Reviews for A Harry Situation
Von chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
Oh Good, it wasn't such a bad cliffhanger. Kinda weird that Ron just popped into an owl shape... I guess I just find it strange that Sirius and all that worked for ages to do it, but The trio (Or at least, the Duo) just pop right into shape. Hm. I wonder if they call harry 'Mitten' after the Knitten Kitten.

I'm interested in how people were starting to get suspicious about Forge 'n Gred's new money stash. I'm glad Ron seems to understand the resoning behind it. Imagine the twins outrage at being considered to have accepted money from a deatheater! A cute chapter, very interesting explanation of the device. An amplifier. Doesn't seem intended to kill then... Just to make his life misery? No-one mentioned Harry's white hair, is that still there? Will he be leaving soon? It was really cute when he was all bleary.
Chary chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
That was so much fun it was hard to keep track of what I enjoyed most! The beginning with Ron trying to hide how worried he was about behind sarcasm and humour was lovely - a very teenaged-boy best friendish kind of a thing to do! Harry's thoughts about Ron getting huffy was very funny too: “No,” Harry muttered. When Ron got all shirty like this, he could see a strong resemblance between Ron and Percy, but he kept that to himself. Hee!

I really like the idea of Ron being a mediwizard, it's very original too. I'm not so sure about the name the volunteers get though - "Honey Badger" isn't very manly - I can imagine it's put a fair few boys off the idea of joining ;) I was surprised that Mr Parkinson provided Ron's uniform for him, but I wasn't surprised that Arthur and Molly were willing to swallow their pride to allow their son to follow his dream - they're wonderful caring parents. The explanation you gave for how the ESA worked was a great idea - what emotion of Harry's was the sender trying to amplify though and how did they know what his mental state was? Is someone spying on him? Very worrying. One of my very favourite bits was the talking vending machines - I loved them! Actually it reminded me a little of the Red Dwarf episode with the Talkie Toaster - have you ever seen that?

Will we get to see more of Tiberius Potter and how about Helga Handwerker? It was nice to see Dumbledore had a daughter - very unusual. I really liked Dr Opal as well, even after we only saw her for such a short while - her "medical marvel" dig was wonderful.

I also liked how everyone found answers to a few of the little mysteries this chapter - Ron with Ginny’s cloak, where the twins money came from, Ginny revealing she knew about the invisibility cloak – it allows for lots of teasing between them all, especially when some of them don’t know what’s going on!

Ginny and Ron's conversation was as wonderful as ever - I've missed their chats! I'm glad Ginny defended Ron's honour, but I can't help but feel a little bit sorry for poor old Vicky! I'm glad the trio are including Ginny more now, and it was good to see that Harry regretted not being able to tell her about Sirius and also that Ron wanted to ask Harry if she could be told about who gave the twins the money.

So Ron's animagus form is an owl? Huh, I would never have guessed. Will Nicely show us Hermione and Ginny's too? Whatever they are, I hope they’re both creatures that would get on with Harry and Ron's! Hope to see more soon, oh and maybe something in a different story about Ron's premonitions if it doesn't fall into this story ark? When you've got a spare five minutes of course! ;)
Iniysa chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
Great chapter, thank you for up-dating! I can't wait for more! :)

Guest chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
Hip Hip Hooray! The update has arrived!

So ... Tiberius Potter ~wasn't~ supposed to be there, Ginny actually decked Viktor, and ... the Fred-and-George Dilemma (might) be solved. Did they actually think Fred and George would accept money from Death Eaters? Well, I can't wait to find out what happens next.

A. Lee

P.S. Aren't they Unspeakables ... not Unmentionables?
Three Sickles Short chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
"Think [Hermione's] scheduled any time for us to get into trouble?" "She’d better have, or her whole timetable’s going to be out of whack." Snicker. I love Funny!Harry. One of the problems I have with writing him is keeping his sense of humor, and I love reading people who manage it well. I loved the whole Harry/Ron scene.

The vending machines are utterly brilliant! And so is Rupert, even if he was a prat who forgot to wear his Watch Out.

O! O! Are we going to get to se Firenze? You how the mere mention of him sends me into exclamation-point-land, so I'll be over the moon if he actually makes an appearance.

I'm getting a big kick out of "Honey Badger." That's just too funny.

