Reviews for Naruto: Potential Realised |
![]() ![]() ![]() Active in that way? WHEN HAS HE HAD TIME? I mean seriously, other then maybe a few MINUTES a week... He hasn't had time for any of that kinda stuff. It seems that MOST of the ninja of konoha have BUCKETS of "free time" to goof off (and they DO goof off CONSTANTLY) but naruto and anyone around him are usually jumping ALL day, EVERY day. Other then the graduating class, you don't see the ADULTS doing very much of ANYTHING, EVER, EXCEPT goofing off and pursuing their social lives! Nope, Tsunade isn't the first female kage, that would be Mei.. The civil war ended there and she became the kage about the time of the Konoha Crush... So that's been over for a minute now. KINDNESS manifested in the second hokage? Um, I dunno how to tell you this, but you might have gotten your sources crossed.. The second hated the Uchiha with a passion... He was also the guy that made the Rajin sword AND made the Edo Tensai jutsu... Which is PRETTY damn DARK... He was also the one that MADE the flying thunder god jutsu... ALL the records say he was pretty much just a "kill, kill, kill" type of guy... Maybe not a BAD guy, but shall we say "morally grey"? That Edo jutsu ALONE should be enough to tell ya that... No, not such a great guy... That thing has no use, EXCEPT as an "evil necromancer" plot device. As far as Danzo? I've always thought of him as a sad, pitiable old man... He's got the EXACT SAME dream as Konohamaru for crying out loud... A 60 year old man SHOULD NOT have the same dream as a six year old! If he's been passed over and denied it THAT LONG? GROW UP and MOVE ON. Like I said, I don't find him EVIL or DARK, just kinda pathetic really. He shows a certain LACK of mentally maturity. (and a shallowness of character/emotional range)... Neither a good trait for a "leader". |
![]() ![]() ![]() With naruto in the beginning, it could probably be said.. "he has an immortal, invincible creature in him that speeds up his healing, along with a regenerating bloodline... He'll be fine... He routinely gets beaten to the point of death, every two weeks or so... Pay no attention". As far as kabuto?.. Tsunade's main hit to his face, should have popped his head off like a Rock em' Sock em' robot... So, not sure how that works.. Personally, I would have the characters just scalp him and then begin tearing his BRAINS OUT... Kinda tough to work jutsu when there IS NO CHAKRA in the corpse anymore. But then again, I hate kabuto.. Any villain that keeps coming back quickly? Overstays their welcome. He works as a "guerrilla warfare" style fighter.. Hit once and then RUN FOR THE HILLS... Him trying over and over just doesn't work. It's kinda funny with the slug summons saying.. "did you say Nawaki"?.. Because SHE DIDN'T. (you can look up one paragraph and READ THAT SHE DIDN'T. ) ROFL. With Orochimaru, I'm a little confused... Orochi got his ass HANDED to him by Itachi... So Itachi IS stronger/more powerful then orochi... Itachi is scared of and would lose to Pein... So Pein is stronger/more powerful then Itachi... Jiraiya can go toe-to-toe with Pein while he's in sage mode... Ergo, by transitive property Jiraiya is FAR stronger then orochi in sage mode... |
![]() ![]() ![]() You know, when people get set on fire with OIL and flames OR, like here, are engulfed in a HUGE EXPLOSION of ripping/tearing chakra that then goes BOOM... It makes it very difficult to think the "bad guys shook it off"... That really doesn't work, because, if HIGH EXPLOSIVES or "melting" half the character doesn't kill them? How in the heck is a KUNAI knife supposed to? Blow them up, to complete ASH?.. Nope, they can "walk it off" and be fine... Slit a throat with a kunai? DEAD... See how that kinda makes no sense? It's kinda like the substitution jutsu.. If you think about it.. That one jutsu means there is NO ninja battle that would EVER end. It would be POINTLESS to fight each other. |
![]() ![]() Why no clones? Because it would speed up the training too much? I've never understood why naruto just doesn't flood an area with clones and just start learning jutsu like a SPONGE... Except that would make it so authors have ABSOLUTELY nothing to train him in! He'd have a LIBRARY of them that would overshadow Kakashi, within like a month. EVERY situation or enemy afterward though would prompt the question of... "why didn't naruto just use jutsu xyz?" So that COULD be problematic. It's kinda funny that in most of these stories, naruto (or someone else close to him) ALWAYS brings up their AGES, when in canon it is NEVER, NOT ONCE.. Even mentioned. It's really weird.. But then again if the AVERAGE age of shinobis' deaths is around early-to-mid 20s... It kinda makes a lot more sense (most authors FORGET that fact too), after all... Remember Minato was 24 when he died.. And he'd already: won a war, got married, lost many friends, went through EVERY one of the ranks and been leader of the village for a while. It's kinda funny that Orochimaru keeps following Naruto like a BAD SMELL in the beginning of the series... I always questioned how in the hell Orochi DIDN'T KNOW that konoha was going to go after Tsunade... He got rid of the third... What OTHER option did they have? Yet he acts SO SURPRISED that they were there to collect her... It's so dumb... He's supposed to be a "tactical genius" but the fact that she was the ONLY one with the pedigree and power to be the next hokage, but he DIDN'T think they'd come to get her? And don't get me started on the Akatsuki's BONE-HEADED decision to go after naruto here.. Great "secret" organization... What's next? A parade through the villages? A giant BRASS BAND? Maybe fireworks |
