Reviews for A Harry Situation |
A. Lee chapter 18 . 5/21/2003 Wow ... Ginny's kinda paranoid about the whole book thing, isn't she? I mean, I understand entirely that with her past experiences she might freak out a little, especially since Nicely doesn't ~seem~ (key word being "seem") to have a brain, and seems to be randomly inserting thoughts into peoples' heads (probably would have wiped out Ron's common sense if he had any to begin with) but isn't she kinda ... intense? I mean, trying to skewer the book ~while~ it's in somebody's lap ~when~ that somebody is boy is that boy would rather not become a eunuch ... well, suffice to say that she needs to cool down. Speaking of cool down ... since when did Hermione get laser vision? What did she do? |
Angel of the North chapter 18 . 5/21/2003 'mostly harmless' hitchhikers guide fan? Loved the changing colours and Ginny's scepticism of the book. Does the ring have other magic on? |
Von chapter 18 . 5/20/2003 Oh, for goodness' sake, you're not going to tell me that Hermione's form is a basilisk (Spelling anyone?) are you? (Shakes head) I hope not. Goshdy gosh. All I can say, is 'gee your forms sure are unexpected'. Aside from that, an interesting chapter (and long, that's what I like about you!) even though it was just talk talk talk, and boy did Ginny lose it! I can understand why, but WHY didn't Harry just say 'My Dad helped make it, and I've seen it's brain, it's a pensive, calm down.' Ah well. Congratulations on finishing this fic! Three cheers, it really is brilliant, though.. I have to admit I feel that it's gone downhill since the 2am phonecall. I can't really put my finger on it... it just seems slower, I guess. More bland. That's the word, bland. Still, like as not that's just my personal view, and there's no arguing that everything beforehand was brilliant! |
Deirdre chapter 10 . 5/20/2003 Hee. Rupert and Emma. Granger. Hee hee. :) Very nice. |
Female Fred chapter 18 . 5/20/2003 I don't blame Ginnyfor being mad for them using the book, after all she has been through. |
amulder chapter 18 . 5/20/2003 Hi Jill. I didn't like this chapter. It was too short. I was somewhat taken aback by Ginny's reaction, but then realized that, of course, this was a completely understandable reaction given her past. Brilliant! And her poor friends were hampered by not being able to tell her about Sirius. Really, I hope Harry does so soon. I noticed a lot of subtle indications of Harry "noticing" Ginny. Also lots of scenes of Ginny being able to act normal around Harry. She actually yelled at him! Bravo. I got a little lost in all the detail and speculation over the cracked wand. Hmm, will this be explained more later? Hmm. Please Jill, We Want Some More! |
AerinBrown chapter 18 . 5/20/2003 O...what did Hermione do? I'm glad that you've completed the story; that means fast updates right? This was a very interesting chapter. I loved all the parts about so-an-so thinking that so-and-so looked good in whatever color thing. Very entertaining. Can't wait for the rest! |
Bucky chapter 18 . 5/20/2003 That was a great chapter. I love the way the relationship has had a gradual build up. Please tell me that you will continue with this story line no matter what happens in book 5, please. |
lan1 chapter 18 . 5/20/2003 Not a problem with your cliffs I got used to it... Your fic is great and I want you to warn me when you put a Sirius Situation on-line because I will want to read it... |
taself chapter 18 . 5/20/2003 yet another great chapter, some great giggles again. ginny certainly didn't like nicely, the redhead temper is there alright. definately wouldn't want to get into a staring match with hermione, shame about nicely but. more please :) |
Steve Calabrese The Breeze chapter 18 . 5/20/2003 Love the story. Really looking forward to Sirius Situation...I hope you post it soon. Also looking forward to a little bit of H/G fluff, which is always a good thing. The sooner they tell Ginny about Sirius, the better - perhaps Hermione can expedite that, with Dumbledore's talk about good communication between friends in her head. sorry if this is a dupe review; FF ate my first one - I don't know if it made it through or not. thanks, steve |
Bob chapter 18 . 5/20/2003 You know, i'm should have seen Ginny's reaction to Nicely coming from a mile away. It's obvious that she will never trust intelligent books again. Since she wasn't reassured by knowing that Lupin was involved in Nicely's creation, she'll be even less reassured that Sirius had a hand in it. An extremely minor point, Paseltongue is the language, Parselmouth is a person who speaks it. I love the idea of Bill Weasley the DADA prof. It's going to drive Draco out of his mind to have to be respectful to a Weasley. Ok, so he won't actually be respectful, but he'll still have to curb his tongue unless he wants to spend half the year in detention and get Slytherin into negative points. Great line about things that make Dumbledore nervous terrifying sane wizards. I like how Arthur was able to know exactly why Harry hadn't said anything once he knew that Harry the one who'd given it to the twins. I can't wait until it's time for Ginny's animagus training. That is going to be a real hoot. I noticed that Harry and Ron are getting out numbered by the girls in their group. There's Hermione, Ginny, Nicely, Pixie, and Hedwig. So far Pixie is the only one that doesn't seem bossy, but I'm sure that's only because she's a kitten. Speaking of Hedwig, where is she at the moment? Well, it's nice that Harry got his Christmas present, even if it is a couple of years late. To paraphrase one of my favorite lines of Hermione's, Harry, even in the Wizarding World, things randomly giving off sparks isn't a good sign. I'm a little surprised at Hermione's reaction to Harry's comments about the Dursleys. She knows why they're like, Harry's told her for the past four years. And she observant enough to realize that's he's probably downplayed thier attitudes. Yes, it is a good thing that Harry and Hermione's coloring goes well with red. Well, it has just become obvious what part Sirius played in creating Nicely. He's the one who programmed her vocabulary. Finish it in two chapters. I'm not sure if my patience will hold out much longer. |
Death's Shadow chapter 18 . 5/20/2003 Hey hows it goin? and i am in better heath. don't that my mom she crazy! lol any way great chapter hope you update soon and don't you just hate when people get in to your life and annoy you im mean ginny meant well but realy i'd tell her to fuck off (not when she pointed that dagger down bellow) |
Andrea13 chapter 18 . 5/20/2003 The baby broomstick! Finally! When you said a few chapters back that the key was in the Bookwyrm epilogue, I just KNEW it would be that broomstick. :D James's ring sounds very nice. I hope they can fix the leakage so Harry can wear it eventually, though I suppose he'll have to grow into it a bit still. Arthur getting to meet Sirius at last was great. I cracked up at the "there's a werewolf and a Grim sitting across from me!" line. All were very relieved to hear it was Harry who funded the twins. I hadn't thought of that as a source of worry, but it makes sense! It was very nice to see the adults getting together to hash things out too. So Bill's going to be the new DADA professor? Good for him. I've often thought he'd be a good one. Can't wait for the next fic! |
Jake chapter 18 . 5/20/2003 Swet. You rule! |