Reviews for Contract Labor
Ted Hsu chapter 75 . 3/4/2024
Last post was end of June, it's start of March now. Hope all was well with you, and it's a good guess 9-10 months between chapters. Though your other spin-off project ate that time up though. Hope the holidays were good, and hope now we're going to Spring that your output will heat up.

But the creative juices might not easily flow, so we'll that be that.
Guest chapter 11 . 11/30/2023
Arrears... I really had search the definition for it, you smart muddah sokah. Not mad at it... Learned a new word today.
Gold Testament chapter 32 . 8/29/2023
Kanako is scary in this
Rohan101 chapter 75 . 7/30/2023
300 Seizure of Power video


Matrix Wake Up

Demon Evangelion chapter 75 . 7/5/2023
would the line "It breathes... it eats, and it hates." be from the movie Backdraft?
Ted Hsu chapter 75 . 7/1/2023
"It eats...and it hates." The sarcastic cynic part of me would go, "Either that's my dark side on a rotten day at work, or those are everyone else's evil personae all put together on that same day. Rough time in the work shift? The darkness feeds there. Worst case happen time and again? It relishes it. Your coworker show no brains? It enjoys that. The coworker just give you grief like no tomorrow? All you can eat, baby :P

That being said, when I found you updated this after months in which I was afraid the Demon known as Real Life had possessed you and devoured your time like a starving man would a buffet, I then said "Thank you God. Greyson's okay."

Now Sarah prepares for her date, and her friends are sneaking along to make sure nobody wrecks it.

Meanwhile, Keitaro shows Inspector Kusanagi the "nice side" of the Demon that Wrecked Roanpur. "Do NOT get him angry. He took out some yakuza jackasses who didn't give two shits, much less one, and he can when pissed off sufficiently will go Medieval on your ass and those around you too without blinking." All the while, Motoko knows the bottle known as Keitaro Urashima had a demon within him. And hoping nothing "pops the top" too soon.
chazman89 chapter 75 . 6/27/2023
"fire. it's a living thing. it breathes, it eats and it hates."

a really good line from Backdraft.
TaraLi chapter 75 . 6/27/2023
At first, I thought "It breathes. It eats. It HATES." was a 5th Element, but doesn't quite sound right the more I think about it.

Still, absolutely loving this story!
KimeKime chapter 75 . 6/27/2023
Backdraft reference! Man, been a while since I've watched that movie. Great chapter as always, looking forward to more! Hina is a badass, and what you put here would track for her 100%.
carl9390 chapter 75 . 6/27/2023
I have no idea what is going on. I don't remember anything about this story but it's in my favorites list so I'm going to read it again and find out why it's here.
Asianman2 chapter 75 . 6/27/2023
happy this fic is still alive.
Dustin Ambrollo chapter 74 . 1/8/2023
I have followed this story for at least a couple of years and honestly I feel like this should be canon and the actual anime/manga should be a fanfic instead. I would like to see some more character building between Mikoto and her sister and see her sister at least try and repair the damage their family done to Mikoto. I feel like her and Naru were both victims of their environment and the people who helped them grow. I feel like if they had someone who could have contradicted things and helped them to think about their actions they could have been much better and likeable characters in canon. I also feel like Kitsune would have been an interesting character to expand upon in Canon more than she was.
Nitramy chapter 74 . 12/29/2022
"Showtime" is from "The Big-O".

Also tomatoes.
TaraLi chapter 74 . 12/22/2022
I have heard "Showtime" usedinthat way from several sources, but the one that comes most immediately to mind doesn't quite match it, as Jerrica/Jem usually said "It's showtime, Synergy!"

I'm glad to see Motoko back, and hints that we'll be seeing Kietaro's girls again soon(ish).

I do feel sorry for the Council of Geezers, though, being treated so disrespectfully in a oh so respectful manner. Brilliant!
Stan chapter 74 . 12/20/2022
I am very glad the story continues.
Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
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