Reviews for A Harry Situation
maidmarian62 chapter 1 . 4/12/2002
So sweet. I'm glad Harry thought of Ginny. Ron made me laugh - Our reputation as kind hearted rescuers of orphans - great line. Cute story!
hoboswhoraisehell chapter 1 . 4/12/2002
This is SO cute... I thought the cat's name was Missy? Oh well.
Luna Rose and Phoenix Child chapter 1 . 4/12/2002
This is so sweet!
RogueAngel chapter 1 . 4/12/2002
That was really cute. Any chance of there being more? It would be really great. :)
Em chapter 1 . 4/12/2002
really nice. I like the petunia and harry relationship developing through Harrys kindness to her. Its not sudden...i like that. I hope this story contiues to develop that relationship. if you want you can e-mail me when you next post and i'll review...Em.
bluemeanies chapter 1 . 4/12/2002
cute, very nice
Ozma chapter 1 . 4/12/2002
Wow! I love this story... a tiny, perfect gem! I enjoy seeing more depth to Aunt Petunia very much. And all of her rationalizations were very much in character. My favorite part was the way that Harry instinctively went to his Aunt's defense. That boy has a very serious case of Nobility! (I love the name "Pixie!")

The scene at the Weasleys was delightful too! Ginny's delight and Ron's "How come Ginny got an owl?" I loved how Harry knew what Ron's reaction would be.

"Stop scowling, Ron..." ;-)
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