Reviews for Against the Moon
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
On my 3rd re-read. Gosh. I have so much love for this story and the characters in it and the message it portrays... I’ve never been much of a fan of slow-paced stories (especially about children) but this story is so complex and interesting I can’t stop reading it ...
Guest chapter 134 . 7/7/2019
From what I have gathered, you are an avid reader of fantasy and science fiction.
This is probably not the proper place to ask, but did you read The Tapestry Series and its follow-up Impyrium by Henry Neff?
I find them to be vastly superior to anything else I have read so far (of books with magic, that is).
Again, sorry if this is inappropriate.
SiriuslyMaraudeers chapter 56 . 7/6/2019
Puro the Dark Latex chapter 15 . 6/29/2019
can I shank healer Selwyn and Mr. Townsend?
Guest chapter 89 . 6/19/2019
I wanted to reread this chapter because I've been thinking of the way you portray women in your story. I have to admit that I'm a little bitter that Rowling placed so much importance on women being able to duel, it seemed like even Molly had sort of to prove herself. So That would actually lead to me disliking Meyrigg. But it does not. I like that all your women, Meyrigg included, have some sort of femininity around them. I can't find other words to describe it. But I've seen so many stories where girls are so worried that Tonks, who shares several character traits with Meyrigg, would not seem 'cool' enough, so she has to duel, be rather tactless and forceful, which has made me dislike her a great deal. But your Meyrigg is obviously gentle, tactful and considerate, and you have no idea how much I appreciate this. There's also that opinion that if a woman worries about her husband, that somehow makes her weak. But I bet none of your readers would ever dare call her that. Also, your Remus is so genuinely kind that I can't even believe it. When he says,'or I can just go away, I feel as if someone stabbed me. Even in that short story about the adult Remus there's something so poignant there, that I cannot help but be drawn to it. Many authors who write angsty stories about him sometimes forget that his flaws aren't the only thing that matters, particularly if they write romance. You let your readers see his good qualities as well as his flaws, making it clear why those flaws are there. It seems like you are genuinely trying to be fair to him because I have to say that with Remus-centric stories, it's easy to misinterpret some of Remus actions or start blaming him for being reluctant to start a relationship or write him as completely incapable of doing anything to restrain Sirius or help other people. Ive just noticed that Remus bears his sorrow alone, and I have a feeling this will continue to be his response when he grows up. It just also occurred to me how harmful his thought process here is, namely, his belief that he has no right to mourn his sister because it's all his fault.' And I'm still curious about Meyrigg and her odd expression. And I still can't believe you chose to show such a wonderful relationship between her and Remus. You should know this means a great deal to me. I also have to say I'd love to meet Meyrigg, Dorothy and Charlotte. Those women are wonders.
Jerry Side chapter 128 . 6/16/2019
This was another solid chapter. I like how you are slowly building Remus’ character up through the interactions with his friends, and it was great to read their journey through the village.
Guest chapter 102 . 6/14/2019
There are a couple of things I'd like to add. I've noticed that James also has the desire to care for Remus, but what I mean is that he acts the way women like Peter's mother might act, like ruffling Remus's hair. I almost expected him to say,'oh you poor dear'. Strange how I never comented on this since I've experienced this sort of behaviour and found it annoying at times. It's amusing in a strange way that Remus causes James to act like that. I could hug you for making Remus say,'yes, mother' and 'oughtn't'. But I actually can't accept other versions of his speech patterns now. I just love that he calls her mother and not mum. I have a soft spot for well-educated men and how tactless James can be. No wonder Remus ends up having to be a peacemaker. And Ross is almost beside himself with worry. But he has a good idea what awaits werewolves once people know the truth. And your fic is the first one where Remus is so helpful at home. I mean, how many 13 year olds would willingly do the dusting and gardening? Dorothy did a good job raising him. And now your reader should go to bed.
Guest chapter 102 . 6/14/2019
I've checked what I wrote the first time I read this chapter and I do have to say that I'm so sorry for Ross. I don't why, but this time his guilt pulled at my heartstrings even more. I started wondering about some sort of therapy for him. He is obviously struggling, and his wife tries to help, and I know what it's like to be the one whom someone tries to cheer up, but it might not work for is in that land of misery and it's not easy to get out away from there. He wants to protect his son at any cost. Recently someone said that it was a mistake on his parents' part to not let him have friends in childhood even if having them involved risks. And I thought,'tell that to Remus's father'. It's easy to say that now, but I see why his father does what he does. I really wonder how Remus will deal with the fact that his father's words are the reason why he is a werewolf. I've seen another fic where Remus confides more in his mother and they have a close relationship. You are actually far kinder to Remus's father than that other author, and I actually think it's great. You have compassion for your characters. I don't know if that's the right way to describe it, but I've noticed that you don't try to punish them for things you might disapprove of, particularly in Remus's and his father's case. A part of me sometimes wishes that Remus's father was all cheerful an optimistic like his mother, but I just know it's not possible for him to keep going sometimes. Dorothy at least doesn't have all that guilt hanging over her head. God, his father had to take his son to the cellar every month. It's a miracle he is still holding on.
Gaslamp killer chapter 4 . 6/6/2019
Sirius, you poor thing \3
Guest chapter 134 . 5/31/2019
I have lost track of how many times I've re-read this story! I love it so very very much. Patiently waiting for you to update, I hope you are feeling ok!
Guest chapter 134 . 5/20/2019
why did you stop such a good story?
Mallory chapter 134 . 5/5/2019
Oh my gosh, I have so much to say about this awesome story, but most of all: PLEASE, PLEASE write more! This is by far my favorite Marauders fan fiction and it’s easy to consider it canon. I love JKR, but this is better than some of the actual books, even.

