Reviews for Revelations
Judith chapter 1 . 12/1/2004
You just completely made my night. Hilde and Wufei. It's perfect. The rest was good too. _ Ah. What a touch of genius you have.
Bleach chapter 1 . 5/27/2002
Wonderful story! You're an excellant writer! And you make everything so believeable!
Elswythe chapter 1 . 4/19/2002
that was a really good story i could feel how theyt felt keep up the good work
April Aries chapter 1 . 4/19/2002
This fic is SO~~~~~~ good! _ I especially like the ending. It's sweet but realistic too. _ Love it!
Kiya Sama too sign in chapter 1 . 4/19/2002
Sweet...It figured that they wouldn't have such a happily ever after most stories tend to do.I loved the way you captured their insecurites and doubts and *grins* nice touch with Wu-baby and Hilde as a couple (haven't seen a lot of fact, I haven't seen that at all). Nicely done! _~
SleepSweetPetite chapter 1 . 4/19/2002
Ahh, very nice. Very nice indeed!
Tori Sakana chapter 1 . 4/19/2002
Yay! Very cute story...You did a great job making their feelings real, rather than idealized mush...They act like real people in a real relationship! Good job! And in character too! One of the better 121 fics that I've read...go you! woo hoo!

Keep up the good work! :)