Reviews for Contract Labor
Makurayami chapter 66 . 10/30/2017
thank you so much for your balanced portrayal of Catholicism. Its rare treat to find such on a fanfiction site.
Ted Hsu chapter 66 . 10/30/2017
An account would better be served if I had active stories to write onto it. I've been collaborating with someone who's been favoring this story for quite a while. Often he and I hash stuff back and forth with me as editor.

But the overtime thing I can relate to. I pull long shifts as the hospital I work at, and often about seven days in a row on average. So I definitely understand the overtime deal.

Looks like Sarah accidentally "put herself into her song" again-used chi while singing. Needless to say, that's why it shorted it out. Or could it be Mom acting as guardian angel and seeing someone not so pure at the church (which is why the recording got fried)?

Or maybe it was a true "sign from music" that Sarah would not be taken so harshly now?
Prodigal Priest chapter 66 . 10/31/2017
Kyrie Eleison... Kriste Eleison.
xactoknife chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
Thank you for continuing this story! Very enjoyable.
whoisthissinner chapter 66 . 10/30/2017
Hello great chapter once again. for the Challenge I believe you might mean "John Constantine"
Happy Halloween
3skelion chapter 66 . 10/30/2017
i'm not done reading yet, but that btvs/ats reference? made my day.
Kingswriter chapter 66 . 10/30/2017
it's been so long since I read an update I have to reread this. it's just as good as I remember it the second time
sanbi221 chapter 66 . 10/30/2017
I actually thought you got Kyrie Eleision from the Death Note OST. That’s where I understood that last phrase from anyway. With the luck Sarah has been having with her singing, if I was her, I'd rather spar in a cat suit, then sing again.
Nitramy chapter 66 . 10/30/2017
Just a small aside to this otherwise great chapter: the national language of the Philippines is Filipino (an expanded form of the Tagalog dialect with words from other dialects mixed in).
Starfire99 chapter 66 . 10/30/2017
No offense, but this chapter was pretty boring to me. Maybe it's because I'm an atheist. But nobody needed a tutorial in Christianity and that's what this chapter read like. Most of your other chapters are awesome, but this one fell short. Regardless, I'm still looking forward to future chapters.
Jack Inqu chapter 66 . 10/30/2017
That seemed to have been resolved with a minimum of violence, except for that perverted photographer, whom I don't exactly feel sorry for.

I'm glad that the person who posted the video wasn't malicious, just an innocent young lady who wanted to make other people happy. I'm also relieved that Keitaro and Sarah were so kind and respectful to her. I got a good chuckle out of Su's 'threat' to Sarah.

Still, it seems that the drama isn't quite over yet. Sarah seems to have tapped into something quite powerful, really leaving a mark on her audience. What will happen now?

Take care, good luck, and I look forward to your next update. Try not to work too hard, and try to get some rest as well. :)
pizzanerd1 chapter 66 . 10/30/2017
I wish Mokoto would make a comeback in the series
Jack Inqu chapter 65 . 10/26/2017
I think Arashikage means 'Storm Shadow?' I promise, no internet search, but I think I've come across it before. No idea where it was originally used though.

I like Katsuo. He seems like a good friend and a (relatively) good guy, given his profession.

That does explain why Kitsune was so freaked out. Now, onwards to a mysterious meeting!

Take care, good luck, and I look forward to your next update.
Jack Inqu chapter 64 . 10/26/2017
I would never want to become famous, and I really feel bad for Sarah. Hopefully her friends and found family can help her.

Eeh, poor Keitaro. The world just won't leave him alone. I hope he can handle it.
Ted Hsu chapter 65 . 10/19/2017
Been about three months since the last update Graydon. Is all well with you outside ?

I've known folks who were slow, but sometimes when I ask I find they dealt with stuff in real life that kept them away. If you had to deal with stuff outside, let us know so we can be on your side.

You'd be surprised how many folks support you if real life got too much.
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