"Ginny could tell that Ron was pleased that she had defended his honor, or maybe he was just pleased that somebody had hit Viktor." Bwahahaha! That is SO Ron.

An owl. Interesting. I guess I'd have pegged Hermione as the owl of the bunch, though I'm not sure what I'd have expected Ron to be. A fox, maybe? The coloring, the chess ability... Anyway, I'm very interested in seeing what caused Ron to turn Animagus all of a sudden.
Lilia3 chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
A good chappie! Love that Ginny knocked some sense into Victor! Why do guys always assume stuff like that? I mean, really! Anyhow! I can't wait to see what else they all get out of the trunk! Hoping to hear more from Grandpa Potter as well!

Shyanne chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
Sorry I haven't reveiwed for so terribly long. I have been having growing-up problems, namely applications to colleges and even a little bit of Harry/Ginny-esque problems of my own (blargh, stupid Timothy).

I loved this chapter, especially Ginny punching Viktor and Ron's Animagus form. Yay Ron! This is a brilliant story and I like the gradual introduction of Harry/Ginny. It seems very realistic, much better than other authors who have Harry one day out of the blue fall madly in love with Ginny without any prior notice. The poor girl would probably die of shock if that happened.

Anyway, beautiful story. Keep on writing, this is amazing.
Eris Queen of the Shadows chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
Ron as a Med Wizard? Always thought that Hermione would me the Med Witch. This story is getting better and better. I did love the part where the vending machines were arguing back and forth. I never thought that they too would talk. Very cool. Well, keep up with the good work and have Harry and Ginny get with the smoochies all ready (to quote Buffy).
amulder chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
...and why is it that *no one* in the story (or in reviews, that I've noticed) is making any comment about Harry's parents having *satin* sheets. OOh-la-la!

And I like "Bob's" review comments about the unmentionables. PLEASE, if it was a mistake, don't fix it. Keep it as a joke!

Oh, and *very* wise and perceptive to have Ginny know about the invisibility cloak. I never ever considered that she would have found it when searching Harry's stuff 2nd year, but it makes perfect sense.

thanks again for sharing


ps: Ginny smacked Viktor! Woo-Hoo!
taself chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
Found the idea of Ron as a Mediwizard rather funny, he's not the most stable of lads, love the name for them Honey Badgers, Ron bright red first time called that I bet :). To hear Hagrig quoting Shakespeare would be a riote with his accent. And way to go Ginny, thumping Viktor, way cool little red head she is. Well you did another great chapter, can't wait for the next.
Draco664 chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
Love your story. You have managed to capture all the characters incredibly well.

I take it you are a fan of Terry Pratchett? You made a mistake in this chapter with Ron calling people from the Dept. of Mysteries 'Unmentionables', instead of 'Unspeakables'. The Unmentionables were from Pterry's Discworld books. Don't worry, I almost made the same mistake too.

Keep up the good work!
amulder chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
Hi Jill,

Ginny smacked Viktor! Woo-Hoo!

So what was so tough about this chapter that it gave you block? Everything flows quite nicely. I liked the vending machines arguing with Rupert!

The easy bantering interaction of the four main characters - at last, 17 chapters before the four of them get into the same room! - was very natural.

I notice that Harry isn't protesting quite so much about Ginny. And Ron is wanting to set them up! that's quite rare, and nice to see. So Ron and Ginny both figured out the Triwizard earnings gift. Nice detailed touch, to have Moody checking that out. And Ron's already figured out the cloak, as has Hermione. No indication if Ginny did? Hmm.

Ginny smacked Viktor! Woo-Hoo!

So Ron's an owl, does that mean the other two will try it out also. It think it could be quite handy later in the story for Harry to transform to a cat to get out of a sticky situation.

Still very curious where that little golden exploding sphere came from!

thanks for sharing.

ps: Ginny smacked Viktor! Woo-Hoo!
lan1 chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
Your fic is the better one that I read until now... But you are very evil you keep using cliffs... Your next story will be a sequel of a Harry situation?
ManW0lf83 chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
Umm... are you sure it's not VITAmeataVEGamin?
Angel of the North chapter 17 . 4/28/2003
So how did Harry's grandfather die?

Have you worked out an entire family tree for him? I'm now curious.

Looking forward to the next chapter, as always

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