Reviews for From Fake Dreams
Scrumblenut chapter 6 . 4h
So. It took me a few years, but I finally got into the Fate side of fanfiction. Lo and behold, I noticed you had a Fate story on your profile. I’d meant to leave this review of a ‘hi’ back in chapter 1 but got sidetracked reading. Anywhosies, DA LOG HAS TRANSCENDED DIMENSIONS! I’ll be leaving a full review of thoughts once I get to the latest chapter. No idea if this story is completed or not cause I’m on my phone, so oh well. Take care and stay safe.
Greyfox2 chapter 76 . 15h
One heck of a ride this chapter; the image was great too. Congrats on the house!
oceanberserker chapter 76 . 19h
I see what you're doing here, and all I can say is mind your steps from this point. The whole "What a twist!" and "Subvert expectations." bit is coin flip at the best of times even if done well. ESPECIALLY if done well; particularly here on the home stretch. The last thing you want to be remembered as is the M. Night Shamalayan of the Fate fanfiction section. With all the weight story has gathered over time, this could be a make or break moment for you. Whatever you're going to do, make sure you do it well and remember to give the characters proper send offs if and when it comes to it. If you can't let them go out with a bang, at least let them have some poignancy at their ends. May the Log be with you, my guy, and congrats on finally getting your own house.
Mohamed Mansour chapter 76 . 9/13
To be honest I don't like this chapter archer didn't feel like archer we know he was oc with name of archer emiya, you can call archer whatever insult you like jerk and asshole or something like this but he never tried to put people's suffering aside just to focus on freeing himself one of the main reasons why archer want to get out of throne of heroes is because he doesn't want to cause more suffering and tragedies that's also the main reason why he is insist about killing shirou in every timeline he knows that his chance to get out of the throne by killing shirou is low but he still did because he believed by doing that he is saving his other self and also saving the others by prevent creating a new possible counter guardian that will cause more tragedies and here you make archer try to get out of the throne by using grail that is known to be able to end the world and he doesn't care wow
That's oc you named him archer
Sargon Dorsai chapter 76 . 9/12
Thank you for the chapter! Looking forward to seeing where you go with this!
Conner Kumiai chapter 76 . 9/12
Por los santos cojones de los Beast... Debo decir que en verdad no me esperaba este giro de los acontecimientos, y más porque nunca recordé tampoco que el propio Solomon fue capaz de sacarse del Trono.

Y la ultima parte, teorizar que tanto Counter Guardian EMIYA y Arturia Lancer puedan proceder de la linea Prima de este Caleidoscopio es... Bastante plausible si ve de cierta forma
W8W chapter 76 . 9/12
Great chapter with impressive twist.

Shirou watching how much his body changes show priced he had to pay.

Illya start her transfer to new body. I wonder how long it will take.

We learn Irisviel true nature. Explanation is in line with way Nasuverse justify and explain things.

I completely did not expected Archer to change sides but it is possible, Wish is creative.

Shirou lost but his showing was very impressive

I can't wait to see how situation will be handled.

Omake was funny like always.
DarkPirateKing69 chapter 76 . 9/12
I have neither time, expertise or interest to debate/speculate about this.. so I'm just gonna wait and see. Would be kinda silly to start doubting now, after almost decade and a half of reading your stuff. You would need to make Sony sized mistakes for that to drastically change at this point.

So, keep up the good work and thx for the effort!
Spedyalarm chapter 37 . 9/11

dawnwatch chapter 76 . 9/11
Worth the wait.
JoshPlater chapter 76 . 9/11
Wasn't expecting Archer to be that Artoria's Shirou. Tbh, I enjoy the theory that Archer is Miyuverse Shirou, due to his skin and hair Tanning and Bleaching.
Naruto Sakura Uzumaki chapter 76 . 9/11
Chapter was great as always! The Omake surpassed my expectations as always!
Super98 chapter 76 . 9/11
Amazing! Looking forward to your plan with Archer EMIYA. Haven't seen anyone use the method to remove him from the Throne of Heroes that I think you are going to use! Looking forward to the next chapter!
ImNotAWeeb64101 chapter 76 . 9/11
Dont really think Archer would do this is any timeline, but I dont really care cus I’ve had much fun reading the last few chapters. Thank you for all the work and congrats on moving up in life!
Type fate chapter 76 . 9/11
I don't really think Archer would do this; it just seems out of character for him. I do like your stories, but this particular boss fight for the ending doesn’t seem right. I would have thought it more likely for the vampire who nearly killed their friend to be the boss or for the ritual that they’re supposed to be invited to, with the challenge of finding a way to help their mother and destroy the Holy Grail, etc. I feel like the vampire plot had a lot more potential than Archer and offered a lot more creative freedom.

Oh well, you’ve done a great job so far, so I guess I’ll see where this goes. As long as it doesn’t end up like the Heaven’s Feel route, then I’m happy.
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