Reviews for Rise of the Uchiha
Mr. Bottle chapter 44 . 6/16/2014
Wow. That's all. Wow.
Rebel S2 chapter 44 . 6/16/2014
Okay, whoa. So many things I did NOT see coming. Orochimaru's betrayal should've been expected, but it never entered my mind. Damnnit, that was one twist I did not expect. Or that Madara knew of Suna's invasion. Seriously. Though I love how Kiri's own plan came out. Hinata's emotions taking over her? Wow. I'm kinda hoping for some interaction between her, Sasuke, Naruto and Sandstorm, but there are other things more important. Like Minato! Seriously, I can't believe you placed that, this is so awesome! His appearance, I mean, because I realize how confused Naruto's going to be now. Seriously, wow...

Another great chapter from you, AE so thank you so much! I can't wait for the next chapter and more of your writing!
Bookworm110 chapter 44 . 6/16/2014
Don't let the reviews get you down, you've created a great story.
Pyro Yuki chapter 44 . 6/15/2014
Oh man! What a chapter! Poor Hinata! There is only so much pain one can take! :(
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 44 . 6/15/2014
Awesome Author's Note at the start of the chapter.

Good to see Madara react to when Naruto fell.

You know your Hinata is like a child throwing a temper tantrum I just really want her to die so I don't have to read her anymore. Yay go Tsunade end that stupid little Hyuuga now for yourself. Cheer for Tsunade to destroy and kill Hinata.

Bahahahahahahaha awesome Orochimaru killed the Yondaime Kazekage in your story too.

Haha I just love Orochimaru.

Pain and his cronies, I like the word cronies.

Haha good old Orochimaru regular circus line.

Yay no more Hinata for a while pity she isn't dead. Oh well small victories and whatnot.

Damn poor Tamaji. Yay go Toshiro also poor Toshiro haha.

Haha good old Orochimaru again finding more cannon fodder.

Yay Minato is here the two scenes I have been waiting for the most are Minato and Naruto's talk as well as Kushina and Naruto's talk and to see how Naruto will react.

Evil cliff hanger. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bring out the next chapter NOW, NOW I SAY!

Awesome chapter. One of the best you have written.

Only problem is why didn't Jiraiya react to the Rinnegan and Pain?
Dimensional Roamer chapter 44 . 6/15/2014
Yaaaaayyy! Redeem Naruto! :) DR
SnickyPop chapter 44 . 6/15/2014
DeadBottle chapter 44 . 6/15/2014
I need more. Update soon.
Inuyonas chapter 44 . 6/15/2014
Patrick the observer chapter 44 . 6/15/2014
... well... looks like things are about to get really complicated.
adrian11 chapter 44 . 6/15/2014
AWWWHHH Yeah! Namikaze in the house, ready to kick some ass and show Naruto Shinobi Truth! They share a dream, even without Naruto getting influenced by Jiraya!
Impstar chapter 44 . 6/15/2014
Things are coming to a head, and I'll admit I have NO idea how this will turn out. I hope things turn out alright though, I'm actually rooting for Madara on this one.

Please update again soon, the tension is killing me.
23662623 chapter 44 . 6/15/2014
Gahhh! Another evil cliffhanger! Great chapter.
Battle neurosis chapter 44 . 6/15/2014
I can see another cliff hanger!
I thought this chapter will end normally!
Anyway, it seems to me that an all out war just has been started! And about Hinata, I thought Hinata will be able to kill Naruto and Naruto might be revived by Edo tensei or Rinnei Rebirth technique of Pein.
And I am sure it would have given Hinata a true pleasure of getting Revenge!
jkyle306 chapter 44 . 6/15/2014
Man, you always know where to leave us hanging, don't you? Haha.

Great chapter. Orochimaru betraying the other two Sannin wasn't anything unexpected, though I'm a little surprised to see him bow to Madara so easily. Still, it's very believable, and he has good reason to. Poor Hinata, though. That was very mean of you. xD

Here's hoping Kiri brings it home. Fugaku's strength was never touched upon in the manga or anime, but he seems to be Madara's right hand, so to speak. Normally I wouldn't be worried about Itachi, but, well... Eugh, this is scary.

The last scene was particularly enjoyable. My favorite part of this chapter. Minato is in for a shock- I remember, in the manga, that was he fought Tobi fora few minutes he had already deduced his identity as Uchiha Madara (and isn't THAT scary? There's an entire Intelligence division devoted to that later on), so it'll probably come off as positively HEARTBREAKING when he realizes Madara has manipulated his own son so... But then again, if anyone can hope to turn Naruto against Madara, it's Minato.

Very nice chapter.

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