Reviews for Distorted Affections |
MellarkandArt chapter 10 . 10/16/2023 I really hope you’ll come back to this someday, I really enjoyed it and think of it often. Please disregard the rude guest reviewer, your story and writing is fantastic and I for one would be grateful for an update. Hope you’re doing well 3 |
Guest chapter 10 . 5/29/2023 Hi I'm just curious about whether you will ever finish this story or update? I check regulsrly for updates, I hope you continue. You really are a great writer! :) |
XX-Samantha-XX chapter 10 . 8/20/2022 I really hope this gets continued at some point please :) i need to know whats happening to harry x |
Babywolfchick1142 chapter 10 . 11/18/2021 Its such a shame that this was never completed. Excellent work. |
aveilofpaper chapter 10 . 12/27/2020 A very intriguing and well written story. I’m disappointed it’s not been updated in so long cause I really wanna see that bastard Jenkins get his comeuppance and Harry to get some goddamn help. Do you think you’ll update it sometime? |
guest chapter 10 . 8/19/2020 So glad you completely stopped writing fanfiction right here; this would have been beyond unbearable and anything following it probably worse. It was also disgustingly, unforgivably dishonest - no warning in the summary of long-term child abuse even worse than the Dursleys'. |
guest chapter 7 . 8/19/2020 Snape's reflecting that HP is also Lily's child is much more realistic than the James-only crap Rowling wrote. After a thousand years in a tiny population, every magical could be Slytherin's descendant, though only one could be his heir. Please kill Jenkins soon! And Ron is the usual jealous lout; what else is new? His snit will probably deprive HP of an early opportunity to get told that Jenkins is a slimebag. |
guest chapter 6 . 8/19/2020 Please don't draw this out. I don't want to read too much of it, and I await with infinite greed what Snape will do to Jenkins! Only hope it's Slytherin-ly undetectable. ~Please~ let him Legilimize Nott! |
Guest chapter 5 . 8/19/2020 Getting increasingly squicked by Jenkins. Wouldn't Snape consider secretly Legilimizing Nott and then making a convenient (and just inaccurate enough) "guess"? Getting totally squicked by Jenkins. |
guest chapter 4 . 8/19/2020 Always wondered why Ron said "even in the wizarding world" since his whole family was utterly ignorant of the Muggle one. Jenkins is too good to be true; I hope he's a Riddle supporter. |
guest chapter 3 . 8/19/2020 Sorry, previous review was prematurely loaded; it contained only my notes to myself from partway down the chapter. Actual review: If Snape reflected just a little bit, as you had him do when he stopped to think about the big cauldron, he definitely should have noticed early in this chapter all the indications that Harry's home had to be very much like his own. Harry's being shortest of his year, scrawny, and horribly ill-clothed should have set off all sorts of alarms, especially since you earlier mentioned Snape's care of students. I hope you have him realize soon. Is the new teacher real, a sneaky DE, or (~please~ no!) a perv? What is the intent of all the interim headers? They seem not to match their sections. Great insight in the last scene. |
guest chapter 3 . 8/19/2020 SS s/ notice all the clues by early in this ch. - size, , scrawn, clothes |
bianxem18 chapter 10 . 5/21/2020 Please please update ! |
Guest chapter 10 . 3/4/2020 Please update soon - you've left it on such a cliffhanger |
Sept05 chapter 10 . 12/31/2019 Is this book being updated? Cos I'm really curious as to what's gonna happen next; I'm fairly sure of what Jenkins is up to in which case, I'm absolutely furious and can't Harry ever catch a break?! Also, him ditching Ron and hermione is good, I think cos Ron is honestly a bit of a prat but I want him to be friends with some slytherins and to get along with Snape even tho it'll be difficult for him to trust a professor after Jenkins, especially seeing as after the dursleys he has no trust in adults at all. And has Jenkins been using Theo and others as well as Harry? Someone kill this bastard! Hopefully the basilisk will eat him... Speaking of, Harry didn't talk to Riddle yet and I wanna see that conversation due to Harry's somewhat change in personality. Anyway, I hope you continue this story and I can't wait to read more |