I love so much about this story, I don’t even know where to start. The plot is so compelling. You do a great job of reminding readers that there are other events going on, independent of the Marauders’ lives (Professor Meyrigg’s story was a great example of that). I also like the unique personality and backstory for each character. Too often, the Marauders are written as so one-dimensional, but you do a great job of bringing them to life. (It makes what is to come all the more heartbreaking).

I love reading about little Remus. I can definitely see how he winds up being a professor. I admit, I read “In Desperate Manner” first, so when I found this it made the tragedy of that story all the more poignant. His backstory is well-written here and it definitely foreshadows his future (I find it striking, the parallels between Ross and Remus and Dorothy and Tonks- the former two being so miserable and self-deprecating all the time and the latter two being unfailingly cheerful, trying to support the ones they love). His background is written perfectly- in many other fanfictions, his life outside of Hogwarts is somewhat idealistic. But this story makes perfect sense- yes, his father blames himself for what happened, yes, his parents argue now and then, and no, they don’t have plenty of money at their disposal. They used it all trying to find the cures referenced by Remus. Remus will have to make due with second hand books and school robes (the ancient runes textbook really got me). And the part about his baby sister dying was so sad, especially with him blaming himself all these years. Despite all this, they both love him and care about him, and want him to succeed.

And Sirius. Oh my gosh, I love him. His portrayal is so fascinating. I found it interesting that in this book, he and James didn’t hit it off right away, which made sense due to their radically different backgrounds. I adore his fascination with muggle things (definitely explains the motorbike). I think it’s sweet how close he and Remus are, because it’s always written as James and Sirius being the best of friends, which makes sense, but it seems more plausible that Remus is the one he would trust with his secrets, since, as they both point out, James wouldn’t understand. I love that Sirius takes care of Remus, but Remus gets a chance to take care of Sirius too. It’s so great that he’s the first to accept Remus and defends him so much after that. Remus needs the support, and Sirius had to overcome a lot of faulty upbringing for him to get to that point, but he never once questions accepting Remus. (Really glad it’s not slash, by the way, thank you.) Sirius’s home life is chilling (but written well, of course). The signs were there all along, but I didn’t notice how bad it actually was. That part where he goes to visit the Lupins and breaks the bowl was really sad. He was so scared afterward, but Mrs. Lupin just helped him clean it up, making sure he knew it wasn’t his fault (such a great contrast between her and Mrs. Black!). And then the ghastly reveal on the train... poor Sirius, not saying anything about it. It’s good that he trusted Remus though, and I’m glad Remus was able to help him. I’m really concerned about what will happen between Sirius and his family in the future (more on that in a second).

James and Peter are well-written too, with their own personalities. It was great to see them overcome their prejudices and support Remus (though is it bad I’m a bit miffed with them about the way they chose to confront him? He could’ve died! But, of course, excellent writing as always). When James wrote that werewolf essay (brief detour back to Sirius: his was brilliant) so that Remus didn’t have to do it, I started to really see the more mature James that Lily falls in love with someday. And Peter, taking charge on that kitchen raid so that poor Remus wasn’t starving before the full moon. I thought the bit about Peter’s father going to Azkaban was interesting. Hmm... foreshadowing? Him talking about never wanting to go to Azkaban leads perfectly into his future actions (as heartbreaking as they are).

Your minor characters shine in every scene they come across. I think your portrayal of Poppy Pomfrey was on par for best characterization with Remus and Sirius. It’s so sweet, seeing her take care of Remus. I saw one of your posts on Twitter about him being the big loss for her in the final battle, and I almost cried because seeing this is so true and so unfair. She’s like a mother to him, taking care of him before and after the full moon. You can tell he is undoubtedly her favorite patient. (*Shaking my head at the Remus in “In Desperate Manner”* of course she cares about you, Remus, and there’s no way she’s forgotten you! She’d gladly help him if she knew where he was. I’d bet a ton of Galleons that every full moon without knowing what happened to him tore her heart out). And Sirius’s affectionate nickname “Matey” was hilarious. As is her aiding and abetting in hiding some of their misbehavior.

