Reviews for At Least We Tried
WBZ chapter 22 . 8/28/2013
Please update soon. Love this. There aren't enough of these stories! :)
mudkiprox chapter 22 . 8/27/2013
Oh my god this story is awesome and I need to read more of it! I'm loving the build up between Scorpion and Sub-Zero and of course all the JohnnyxSonya fluff!
LightningKitsune chapter 22 . 7/30/2013
Love how Sonya's on SubZero's case about Scorpion ;)
Full blown smut coming up? Lol
AbsentLabRat chapter 22 . 7/18/2013
Amazing story, just started reading it only a few hours ago, and finally managed to finish it. Can't wait to see Smoke again, and I hope he sticks around. (We Czechoslovakians need to stick together haha.)
Keep up the great work! :-)
Guest chapter 22 . 6/24/2013
You updated! Finally! I've been waiting forever! It was worth the wait though. I love how this story is progressing! Keep writing! You're already a perfessional writer to me!

You know how some of their allies were left in earthrealm? Well, it'd be awesome if they come across their allies again and then the missing allies would join in on all the fun! I know kenshi is a friend of subzero's, it'd be awesome if they could meet up! People like kenshi (it'd be interesting cause their friends and he'll blend in nicely!) and nightwolf.

LMAO everyone's asking for smoke. :) he's sooo popular and funny! I love how you have given him a lighthearted, friendly persona! It suits him perfectly! LOL SMOKE RIOT! WE WANT SMOKE! WE WANT SMOKE!
somerandomweirdo chapter 22 . 6/22/2013
Yay! you updated! Nice story! I love how everyone's asking for smoke. Yay smoke! We want Smoke! XD PLEASE... :3 WE WAAANTTTTT SMOKKEEEEEEEE!
Awesome Empress chapter 22 . 6/19/2013
Yay! A update! Truth be told I had lost hope in this story, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it on my alerts!

Fenrize chapter 22 . 6/17/2013
You should have seen my face when I noticed you had updated! There isn't many Scorpion/Sub-zero fics around, and even less good as this! i absolutely love the character developing in the story, too many fanfictions are usually way too fast spaced even to a point they're jumping into bed in the very first chapter which is boring and repetive.

I love how casual they are (the ninjas going to the bar etc.), this is the first story with them I have read with anything regarding the earthrealm. I adore how Subbie (3) sees Scorpion as someone to take care of, trying to heal his emotional scars. I'm sure Scorpy will learn respect that in time.

Do you draw fanart? If you do, I'd love to see anything from your story. Maybe I could try to draw something myself.

I can't wait for the first update! Keep up the good work.
Lilshady2123 chapter 22 . 6/10/2013
Good. Keep it up
Spencychan 3 chapter 22 . 6/7/2013
I love this story so much! 3 I hope new chapters come soon
Spency chan 3 chapter 6 . 6/6/2013
Oh. My. Gosh. This story is so AMAZING. The details and the POV perspective is really cool, you're doing a great job :D
Nicole Dollanganger chapter 22 . 6/4/2013
LOL :3 I've been waiting for this. Omg. :D I love how Sonya is all like: *wink, wink* at Sub-Zero when he's around Scorpion xD I think it's cute. Scorpion and Sub-Zero are just made for each other no matter what D: ! They must love for the eternity. AMEN! :3
Johny and Sonya are cute too xD they're, like, awesome!
Oh, and about Smoke I just want to know what will happen to him now! :0
I love this story! (; it's really good. I'm always waiting for the updates. :3 Keep on writing
Your Failing Epicness
Pangeia chapter 22 . 5/28/2013
Very interesting story :)
I really hope you update soon
Good job :D
Fanficfanthefirstthefourthandt chapter 22 . 5/26/2013




DetectiveOmnipotent1313 chapter 22 . 5/25/2013
Yayyy you updated!

I love all of the cute stuff in here.
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