Reviews for Contract Labor
Guest chapter 72 . 4/16/2022
LordSamos33 chapter 14 . 1/15/2022
Just now caught this story and while I know bugger-all about the show, seeing Keitaro actually have some balls is pretty damn refreshing~

Australian as well, mate. Looking forward to the rest of the story.
Neon Majestic chapter 72 . 12/30/2021
So we see where Junko is the living embodiment of Never My Fault.

Also, dammit, Granny Urashima.

Also-also, are we going to see Rock being on hand to rein Revy in?

Also-also-also, when next will we see Motoko? Will she play a role in the upcoming conflict, and possibly thereby redeem herself? And will we get to see her having The Long Overdue Talk with her sister where they finally, PROPERLY hash out their differences, and where Motoko will FINALLY get to explain why she lost her respect for her sister (i.e. the onsen sex scene?)
Ted Hsu chapter 72 . 12/1/2021
Sorry Granny, but time is up and the Masquerade's undone. Keitaro let the cat out of the bag playing the hero and the fan is BIG as a Barn Door. Because this fiasco is about to HIT that fan, and the effects are going to be spread all over Hinata City and Tokyo.

Nobody gets that way without getting a few enemies into their business, and a few who remember the "Perfect Storm of Roanpur" are about to find things coming back to roost. Again.
Guest chapter 48 . 11/9/2021
Damn wasnt expecting a nge character
Guest chapter 47 . 11/9/2021
Scotland forever!
Ted Hsu chapter 72 . 11/8/2021
Now come the next questions:

1) Are we going to see why Balalaika and Chang are in a panic (and get all the details of the "Firestorm in Roanapur" that gave Hiroyuki Akira such a reputation)? Those two don't scare easily, but whatever "Akira" did for Sarah (and the devastation that followed) had been serious enough for Balalaika to blow up Hotel Moscow, no doubt Sarah's captors had something linking Hotel Moscow to them. Be it a disavowed rogue, a coincidence, or endorsed involvement, the leader saw Hiroyuki Akira as Death Made Flesh.

2) Would Miyuki and Natsumi have caught footage of Akira's actions? And wonder what their boyfriend did to get into becoming a cross between Superman and Highlander? (Then get on you for putting them on a bus and pointing they could have kept him from all this, to which you go "But we'd have no story if that was the case.")
Ted Hsu chapter 72 . 11/8/2021
"Firestorm in Roanapur"-the official title of The Perfect Storm known as Hiroyuki Akira as he went to save a kidnapped American female child.

Sounds like the Hotel Moscow folks were lucky to get out with their lives, though you wonder if they had had a piece, however small or incidental, in what happened to Sarah, and all the tragedy that followed.

To quote the late Rowdy Roddy Piper from "They Live," "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm All Out of bubblegum." The unwritten context was, [So guess what else gets chewed and spit out then? YOU.]

And the Perfect Storm that hit Roanapur showed signs of being here in Hinata City. With the big concern Bala's crews might have been careless enough to Get Akira Cheesed.

And Akira was not afraid of getting Acountability for those who thought they could flaunt their strength without brains.

Even if HE would be on the receiving end of it later on...
Ted Hsu chapter 72 . 11/4/2021
It's good you're losing weight and hopefully getting better all the time. If you're doing overtime make sure you get at least time and a half.

Granny Hina now needs to hope Keitaro can hold out before the storm that blows soon takes him and everyone else too. That someone forced the cover to be blown is dangerous enough, but now? Ugly is an understatement.

And the delinquent woman who got ruined by Keitaro and Sarah is not forgiving either.
Whitakker chapter 72 . 11/3/2021
Well well, nice to see you back good man.

Oh dear, oh dear...looks like Keitaro's gonna be hunted by Two-Hands...that's not good. Let's hope he can avoid the business end of her Cutlasses, yes?
Leaf Ninja 91 chapter 72 . 11/3/2021
Gra3t to see this update. thanks for the hard work.
Kray S427 chapter 72 . 11/3/2021
glad to see your return
iacopo.passerini chapter 1 . 10/13/2021
Guai in vista per le ragazze .. beh credo che sia giusto! Non fanno altro che combinare guai, adesso le aspetta la prigione o la forca!
Ted Hsu chapter 71 . 7/26/2021
I do apologize, it seems the comment/review board clipped my email address. If you need to, ask Snafu the Great about the "Microsoft email" for that "Chinese friend/editor who be hitting the fanfics hard with reviews."

But now there might be the need for Keitaro to be held accountable: even if other bad folks got nasty in his presence, he shouldn't show his hand like that (though them pushing 'all-in' might be enough to make an exception).

That and you need to bring Natsume and Miyuki back to help him get his bearings again.
SentiNel090 chapter 71 . 4/20/2021
Welcome back, Mr. Creed. Your absence has been a long one. Things have... changed while you were away. The world is.. different now. Riddled with disease, injustice and hatred. That's where you come in. Your interpretation of the Love Hina franchise character known as Urashima Keitaro might be the turning point in this crisis. FOR YOU SEE, what people need in this world, now more than ever, is good, quality, positive entertainment, and I'll be damned if you are not the perfect man for the job. So, as I extend my arm to you in camaraderie, what say you?

Also, you are most certainly lying about only three lines of easter candy because "Finishing this fight" is from Halo and "Go ahead, finish it! What are you waiting for!?" is from Watchmen's Rorscach. And if it isn't it's VEEEERY similar.

Glad to see you return, Mr. Creed.
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