Reviews for Against the Moon
Leithriel chapter 1 . 10/2/2019
And I made a TvTropes page for this after all: /Fanfic/AgainstTheMoon

I invite everyone who wishes to and has time to add whatever they feel like belongs there.
CheyPaigeFanFic chapter 134 . 9/30/2019
I love this fanfiction and this is the third time I've read it! I realy hope you're doing better and if you ever feel like it, please update! I love this so so much and I haven't done any homework because of it!
Leithriel chapter 134 . 9/25/2019
Someone should really make a TvTropes page for this story. It deserves to have one.

Would do it myself, but I am horrible with naming the appropriate Tropes.
Sarek Fan chapter 2 . 9/11/2019
Your presentation is high-quality but I dislike the tonal implications of this chapter. I may continue later.

Also, since I am not overly a HP fan and new to fanfiction, I don't know much background. If Remus' mum truly felt alienated by being a Muggle why did she wed a wizard?

Plus, due to personal experience, I don't buy the too oft presented 'women are more empathetic than males' that so many claim and you imply here.

Your skill is clear but I come atv things from a different place than likely most of your readers.

I sincerely hope your trials are easing and that you complete this if you desire to. I have several conditions myself so I get that at times stress, pain, and lack of focus/energy can hamper ability to write.

So too, that writing can be a solace like nothing else when the words sing.

May you be well. :)
Sarek Fan chapter 1 . 9/7/2019
Love the vividness of detail. The tot HAS to be Remus. Poor sweet lad.
Guest chapter 134 . 8/29/2019
Why is this so good! It's literally the only fanfiction I care about... oh dear. Time to close my computer and move on with life, I suppose. Great story. Hope it's updated one day :)
Guest chapter 95 . 8/23/2019
Haha I just noticed the subtle Remus's teaching method vs Claude's. When Remus said "I'm sure whichever birds you pick will be perfect for the job". And barney just swelled with pride ha. Vs Claude always snapping at him exasperatedly.

You have got Remus's character down so well!
Guest chapter 110 . 8/20/2019
I've been reading this for a couple of days and I just noticed that it was published exactly today, in 2011! Happy eighth birthday Against the Moon! Such a cool story and it's crazy that you've got the commitment to stick to it for eight whole years. Wow. Much admiration over here.
Ash-Varnei chapter 134 . 8/14/2019
I just finished reading this for the second time since I found it last year and I have to say it is genuinely one of my favourite fanfics ever and I can't believe I didn't find it sooner! I've been reading Remus fic for over a decade now and this has got to be one of the best I've read. I love the slow burn and the level of detail you provide. The OCs are brilliantly written and fit in with the HP universe so well.
The foreshadowing is SPECTACULAR. Of course, that's part of the charm of the story I suppose, that we know what's going to happen to these characters eventually. Particularly in James and Sirius' blasé treatment of Peter, the discussions about keeping secrets from each other.
And I just adore how you show the characterisations of the four, keeping them to canon, showing their flaws and yet still showing how they are good people. I don't think I've ever read a characterisation of the marauders that manages that nuance as well as you do. Peter especially, I love fics where he isn't cast as a schoolboy villain because the point of his betrayal is of course that he WAS their friend, that it hurt and that it was unexpected. But even only in third year, it's easy to see the seeds of how and why Peter ended up doing what he did.
I also especially like the way you showed Sirius at the beginning, how he didn't adjust to being in Gryffindor as easily as canon and other fics might suggest. How they weren't all friends from the word go.
Also I love your worldbuilding in general. It's all brilliantly subtle and plays into and expands on canon in a way that I find really clever. I particularly love the holidays and your descriptions of Falmouth, seeing somewhere that's not London or a tiny village is refreshing and being familiar with Falmouth myself I love reading those bits.
Even if you never have the time or energy to write more (though I really hope you do!) I'm sure I will come back to this fic again and again. Thank you for spending so much time on it over the years. :)
sryntrly chapter 1 . 8/8/2019
I find myself coming back to this story every six months or so. It's really, really good. I hope you might continue it one day; I'd love to have this wonderful story as a whole thing. Obviously you have to take the time you need, though, I'd much rather you were happy than another chapter!
xXmegXx chapter 1 . 8/6/2019
Wow you never really Think about how Remus got bitten or how Hard it must have been for such a little boy. This looks so interesting I can't Wait to read some more
Guest chapter 32 . 8/3/2019
I wish Remus could be kinder to himself. To think that he deserves to suffer — poor boy. You write him very well. He must feel so guilty as well because of Sirius’ parents being actually abusive.
On a brighter note: enjoying this story very much! The characterisation is just perfect.
Guest chapter 62 . 8/2/2019
“if you tell my mother i’ll turn you into a ferret” — like mother, like son, perhaps?
Jesster chapter 4 . 7/25/2019
ew prof. alfstin’s nasty
gl0riana chapter 102 . 7/24/2019
This story gives me nostalgia for something I’m not sure I’ve even experienced. All these characters are so refreshingly children and childlike, if that makes sense, even Remus and his fretting and responsibility. I don’t know why but this chapterwhat with all the excitement about staying over and all thatjust made me feel so nostalgic. This story as a whole is so comfortingly old-fashionedI know it’s only set in the 70s but it feels so timeless and lovely and I just can’t put my finger on it but it’s that feeling that really makes this story my favourite to read. Thank you, Stoplight.
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