Reviews for Renegade Reinterpretations
typos chapter 24 . 3/7/2021
provacative - provocative

feel oblige - feel obliged

accepted a concept of - accepted that a concept of
typo chapter 24 . 3/7/2021
in principal - in principle
typos chapter 24 . 3/7/2021
being attack by - being attacked by

principals - principles
Guest chapter 20 . 3/7/2021
breath - breathe
Guest chapter 18 . 3/7/2021
If they were such Renegades, why did they even try to capture the aliens rather than killing them all?

It seems to me that facing a century long enemy, a greater and crueler one than Humanity has ever faced before, they would go scorched earth and eradicate the Alien scum so they could never become a threat again.
Guest chapter 50 . 3/7/2021
Seems like a typo
Guest chapter 16 . 2/17/2021
Here I drop. Too much suffering and pain for humans, I already don't care what happens afterwards
Chmilewsky chapter 29 . 10/16/2020
This is great stuff, even nine years later. Really enjoying the alternate take on the first contact.
Francisco914 chapter 8 . 9/17/2020
Or you know they could blow up the relay since an entire solar system's worth of kaboom is a small price to pay for freedom, also research on alternate FTL?
ChuckTheElf chapter 70 . 7/1/2020
Well done. Very thorough examination of both Xeno/Assimilate parties.

There could be a little more organization, but you followed chronologically, which necessitated the extra setups. As an example, the technology curve could've been collected in a single chapter (ME1-ME3), but that would've broken the sequence.

A bit of disagreement on the Suicide Mission having a minimum required death count. In my opinion, there should be a chance of survival, perhaps similar to XCOM's RNG setup. Weight it heavily against survival, but make it possible. For the most part, this would be a story-driven requirement. If Butcher is directing the operation, higher chance of fatalities. Hero would have a higher likelihood of survival. Purchasing equipment for individuals would affect the weight as well, along with Normandy upgrades.

Again, not giving characters plot armor, but buffing the odds.

Great work!
DarthRevan chapter 70 . 4/5/2020
I think I need a bit more context here
What races can give legitimacy points?
How much combat proficiency necessary to take earth and its concequences?
Is it possible to play with an asimillation counsil and a xenonationalism aliance based on shepards prior choices?
Lord Macnaughton chapter 70 . 2/23/2020
At every turn its always the Aliens did damage but they can never achieve any serious damage no crippling blows humanity always comes out the other side stronger because even though this was supposed to be a story of an oppressed people who fight tooth and nail for everything they have they always seem to have the end make the cost worth it there is no Pyrrhic Victory for Humanity never do they say was it worth it no it seems Pyrrhic victories are reserved for the enemy I came into this believing Humanity would be like the Helghast in Killzone they are true "Renegades".
Lord Macnaughton chapter 39 . 2/23/2020
the Minor Races in ME are only Minor because they have no need for stronger militaries if a threat was around to cause them concern they could easily create a strong military and no the Volus would never leave the Turians.
Lord Macnaughton chapter 25 . 2/23/2020
Yeah the Batarians would be a bigger problem than you are letting on they would be going full guerilla warfare and what happened to the Batarian Homeworld Nation States they would have been difficult to pacify and would have used WMDs during the end of the war and with the Batarian infrastructure destroyed it would bankrupt the Alliance to feed and care for all of these Batarians not to mention that human soldiers would be dying by the dozens each day trying to police them but who cares about a few dead clones right?
Lord Macnaughton chapter 24 . 2/23/2020
You like to reach conclusions without providing a valid reason for why something is happening and you are making the Humans the only competent government in the Galaxy the Batarians for ignorant arrogant and stupid and the Council is weak and ineffectual why is this? the Turians honored an agreement with the Batarians to defend the Homeworld the Turians have the most advanced force in the galaxy yet Humanity which was burnt out from fighting was able to defeat the Batarians and the Turians that's called Bullshit and you say the Hegemony somehow disappeared how is that the High Command would have evacuated before Human forces attacked their bunker and at least would have sought safety with the Turians and later would lead the Free Batarian states as the Hegemony and after the Turians fought and died for the Batarians they wouldn't just hand over the territory to the enemy nor would the Council allow Humanity to rule the Batarians without ensuring Batarians certain rights to protect them you are distorting the the Council they are peacekeepers and ensure prosperity for everyone they wouldnt throw away a whole species especially a species that was as important as the Batarians .

I would like to note that the Council races have not mass but at least bulk Cloning as observed in ME1 and 2.

Also you don't seem to understand the speed of ME ships which can go 10-15 light years a day for reference Alph Centauri the closest system to Sol is 4 light years away which would make that trip a few hours.
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