![]() ![]() ![]() Didn't he ALREADY describe his flak jacket and sword to these three "teammates"? It was the same time he was getting grilled at why he was a chunin... Just seems to be weird that he has to keep going over the jacket, OVER AND OVER again. He's ALREADY explained it to his teammates... He's already EXPLAINED it to the cryptography division... He's already explained it to death. The uchiha saved his life for the "hundredth time"? Try THE FIRST AND ONLY. *that will EVER happen*.. Naruto spaced on the demon brothers... But other then that... He really NEVER needed the uchiha in canon... As for the Uchiha saving him from haku... That is uncertain... IF haku's attack hit, the kyuubi could PROBABLY have fixed him anyway. That and Haku didn't "shoot to kill"... It was just a knockout. Naruto is SUPPOSED to have multiple jutsu of EVERY element (you said this last chapter), HUNDREDS of clones, summoning contract and the kyuubi to fall back on, but somehow this NOBODY wuss is handing him his head? HOW? That doesn't make sense... I get that you want naruto to not be o.p. BUT THIS IS A RED SHIRT.. Naruto should be able to eat these types of idiots like tic-tacks. He whupped a TAILED BEAST for heaven's sake. (before he started using the shadow clones to train) This "iwa chunin" shouldn't even make naruto "break his stride". |
![]() ![]() ![]() You know, the village of the leaf COULD probably call on "wave" considering they have a pretty substantial construction crew (because of the great naruto bridge)... They are in debt already to konoha, so the village could probably get a HECK of a discount... and their village's HERO lives in the leaf.. .So more clout. Konoha has a marine division? Isn't it LAND LOCKED? That seems a bit redundant. The "barrier squad" also seems missing... (kishi kinda forgot them too LOL).. The closest LARGE body of water, is where UZU is... Which opens a WHOLE lot of questions. Kinda weird that Shiho supposedly graduated SO early isn't it? What I mean is, HOW?! How does ANYBODY "test out" of the academy, because they don't seem to REALLY learn anything there.. And they didn't even know naruto had SO MUCH chakra that he couldn't use the bushin and NOBODY recognized it... So APPARENTLY it doesn't matter how: smart(shika didn't test out), stealthy(naruto painted the hokage mountain in bright daylight, in ORANGE, without getting caught), or POWERFUL you are... There is no testing out. There seems to be TWO distinct academies... One that ACTUALLY functions and then the one the clan kids and naruto went to. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Can't really see the uchiha congratulating naruto... I can't see him giving two craps either way, honestly... He doesn't CARE about rank... He only cares about power... And after garaa whooped his butt, he starts thinking he can't get that power in the village... He starts his whole "I need to leave, to go to orochimaru" about at the time the invasion ends. So I can see the uchiha being MORE upset over Naruto having Jiraiya as a teacher then anything else. Naruto getting rank? Absolutely no concern... Naruto gaining the toad contract and the rasengan? That I can see him throwing a temper tantrum over. To be honest, you gave sasuke more of a personality in this one, then he EVER had in canon (especially the first series)... You also had him say more lines (other then just grunting)... I never understood how the uchiha and naruto had such a friendship... It didn't come about organically... It was just shoe-horned into the story because the plot needed it.. (I guess) It was more forced in then Vegeta and Goku's friendship.(at least they were last of their kind and could "bond" over that).. Just seems BIZARRE that Naruto basically "forgets" his other friends, his village and all his dreams JUST to bring back one guy that he barely knows and whom doesn't WANT to come back, even if it kills him.. Just really ODD. |
![]() ![]() What in the world happened to this story here? Everything was great and the author decides to go back on all the thematic story elements so far? They built up this confrontation after naruto gets literally tortured and then shit on him for what... being and orphan? Complaining to the people that made him an orphan? This shit sucks to read and I regret spending my time reading this story now. |
![]() ![]() Listen to me and listen well. Don't listen to those critics. They are literally kids who want OP Naruto defeating everyone and having harems. Just ignore them. Trust me, I've read your all chapters. Your characters, the political drama, the mature outlook of characters especially Jiraiya when he told Naruto to get over it and Naruto also slowly learning responsibility and the burden placed on it whilst he's realising his true potential is great. One of the best things here is that you criticise every character on their faults without making Naruto act OC while still having the same loving relationship with everyone. It's just like his character in manga. It's brilliant. My word, this fic is a diamond. Don't let it perish. And for god's sake, ignore the critics. They are just... ugh. I hope you continue again. |
![]() ![]() Drop out here, the story is forgettable and the characterizations are terrible. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Not sad to see this end really. If this was Naruto's potential then I'm not impressed. Interesting story for the most part, but it felt overly ambitious. You were so concerned with covering so much that it felt like little ever got accomplished most of the time. So, to perspective readers, it's worth the read but perhaps not if you get bored easily. |
![]() ![]() ![]() How fucking disappointing. I hate that, "Get over it Naruto," attitude. Then, so at to not have to deal with Naruto's justified anger, you simply flipped things with Hiruzen's health. People just need Naruto to be a damn saint. In sick of it. Naruto suffered because each and every one of them put the village first. He has every right to be angry. They may ask have had hard lives, but Naruto's was the only one they easily could've fixed by straight up chose to not. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Given how quickly Naruto learned in canon, I don't think the title of this is accurate. He's pretty okay, but hardly what I'd call realized potential. The story is interesting, but he's pretty disappointing honestly. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Ugh, I hate Tsukiyomi bs. Everyone uses it. Powers like that are too boring. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Teuchi being that fast and that strong, not to mention his chakra, after decades of not using them is ridiculous. He'd have more issues than minor fatigue. Sorry, it was a fun read, but my suspension of disbelief was broken lol. |