emphasized in the chapter when he woke up, and it would seem out of character that he would allow the symbol of his adoption to be changed in such a way.
Also, I don't yet know your plans regarding Kabuto and Fugaku, but I would hope that neither are truly dead, instead having escaped using Dead Soul and Izanagi respectively. I can buy that Fugaku was defeated, but certainly not Kabuto.

Your use of explicit name tags to show the change in perspective is helpful.
TheOneSage chapter 45 . 9/19/2014
I downloaded all the chapters up to chapter 44 and I was amazed. Dude this story is one of the best Naruto fan fictions I have ever read and I have over 2000 fanfics downloaded and read on my kindle. Super excited for chapter 46. Great plot and great grammar. I've barely noticed any mistakes. Great Job buddy
fanfictionfiend7 chapter 31 . 9/18/2014
I have just read your a/n from chapter 31 and I find it disappointing that you consider the healing abilities provided by the kyubi insufficient to combat the blindness caused my MS but considering how far you are with the series already I doubt it would be possible to change it but other then that a wonderful concept with no plot holes that I could spot. You truly are gifted. Please carry on till completion of the series as I with my superb lack of imagination would really enjoy the ending that you undoubtedly already have planned.
fanfictionfiend7 chapter 32 . 9/18/2014
I've just read your A/N
Guest chapter 45 . 9/16/2014
Why do u keep on giving naruto power ups after power ups ur making me dislike him sooooooooooo much
Obsy chapter 45 . 9/16/2014
I had a lot of problems with Naruto's development this chapter; particularly the character development. The first problem is actually related to Naruto's eye color, both because it seems silly that Minato would associate blue eyes with Naruto's heritage - given that this is assumed to be canon Minato, who's heritage is expressed through techniques and ideals - and also because it prevents an opportunity for character development in the future when Hinata deals with her feelings with Naruto. As your story now has it, only bad feelings of the past are acting as a roadblock for a reconciliation, whereas Hinata would have to face the conflict of her own racism if facing sharingan eyes.

The second and considerably larger problem is the two-fold breaking in character of Naruto. The primary instance of this is in deciding to kill his father. Neither in canon nor in this story has Naruto acquiesced to killing someone he knows. In fact, he is quite resistant to the very idea of it. His modus operandi is to beat "sense" into someone, rather than to get rid of them in general; he wants a full pack to lead and is confident in his ability to beat any naysayers into submission. He's known for practicing self-sacrificial love and forgiveness - a strong draw to his character. While this is primarily expressed in the bulk of canon Naruto's relationship with Sasuke Uchiha, it also permeates his interactions with other people as well. While this isn't canon Naruto, their ultimate modus operandi has been identical thus far in the story, only to perform a 180 because a shade of his alleged father informed him that his known adopted father hurt Naruto's parents and Naruto in the past. He never thought to get Madara's story - presumably because it made sense - but I can't imagine such a brutal turn around on the person whom Naruto holds more precious than anyone else. If Naruto truly believed that Madara was an element of the equation for everyone else's happiness, then he would try to find a way to do so without killing him, even if the rest of the world and Madara were against him.

The second wasn't just that he decided to offer Madara's life as a bargaining chip, but that he especially did it so quickly. Both canon Naruto and Naruto Uchiha are known to mull over important relationships before making a decision, sometimes even for years.
You had Naruto decide to turn on the person he loves the most in seconds. Naruto may make quick, complicated plans on the fly, but those are plans - not relationships. I'm guessing that you wrote the general plot before thinking about how the characters would react and that most of the development in this chapter were largely peripheral.

An alternative way that this could have been executed would be to "beat" Kurama into submission by arguing and bargaining for Kurama's freedom, possibly including revenge on Naruto rather than Madara. He might just be seeking to stop Madara's plan(s) for world domination. Something that would truly fit Naruto Uchiha's desire to protect his Uchiha family and comrades while bringing peace and freedom to others would be to free Konoha and take the Uchiha away from that place where he and Madara could lead them to build a new place and make it prosperous. I don't believe that you can include these elements since they would interfere with some of the obvious developments that you have in plan for the story - primarily those involving Pain, but it bothered me enough that I wanted to point this out for the sake of your future work as an author. With the exception of Part 6 I haven't really regretted reading this story up to this point and I look forward to its remainder, as well as possibly reading your future stories.
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