Reviews for The Ones Left Behind
OryxGreen chapter 17 . 1/8/2023
There are several things you write that seem improbable to me. I must start by saying that you have done a great job of capturing Sirius' character. He is such a complex and contradictory character that it is annoying that he is mostly depicted as an immature playboy. However, you really captured his essence, so to speak, EXCEPT for him being celibate. I don't believe he was ever a playboy, but he wouldn't have been celibate either. He always got women, which was mentioned in Remus’ back story in Pottermore. He was a teenager, he was very good-looking teenager, and he would have had a natural desire and curiosity. He would have had some relationships for sure, whether short or not serious. And he would have had some issues with women because of his mother as well. So he definitely wouldn't have been a playboy, but wouldn't have been celibate either. At first, I didn't want to read because of that, but your depiction of him is very good, so I kept reading. Unfortunately, there are some other things that are a little offputting in your story: like how James was obsessed with Lily and that was THE ONLY thing he thought about. Honestly, I don't understand how James became such a petty character in fanfiction - with only one memory we've seen in the books? That doesn't give any proof, and making him obsess over Lily makes him extremely childish and petty. (And those childish moments with teenagers is bit weird)
And now this chapter. They, of course, would have revealed those secrets in time, but being an animagus? Really? Honestly, the marauders were four people, and it was not just up to James and Sirius to decide whether to reveal those things or not, especially the animagus part. They didn't say Remus was a werewolf, granted, but the animagus part just paves the road to that. And Remus is extremely sensitive and cautious with his secret. This was absolutely reckless of James and Sirius and something they would have never done. Holly is only friends with James and Sirius, not the other two members of the Marauders.
Another thing that is offputting is Holly’s rambling. It is a bunch of Holly rambling and rambling and rambling. I honestly skipped so much of her rambling. So even though you really did capture Sirius' character extremely well (except making him celibate) I cannot keep reading all the reasons mentioned above). But your story genuinely seems good, and Holly’s and Sirius’s relationship development is very sweet and sincere. But there are all these other parts that I cannot ignore any longer.
OryxGreen chapter 12 . 1/8/2023
I like how your Sirius isn't a womanizer. Lots of authors depict him like that and I don't think it fits into his character much, although it depends on how they write it. Sometimes it is so well written that it just fits. In your story, he is absolutely celibate; it is another extreme end of the spectrum. I don't like that bit very much and I am trying to ignore it so far.
unfounded chapter 30 . 7/9/2022
i have no words. no fanfiction has ever affected me like this. this was absolutely beautiful.
angry baby cat chapter 1 . 1/31/2022
god im fucking sobbing at 1:44am on a school night. thank you for this wonderful masterpiece. I literally have no words how to express myself. you wrote holly and sirius’s friendship to relationship so beautifully wow. i wish i could forget what i just read just to re-read this fic. the emotions i felt are offfff the charts. i love the epilogue i hope you have a wonderful year

it was an honor to read this and to get heartbroken. pls dont ever stop writing
writingspoon chapter 27 . 1/27/2022
This chapter was just…perfect. The overwhelming warmth I felt when reading this was amazing. Everything about it was written exactly how it needed to be—staying true to how you’ve been building all of their characters. I love that it didn’t throw aside their feelings towards romance and all of that, it simply made it clear how their love was different and special to them.
Solti chapter 29 . 8/2/2021
You made me cry ᯅノ
panravenc chapter 31 . 4/28/2021
gods i loved this story so much. i know in the end they end up romantically together but i honestly would also been happy with them just being friends? platonic partners? I'm ecstatic they finally kissed, of course, but i think because i could see them going either way, you know? i loved that you didn't have them fancy each other before the end. i loved their friendship and how genuine it was, how it wasn't about kissing or sex or staring longingly at each other but about poems and writings and intellectual conversations that furthered the bond between them. gods, i loved them both so much. and i appreciate the fact that you didn't make sirius a playboy so fucking much. it's a take on his character that i myself don't like much, because at hogwarts he's at max seventeen, and that's honestly quite unrealistic no matter how good-looking. and holly was such a good character, she was relatable and funny and i loved her very much. i swear if i could i would reread it all again for the first time and relive the emotions it has made me feel. one of the best sirius x oc i've read, for sure, even if (okay don't kill me for this) i would've liked to read about their life outside of hogwarts, too. like, them moving together, and them painting the walls and figuring out how to adult, and baby harry being born, and idk, just domestic stuff they would do as a couple, i guess. like sirius with his motorcycle, and dinners at the potter's and him introducing holly to them bc they're his family, now. but other than my fantasies for more sirius/holly content, i absolutely loved everything. and gods, the lack of romance/sexual tension for most of the fanfic was refreshing and so, so absolutely fantastic. one of the best parts, definitely. sorry about the long review lol, but i really loved the story.

(quick disclaimer, though, english isn't my first language, so i hope everything is, you know, readable.)
Jess Bayliss chapter 30 . 3/21/2021
Awww I’m so sad it’s over, but a beautiful ending it was. The time jump seemed very sudden, but the diary entry and afterlife was perfect for Sirius and Holly, and you definitely did them justice. Well done, and good luck on all your endeavours!
Jess Bayliss chapter 27 . 3/21/2021
Also, brilliant chapter! Stunningly written as always!
Jess Bayliss chapter 27 . 3/21/2021
Guest chapter 27 . 3/5/2021
I freaking love this series so much! I have been reading it for hours non stop and I can’t stop. You are amazingly talented and it is by far my favourite fan fiction I have read so far! Don’t stop
Ellabellatoastyandwarm chapter 27 . 12/15/2020
OMG tysm I have been waiting for this for so long (on second thaught I started reading today... hmmm) Anyway tysm I have been waiting for this for what seems like so long. I love this story and I mean the whole damn thing I usually get impatient especially with slow burn stories but I didn't take a sneak peek once! Anyway brilliant fic.
grrr3c chapter 29 . 12/4/2020
kalisfandomstories1004 chapter 30 . 11/30/2020
kalisfandomstories1004 chapter 29 . 11/30/2020
Noooooooooo T-T
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