Reviews for Apologies
Solti chapter 7 . 9/19
here comes the Dramama
Solti chapter 5 . 9/19
MissNikita chapter 44 . 7/27
What a ride, sexy, hot, slippery ride

MissNikita chapter 18 . 7/27
I dont know if you are still active here, but damn woman/man/person you had me giggling with the now it reeks of bella’s twat

The entire story is HOT
Missysue32 chapter 21 . 6/13
This chapter priceless!
Guest chapter 44 . 4/27
Suzmac33 or Suzkin33 here. Had almost forgotten how much I love your work. Almost. I remember reading this in my late 20’s and loving it. In almost 43 and it’s even better now. I hope you get alerts and remember the DMB & NIN fan you used to get reviews from.
Loveforgreeneyes chapter 16 . 11/29/2023
Damn. Fanning myself.
andrewpine chapter 34 . 9/27/2023
Jacob is showing his immaturity,and he thinks she should be his.
Raquel moreno chapter 6 . 6/20/2023
corazón no te preocupes por el nombre preocupate por que no usaste condon
The Soup Review chapter 46 . 4/29/2023
Good Soup
ashreena chapter 1 . 3/23/2023
I read this fiction often, I wish you'd continue it some day
Mushishixxxholic chapter 44 . 2/21/2023
LoverGurrl411 chapter 21 . 2/4/2023
I'm literally living for Sam's reaction in each chapter. Every time he pops up, completely DONE with Paul's chaos and the drama he causes, I die of laughter so thanks so much for writing this!
figglypudding chapter 4 . 12/6/2022
is bella aware of birth control and STD protection? because mans is a self proclaimed whore AND has busted in her thrice now in about, what, 5 hours?
Iamthehungrysharkxx chapter 44 . 9/5/2022
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