Reviews for Naruto: Potential Realised
OogwaysLotion chapter 1 . 5/3/2023
One piece ahh goodbye and promise
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 27 . 4/1/2023
DracoKing30 chapter 27 . 3/22/2023
Really love this story can't wait for new chapters
Susanno27 chapter 23 . 2/26/2023
This litteraly gave me goosebumps, good job
Ritvik The Wicked chapter 11 . 2/24/2023
Not the ramen guy !
TheLonelyShinobi chapter 27 . 2/16/2023
What a phenomenal read. I'm very bummed that it seems this is no longer being updated, but I binge read this entire story in a day and a half. Your writing style is very refined, and your way of weaving different arcs and storylines together was tip notch. Bravo and thank you for the excellent read
TheBleuRiddle chapter 27 . 1/18/2023
Heyyy! Love your work, it's written so articulately and realistically, it almost feels like it's not an amine, but a real-life novel. Well, it's not been updated for a long time, but i do hope it gets a new chapter! Keep up the good work!
Cloudy09 chapter 27 . 1/3/2023
Even to this day I come back here to check this story out just in case it ever gets an update. Definitely one of my fav Naruto fanfics.
OK3Y chapter 1 . 10/8/2022
this fanfic is one of the piece of shits... what did you do again... oh right whipped Naruto even after knowing that guy would have been a god if he had realised his potential and you peice of trash did nothing but got a clout in the name of giving Naruto who realised his potential
InvcShadow sux chapter 1 . 9/29/2022
the ending to Naruto was so bad it killed this poor guy's desire to write fan fiction...
Ricee chapter 10 . 9/18/2022
"only one who got a decent look at the culprit" fam what kind of idiot are you and everyone near you? just transform into him and now everyone knows what he looks like
Ricee chapter 5 . 9/18/2022
lmfao, this is months later yet orochimaru is still pulling the same time schedule as jiraiya? nah fam he should have been here months ago looking for Tsunade
Ricee chapter 1 . 9/18/2022
"only jiraiya can summon toads"

"c'mon, there's no way they will believe you"

what are you, stupid? just summon a toad
Narcissus Trident chapter 6 . 8/11/2022
I actually looked it uo and turns out Mei is the first female kage
Robbler chapter 21 . 7/6/2022
Why didn't he just let himself be reverse summoned? This wasn't Nagato and Jiraiya didn't need to figure out a way to beat them for the village.
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