Reviews for A Harry Situation
Von chapter 16 . 4/14/2003
Hmm. Thanks for the new chapter! Ok, a cat he be then. The Mr Granger bit was cute, but Harry ringing him up seemed a little strange. I'd have thought he'd be MUCH too polite to even consider ringing at that time of the morning, especially considering his wish to not let people know how he's feeling? I assume he was lonely and convinced himself that the car was sufficient excuse to hear a friendly voice, even Hermione's Dad? Or was it just a simple plot use? Mr Granger just happening to hear Harry have one of his sudden illness attacks? I'm interesting in finding out what that... that magical bomb thing was. The ghost looks interesting. LAUGHED and LAUGHED at the Viktor section! I like how he comes accross as a genuinely nice guy, with misplaced jealousy of Harry! His siblings add a new flash of colour and taste to the setting, making for interesting advancements. Laughed again at how everyone wants to meet the best friend of Harry Potter. Poor Viktor.
Chocolate Muse chapter 16 . 4/13/2003
GASP! SHOCK! AMAZMENT! So, we finally get to see what happened to Harry's grandfather eh? Tiberius is the perfect name, what does it mean? Please put up the next chapter soon!
Buttamellow chapter 16 . 4/13/2003
Wow...I really want to know what is wrong with Harry. What happened at the Dursleys? Is Rupert alright? I hope so. He's such a wonderful person. I thought it was awesome that he went to check on Harry. I loved how he reacted to Hagrid and what he said to Vernon. Hilarious. I was laughing histerically at the part where Victor was talking about all of the different people Hermione, Mrs. Granger, and Ginny had befriended. It was great. Superb. Aimee, my friend says hi. She told me to tell you that you should feel special that she loves your story so much because she prefers D/G. Yuck in my opinion. H/G all the way for me. I loved how Pansy, Millicent, and Neville had all become friends. Everyone always portrays Neville as stupid and Pansy and Millicent as horrible people who have no feelings whatsoever. I love the fact that you gave them depth and a wonderful characterization. I'm glad I'm not boring you. That makes me feel better. Yes, I know a growing girl should get her sleep so I basically slept forever that last weekend. People were laughing at how much I slept to be honest. Finals are coming up soon. Ugh! I updated though so I finally found time to write! I was jumping up and down for joy when I posted the chapter. I'm sad that it's coming to a close but I can't wait until the next chapter at the same time. Awesome job. I would've reviewed sooner but I had a formal last night and didn't get in til 3 am. Fantabulous job! Update soon!

Female Fred chapter 16 . 4/13/2003
Wonderful as normal!
hpforever1 chapter 16 . 4/13/2003
This is so good! Please don't end it! I always look forward to reading the next chapter!
Andrea13 chapter 16 . 4/13/2003
EEk! You always leave at the worst parts. Well, I suppose not THE worst. I would've been worse to leave it at the explosion, but still! Grandpa Potter, at last. Yay. :)

The visit to Bulgaria was great, though Viktor must be MIGHTY annoyed it's getting cut short because of Harry Potter. *giggles*

Some favorite lines as usual:

"The girl was very pretty for somebody who wasn’t Hermione."

"Viktor would have screamed, except he couldn’t get a word in edgewise."

"However, he hadn’t expected that his separation from his wife would sit in his stomach like a lump of congealed grease and turn the whole world into a beige, dismal, and boring place."

“Send me a sign, damn it!” and slammed his fist down… on Hermione’s folder of maps and timetables and detailed instructions on how to get to 4 Privet Drive without magic or a driver’s license.
Pseudonym Sylphmuse chapter 16 . 4/13/2003
Poor Viktor! He really is rather smitten isn’t he with Hermione? Poor guy, shoved into the corner because his relatives all only care that the girl he’s smitten with is friends with Harry Potter. And I wonder what Harry will do if he has to contest with the brother of one of the famous Quidditch Players having their eyes on Ginny?

Go Rupert *cough* Granger not Grint (was that it or was it something else? I’m not very good at remembering actors names)! Damn ze Dursleys to never ending torment in seeing wizards and witches alike! Annoys them like heck and it’ll probably drive them to suicide.

Yeah! This is the first time I’ve ever read a story where James Potter’s father actually was of some consequence in things. And the first story I’ve ever read where they actually HAD James Potter’s father. I can’t wait to read the next chapters and the sequel!

Woo-hoo, never ending humor! Yep, delighted in reading your story since it’s so long and humorous! Plus I get a few history and symbolism lessons in reading this as well as a little bit of languages
whoever I am at the moment chapter 16 . 4/13/2003
Another marvelous chapter! What was that snitch-bomb thing? Harry’s grandfather is a ghost? Victor had siblings? Is Ginny going to rush home to be by Harry’s side in this time of trouble? Did it ever get out that Harry and Ginny exchange letters at a rate of one per fifty thousand heart beats? Does the face-to-face interaction by any chance include some Harry/Ginny action of… a different sort than previously? Do you think that I ask too many questions? I first found you at Gryffindor Tower, you know, and I liked this story so much that I looked you up here, to see if there was more, so I am extremely pleased that you have updated again. At the moment, I am a sneaky little fan girl who is getting on the internet when she should be doing something more productive, like cleaning her kitchen, but who couldn’t help herself, because she has been anxiously awaiting your next update. I’m oging to go look for the changes in the other chapters, now.
lemon drop chapter 16 . 4/13/2003
no! Such a cliffhanger!

O well, it's a great story, so I'm willing to wait... Aw... poor Harry, are we going to find out what the gold thing was that Harry picked up? I would've said that it was the Watch Out -love that name, by the way- but I don't think it was.

The Dursley's are soo stupid! How could they not know something was wrong with Harry! (then again, these are the Dursley's I'm talking about) I can't wait for more! Especially once it gets into the H/G stuff. You said that's going to be more in A Sirius Situation, right?

Keep up the great work! I can't wait! Oh yeah, i love the whole red riding hood thing, even if it did take me a while to figure out, just like the emma and Rupert thing... I know, I'm slow. I think i said it before, but I love your style. I normally don't like stuff where it's at the Dursley's for a while, but i'm totally hooked on this, i've been reading it in all my spare time :-) Please update as soon as you can!

*Lemon Drop
the Queen of Fire and Ice chapter 16 . 4/13/2003
GREAT CHAPTER!what is going to happen w/harry's grandfather?i hate cliffies even if they're small!
Rhiain chapter 16 . 4/12/2003
Great chapter! it was a little confusing at the end with the ghost can you please explain a bit more?
hoboswhoraisehell chapter 16 . 4/12/2003
Holy wow. Poor Harry. That scared me. And the part when he thought, 'Angels? Wait, if those were angels, why was it so hot here?' Reminded me of one episode of I Love Lucy... but anyway. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Little House Girl chapter 16 . 4/12/2003
OOh...suspenseful :D Please write more, I really want more of this story and see what happens!
Squintz1 chapter 16 . 4/12/2003
Hi again!

I'm glad you're not really triskaidekaphobic because it seems sort of silly to me to be afraid of a number. Did you know that most hotels don't have a thirteenth floor? well, they do, they just call it the fourteenth. It all seems sort of unnecessary. Anyway, this chapter lived up to my expectations! I'm glad I thought to check for updates today. Gah! What a cliffhanger! And what was the Snitch-like thing, anyway? Keep writing! TTfn and ttyl!
Porphyrophobic Grape chapter 16 . 4/12/2003
wow this is really good, i cant wait to find out more about the "snitch without wings" and what it did to harry, and the part with harry's gandfaather, please update sdoon

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