Reviews for In Pieces
Emelineee chapter 22 . 10/14/2024
Wow... Hard to find the words to describe what I feel after reading this straight. First my neck hurt and my eyes burns ( I read on my smartphone, because I don't have a laptop with me).
I love this story so much! Everything was so perfect, from the way you describe the feeling of the character, to the evolution of the relation, to the other characters and their stories...
I am french, so I couldn't understand all the subtleties of every of your sentences, and I had to pause several times to translate a word, but I still could see and feel how amasing is your way of writing!
First I was afraid of reading this, because I like happy endings, so I went to read some review first, and I quickly understand that I would be safe reading this haha
I was sooo stressed all along because I didn't know how you could make Draco alive again, and without killing someone.. you really are clever because what you made harry make is amazing !
It's been a week since I am reading your fictions again (I read some years again, nearly decades ago now... I'm getting old haha) and I love it so much, because you are such a talented writer!
I stop here my long review, but thank you so much for all these amazing stories !
I wish you all the best !
Hikaru chapter 22 . 1/13/2023
I'm crying, thank you. You're always the best.
I wish you all the best.
Misabeth chapter 22 . 8/25/2022
Amazing story! I love it
eeloo chapter 22 . 8/12/2022
Woah. It's such a nice story! I was...unsure tomread it because it was a "death story" but I enjoy it so much. Thanks for sharing it to us. I hope you'll write others (I mean... I know you wrote a lot, but I hope you'll keep doing it ).
Miko Eiko chapter 22 . 11/23/2021
Fue una historia maravillosa
pointed.exclamation chapter 1 . 10/31/2021
ugh this story is such a tonic for the soul! love love love.
Lmppsc chapter 15 . 7/6/2021
I swear if the sacrifice is who I think it is
Bia Saraiva chapter 22 . 6/8/2021
Minha nova fic favorita! Obrigada por tudo
Guest chapter 22 . 4/23/2021
I missed these stories it’s been over seven years since I last read them have you ever considered going to a site called archive of our basically it’s like this site but a little bit better
bungaimajinasi chapter 6 . 3/5/2021
"tall, blond, and evil" who doesn't love someone like that?! :D
Guest chapter 22 . 2/27/2021
I had my doubts when I started this story...

But it was an incredible read and I’m glad I gave it a chance.

Taylor Jackson chapter 22 . 11/23/2020
This is fucking beautiful... no other words to express how I feel...
theunraveledghoul chapter 22 . 9/26/2020
What can I say, your stories are simply amazing! This was so beautifully written. I loved it so much.

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for writting this brilliant piece of Drarry.
Skay Grey chapter 22 . 7/2/2020
Oh Meu Deus! Eu estou cada vez mais apaixonada por sua fic's! São tão maravilhosas! Eu simplesmente amo! O enredo, o desenvolvimento, as falas, a descrição dos cenários, tudo perfeito! Essa fic me deixou de cabelos em pé, mas eu confio completamente na sua forma de escrever e na harmonia que você sempre encontra entre romance, aventura, cotidiano e angustia! Sério, não duvidei por um momento se quer que você seguiria o melhor caminho! Simplesmente mais uma obra de arte que vai me fazer suspirar de alegria por dias! Obrigada!
Cee.palace chapter 22 . 6/6/2020
super awesome
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