Reviews for Contract Labor
Elite Hunter 02 chapter 1 . 12/20/2022
The only example I can come up with is Roger Smith from Big O. Given the context, I’m fairly sure that’s not what you’re going for, but it’s all I got :p
Touhara Naoya chapter 74 . 12/19/2022
Thanks for the chapter, great as always, I hope the Akira-business won't pose too much problem in the ménage à 3. Happy Holidays to you too.
Dasgun chapter 74 . 12/19/2022
Centaurious chapter 74 . 12/19/2022
Would we like to see more chapters, of course! Would we like it if it meant the quality of the writing or storytelling went down, Hell No!

Being American I have no idea if the culture aspects of the Japanese setting are correct but they are fascinating and are consistent. You do an excellent job of limiting the telling and reinforce it with sublime showing, the white overcoat was an outstanding example. Katsuo's inner dialogue versus Keitaro's calm played off each other in a most delightful way.

My guess is that Keitaro used Ranma's (Ranma 1/2) Pressure Point technique to block Kanako's Hot Chi temper.

Thanks for another great chapter and almost reaching half a Million words!
Leaf Ninja 91 chapter 74 . 12/19/2022
always nice to see this story updated. thanks for the hard work.
Ted Hsu chapter 74 . 12/19/2022
Keitaro got very, very lucky. The yakuza showed they were Public Enemies, and had to be dealt with extreme prejudice once they proved they had no disregard for the innocent, and intended to make as much collateral damage as possible to make that public knowledge. That their targets were the people Keitaro was going to talk to showed how much stake Keitaro had, since either you prove you were as good as your word, or those you wanted to sway would go the other way since you didn't prove you could do them right.

Keitaro using the "prove I did wrong" defense by showing how lots of what happened could be explained away as other things instead of what the Council feared is great. Granny Hina would have been proud, as would Haruka.

That Katsuo blew Keitaro's cover didn't help, as it forced Keitaro to answer on the spot or give the reporter a lead that would do nobody any good.

This is a nice early Christmas present, and it showed you weren't just twiddling your thumbs when "writer's block" almost became "writer's subdivision." Here's hoping your next piece isn't too far out, Natsumi and Miyuki might need attention so they know Keitaro's not off limits.
iacopo.passerini chapter 74 . 12/19/2022
Capitolo molto bello!
WalkerofDarkness chapter 73 . 12/14/2022
Always a fun time with Keitaro on the town.

And the rescue medic is Fire Force's "gorilla girl", Maki Ooze. The eyes and "firebending" are a perfect giveaway.
Abyssal Angel chapter 25 . 8/23/2022
His marital arts skills are explainable from his family training,

Oh really now? And here I thought Konako /hadn't/ succeeded in bedding him! XD

Might wanna rewrite that AN you got at the end of Ch25. :P
Dustin Ambrollo chapter 73 . 6/25/2022
Since you used an Avatar reference I am gonna say its either Azula as the firefighter or the girl Aang bumps into at the firebender school and she asks him to help with her firebending. I dont know her name sadly.

As for Sarah calling Keitaro the Dork Knight had me give a little grin but the others reactions had me laughing silently as its late at night by the time I got to this point.
Ted Hsu chapter 73 . 6/14/2022
You wonder what where the Council's versions of "Prime Directives" that Keitaro had to go by to know when to be allowed to go Super-Human. If one was "Protect the Innocent" then that little girl trapped in the car about to go boom might be one possibly allowed part of it, but then their argument of not letting the cat out of the bag for the other excessive stuff might be an issue.

Because if the adrenaline was such you can only act and react without thinking, then that could mean "the genie's out of the bottle," then it had to be used for full effect. No holding back with no limitations.

And if "Well, HE started it by shooting" is used to counter, it could be an issue too. Because nobody claims they did stuff for no good reason-they say they were threatened with a live action.
Ted Hsu chapter 73 . 6/14/2022
Section 9, aka Monster Squad-does the ancestor of Motoko Kusanagi work there, with the other members of what we know for "Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex" having their ancestors there too?

Of course, how quick will Miyuki and Natsumi be ready to go to Section 9 if Akira is forced into action again?

Or will Section 9 know about the actions first? How quickly are they being mobilized? Because now that someone got a martial artist using chi to where it becomes a public "I'm gonna get medieval on your ass, hoss" display, they can only keep the eyes open and be ready to jump to the next action. Becase Tachikoma would only be turned into casualties by no fault of their own.
Ted Hsu chapter 73 . 6/14/2022
At last! The Drought has Broken!

Now we see that Miyuki and Natsumi have a HUGE "DO NOT INTERFERE" order about "Akira," and they realize there might be a link from Keitaro's training to Akira's near-superhuman stuff.

The big question can be how they can talk to Keitaro without saying they know more than they can admit.

Likewise, Trouble always seeks Keitaro, and this times, brought Conflict and Confrontation, its cousins.

The Council was playing the Watchers long enough, and unfortunately, Keitaro became "Akira" and literally did a take on Neo-Tokyo. Meaning there's a LOT of explaining away to do, and the "We couldn't just sit back and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING under the circumstances" line would be used.

Long ago, the Guardians of the Universe took one of their own to task who'd been sent to observe Hal Jordan and Ollie Queen, and the extent to how it was done had Hal call them out for being inhuman.

The big problem is those from Roanpur remembered what happened with Akira going medieval on everyone in an attempt to get a certain kidnapped blonde American young girl back from traffickers. Because now they're on HIS ground and they realized it. Home turf advantage didn't help them then when they had it, now they know that's HIS advantage here.

So go after Akira at your own huge risk. Because he was forced to show the whole dragon potential he had before, and was forced just now to do it again.
Asianman2 chapter 73 . 6/14/2022
welcome back! this was worth the wait
Guest chapter 72 . 4/16/2022
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