Reviews for Rise of the Uchiha
Shinigami Merchant chapter 46 . 9/13/2015
A ton of high running emotions in this chapter; you really managed to convey the strength of Naruto's sorrow at finding out the depths of Madara's deceit, I can only picture the battle between the two being truly heart wrenching; hopefully you'll come up with a way to stop Zabuza and Mei from interfering.
Anyway THANKS for the update.
Black Shades of Red chapter 46 . 9/10/2015
I am disappointed to see your story take this route. I do not disagree with Naruto finding out about the events surrounding his life and village. However to see another writer chose to have the protagonist kill the person who raised him to protect those who would kill him is a let down. Who will you have him turn to once Madara is gone? Will he end up trusting those who sought to kill him in their plans for vengeance?
freetobe16 chapter 46 . 9/9/2015
The Business chapter 46 . 9/8/2015
Get. It. Girl.
chessvain chapter 46 . 9/7/2015
I am so glad to see this updated a brilliant chapter but zabuza really steals the show every line from him is golden.

"there was never any hand holding we don't really go for that kind of thing in kiri" absolutely priceless

also loved naruto's resolve. I have to completely disagree with those that wanted him to side with madara. if he was going to go that route he'd never would of been portrayed as the same idealistic Naruto. idealistic Naruto and this madara was never going to work regardless of how much of a father madara was to him.

also I rather liked akemi's line about itachi finding out what it was like to lose a brother.
lamejoke911 chapter 46 . 9/7/2015
One of my favorite stories on this site finally being updated after a whole year, can't express how happy I am... Tells me there are still authors who are loyal to their readers, and their stories. Keep up the good work. I'm expecting more frequent updates from now on. Also, if I could recommend my own amateur attempt at a story called Vengeful Sage? I would really love it if you could tell me what you think about it?
Slayer End chapter 46 . 9/7/2015
How many months, how many years, has it been since this last updated? Too long, I say! But if this was the product I was waiting for... Two words: "Worth it." The final scene of the conflict, the refusal on Madara's part to further lie to Naruto, that was him acknowledging our favorite Jinchuuriki as his son. At the same time, Naruto was casting Madara away. That? That was a beautiful scene.

The end, I see, is on the horizon. There are only so many ways this can go from here, but I just don't see Madara surviving to see the end of this little war. The Uchiha may have risen, but every sun must fall. And I gladly wait to see the sun fall on this epic story.

Great work. :)

Forever Signed in Blood,
Slayer End
EiriFllyn chapter 46 . 9/6/2015
How unfortunate. I don't disagree with Naruto's choice, but I certainly take issue with the way it came about. It has been far too long since I read this, and so long in between chapters that I cannot remember all the details anymore. But, I don't think I would get wrong the general course of events. What I took issue with is that the inner struggle Naruto faced was not between opposing ideals, but of his personal relationship to Madara against what he believed to be right. In my view, this is your story's greatest failing. You've written Naruto as if he were a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, perceiving his "captor" in a good light because of that personal relationship and acknowledgement he received. No, that's not quite accurate either, because Madara was a genuine savior in his eyes, at least to him. But the fact that this was the extent of his loyalty to Madara is disappointing. Why? Because this story's name is "Rise of the Uchiha", and its description highlights the "battle lines are drawn". Even more importantly, you set up the story to show Madara's changes to Konoha, his leadership, and a genuine alliance with Pain. You even openly stated that the Madara of your story is not like the canon, but a complex man with a complex philosophy.
This was an opportunity to explore the merits of Madara's philosophy, that of the Uchiha in general, and the legacy of the Elder Brother, that power is the path to peace, and Pain's quest, to show the world pain for the sake of mutual understanding. Naruto was someone who had seen the weaknesses of society before and after the change. He saw the way the village treated him, the planned massacre of one of the village's founding clans, and the perpetual hate of the shinobi system. The rebels are after nothing but revenge, and even the girl he liked was ready to kill him over his association. Why doesn't he think more carefully about Madara's ideals instead of automatically thinking that they are the villainous ones and feel disgust when he is faced with the hate from his enemies? Why does he even care that people are being sealed? Liberty is not a core value to the shinobi world.
He wishes to make Konoha "better"? One could argue that Madara's vision for Konoha and its people is indeed "better", to stand at the top of the world, where nobody can even entertain the thought of treachery. To rule over the world with absolute power and enforce peace as an immortal. Wouldn't it be "better" if an absolute power prevented the solving conflicts by force, and required that all conflicts be solved by diplomacy or wargames? And why shouldn't Madara have such right, why would it be a false peace? A guiding principle of usual religious morality is that an ultimate being enforces "moral" behavior through the threat of the ultimate punishment: hell. One could argue that Madara, being immortal, could act as such an ultimate being. In fact, these principles extend beyond religious morality to the theory of state-citizen relations and the social contract. In modern states, people are punished to go against the "law", which is not an absolute moral guide, but edicts issued by the tyranny of majority or force. Why should a person born in a state automatically be bound to a social contract, when he never agreed to it? And if he refuses, the alternative is to become a persona non grata without citizenship, someone that anybody else can kill/torture/etc with impunity.
All morality must derive from certain axioms we have to accept without justification. There is no such thing as universal morality. In the context of a story like this, it means that people are not born with their ideals - these are shaped through their experiences in life and the social conditioning they undergo from their parents and propaganda. A mind which is a blank slate needs not be brainwashed - only conditioned.
Naruto was exposed to ideals from Madara's view, as well as opposing views. But in his mind, the struggle has never been about ideals - there was but one moral truth, and he was weak for loving his father and accepting the atrocities his father committed. That is disappointing.
The Waunderer chapter 46 . 9/6/2015
Oh my god that was intense. I started this story today and couldn't stop I can't wait for the next installment!
Ssj4mars chapter 2 . 9/6/2015
Read this story multiple times and I've liked it every time. Reading the part where Jiraya and Shikamaru spoke at Jiraya said if Suna doesn't accept they'd fine someone who would. Reading chapter 46 if only he went to Kumo or had a long journey to Kiri since the Raikage sent Darui and his team sandstorm could've been with them as Kumo ninja and their help in the revolt would've been better
Deleted User 02.06.18 chapter 46 . 9/6/2015
Yea, Its back! I originally removed the story from my following list because I believed the story to be dead in the water. I am happy to put it back on now and until the story is announced as completed.
slythian chapter 46 . 9/6/2015
great chapter...hope another will be released soon i always like ur chapters
NarutoFanBoy4Life chapter 46 . 9/6/2015
Haven't read the chapter yet, just getting on to say you're truly a great writer, and I'll re-read the last chapter and this one as well; don't apologize to people or give them excuses to not read the story, it's not like they're paying you. Haha, thank you for continuing to tell a great story, and I hope life's travels are treating you well.
Guest chapter 46 . 9/6/2015
Holy fuck.
Hypothetical Spiritual Entity chapter 46 . 9/6/2015
Damn, shit's going down.

I'd expected Jiraiya vs Orochimaru to take a little longer, but the way it ended seemed... fitting, for lack of a better word.

I honestly didn't see the Eternal Mangekyouing of Sasuke's sharingan coming, though I had felt that the EMS would emerge somewhere, somehow. This is a story with the Uchiha at the center, after all. And in hindsight, it does make sense: Poor Itachi can't not sacrifice himself for Konoha and his little brother.

I'll admit to some surprise that Madara didn't glibly lie about all accusations, but I guess Naruto's little twist hit him hard.

Anyway, I look forward to the conclusion.
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