Reviews for At Least We Tried
Samurai Smee chapter 3 . 8/15/2011
This story is effing genius and very well written. I'm truly enjoying the flow and plot of it and I greatly hope you decide to continue writing for it, yes? Thanks for sharing. Cheers, love! XD
AngelGardian666 chapter 3 . 8/11/2011
'Leather and ash'

an interesting and fitting combination.

The title of the chapter made me giggle a bit mainly from an event earlier today.

Smoke's hair is an endless source of amusement for me and my brother who makes constant Fabio jokes about it. ;D

Can't wait to read more!
AngelGardian666 chapter 2 . 8/11/2011
wow am I late for reviewing :(

When is the truth ever gentle? Have I told you how much I love your characterization? Well I would love to leave loads of glorious paragraphs expressing my joy but I see Ch. 3 is up so...
Xelly-chan chapter 3 . 8/10/2011
Yay! A new chapter just before the cravings started. My, even though it was a tad short, this one absolutely adorable. Kuai was so grouchy and disgruntled. His reaction to being saved was a major 'd'aww' factor. And Scorpion's stallerish habits will always be sweet, especially since it's cannon. Another 5 star chapter!
M-G chapter 3 . 8/10/2011
Haha, I just squealed once again once I saw this chapter update, despite it being a little shorter than usual, I am just so glad to read more about what is going on. :)

Sub-Zero... is just so silly, but in a good way, he is just so adorable really, especially in your portrayal. :) His freak outs though really surprise me, I'd think he would be the sort to try and keep it all in, only expressing through the widening of his eyes, hehe.

And okay... thank you for that little scene with them, when he vows to protect him, he really does, and in such a discreet manner too, how nice of him~ XD

As usual, can't wait for more!
Wind Kaizer chapter 2 . 8/9/2011
I must say that I really enjoy the tone of this story so far, and I cannot wait to see what happens next. It saddens me that there is not more slash fanfiction in this category, and it is good to see more. As an added bonus, it involves one of my favorite pairings of the game (the other being Smoke/Sub-Zero).

Some things that need to be worked on are characterization, Sub-Zero seems slightly off to me, but not enough that it's not believable.

Can't wait to see what happens next.

P.S. I'm subscribed to the story now!
Xelly-chan chapter 2 . 8/2/2011
Another well done chapter! Good job once again, Kuai's emotions felt so real. The confusion of being saved, the pain from the truth, the raw anger at everyone barely being controlled. Can't wait for more! P.s thanks for the shout out darling! You're sweet
M-G chapter 2 . 8/2/2011
I have never been so excited for a story update in ages, I practically squealed when I came home and saw a second chapter to this wonderful fic.

I always ever wondered if Sub-Zero was the type to curse in such a manner, so it was a little weird whenever I read such parts, hehe.

I really am feeling more and more sorry for these two, nothing ever goes their way does it? And its pretty adorable how Jade seems to have a thing for Sub-Zero.

And Raiden... its just like him isn't it? Always getting things done at the very wrong time, sometimes when its just too late, though perhaps he is more helpful in this one than he ever was in the game. Still love that guy though, heh.

Can't wait for more!

And sorry, I... forgot my password to my account, hence the unverified reviews.
Rose43219 chapter 2 . 8/2/2011
Aw :( poor subby i really feel sad for him.I hope he gets a good oc...he will won't he?

Sub Zero is my favorite and his story is pretty sad,i hope u make him happy in the future :D
AngelGardian666 chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
wow, I love this story so far. I love Sub-zero's POV and I think you are doing an excellent job on his character. I also love me some slash and hope its between Sub-zero and Scoprion.

I like long chapters and hope the next one is as long. Hope to read more soon!
Charmeleon chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
I've seen the character endings for this game on Youtube. Since Sub-Zero is going to be the main character of your story, what if like in Sub-Zero's ending, he and Scorpion forged a lasting alliance against all that is evil? There aren't too many fics that involve those two being allies since for the most part they always seem to be at each other's throats. Should this be the way you decide to go, I think that alliance would be a good word to include in the title of a chapter if not the title of the story.
M-G chapter 1 . 7/25/2011
This is off to a very good start, I really can't wait for you to continue this!

I especially like seeing it through Sub-Zero's pov, I have been looking through many fics seeing how the guy is portrayed, and hopefully imagine his voice in my head without struggling too much, hehe.

I'm really glad about how Smoke isn't at all effeminate as compared to so many versions I have seen, and that he is after all older than Sub-Zero.

Hope you update soon!
Xelly-chan chapter 1 . 7/25/2011
This was nicely written! Kuai was the right amount of exhaushted, hopeful and irrated you'd expect from all that he's been through and the subsequent fights after. His thoughts on Bi-han were sad and justified. Can't wait for more. Keep the good work up, you're doing brilliantly.
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