And Dorcas Meadowes! She gets mentioned in like, one line in the whole series and yet you bring her to life. For all her teasing of Sirius and James, I do think she likes them (respects them, even, once those awful Howlers start coming in). Her part in the birthday prank was hilarious. It irks me that Dumbledore didn’t give her Head Girl, she deserves it. It’s like Harry and being prefect all over again. I saw it in the comments that she’s the one making the noise to drown out Mrs. Black’s Howlers, and I firmly support this theory. Gosh, knowing Voldemort kills her is upsetting. She’s so young. Why, Stoplight, why? But I do love the hints about her being in the Order, and her helping Professor Meyrigg. Really great character.

I’ve always loved McGonagall, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that I love her here too. She’s so sweet to Remus, understanding his reluctance to transfigure the mouse, and helping Pomfrey with that awful September transformation (*shudders*). I especially love her rapport with Sirius. Yes, he’s a handful, but we can see in that Missing Moment that she respects him. When he wanted to stay behind over Easter and she explained he couldn’t, UNLESS there was a reason he shouldn’t be sent home... I was practically screaming at him to give her the reason! Keeping him in Muggle Studies because that’s where he wants to be was good of her (I’d love to see her and Mrs. Black get into an argument about Sirius. McGonagall would win.) I am really praying that he tells her so he doesn’t have to go home at the next winter break (I’m truly terrified for him at this point.) Although, I’m also wondering whether she already knows, or at least guesses, what happens at Grimmauld Place. Perhaps Regulus let something slip in that little meeting she set up with them. Whatever the case, I’m hoping to see her fight for Sirius.

Also, full confession: ordinarily, I can’t stand OC’s. They’re rarely well written, and they seem to get in the way of the plot. There’s been so many times I’ve been reading something and I’ve been like “NO, James does not have a sister.” or “NO, there isn’t a fifth marauder! MWPP, remember?” But I LOVE your OC’s. I repeat: I LOVE them. Betta MacFusty is a personal favorite. She’s such a great character: the Ginny Weasley of this generation. Some writers try to cast Lily in that role, but I don’t see it. Betta is a great solution. She and Sirius seem like they’d get along so well! I’m shipping them, okay? I see some subtle hints already. Anyway, I broke my own self-imposed rule and started praying that they’d include her on their escapades. The prank against Narcissa where Sirius suggested having her sneak in was hilarious. I am a firm believer that there are only four marauders, but I want to make Betta an honorary fifth. I love her so much. In fact, when I finished my third re-read of this, I decided to stop sulking about the abrupt ending and go find something else to finish the rest of the marauder series, but I got there and I was reading and I was like “there’s no Betta MacFusty. This isn’t right. Can’t read it.”

And your DADA professors are great (except for Alfstin, who was well written but an awful person- ugh!) Professor Meyrigg’s ending had me bawling at one in the morning. You managed to keep an air of mystery about her, and the slow revealing of the clues was keeping me bursting with anticipation. I was so mad when the Marauders broke into her office not once, but twice: leave the poor woman alone! And then when Sirius Apparated with her, you could tell she was distraught. I was praying the whole time that Owyn would survive, because Meyrigg’s pain was so poignant, and then you killed him in a truly dreadful manner (but ugh, once again, it was written fabulously, so I can’t even complain!). And if that wasn’t bad enough, then the baby had to die. At least Remus helped her get closure. I don’t blame her for leaving, and her departure explains why we don’t see her in the Order of the Phoenix picture. I don’t believe she would stop fighting, but I can certainly see her withdrawing from the Order after what it cost her. She, along with Betta, is now considered canon in my head. And Owyn’s mission and Meyrigg’s pain reminded me uncomfortably of Remus and Tonks later on. Wonder what Meyrigg would have to say about Remus’s mission? She wouldn’t be happy, that’s for sure. Also, did I mention I actually cried about what happened to her? I’m really hoping you don’t intend to tear my heart apart again with Culpepper.

I love the Andromeda-Ted relationship and how she keeps in touch with Sirius. The baby pictures are great! I only wish Mrs. Black hadn’t found out...

I like that each year has its own plot beyond the pranks: first year, Remus trying to hide his secret; second year, Meyrigg (I’m crying); third year, well, I’m guessing it’ll be about Sirius, hopefully, unless Culpepper plays a bigger role. I suspect you plan to do something awful to him, so I’m trying not to get attached... and I’m failing as epically as I did with Meyrigg.

I’m really terrified about what will happen to Sirius when he finally has to go home. First, writing to Andromeda (yeah, I really don’t believe he was “sick”; Mrs. Potter, how can’t you see that?). Then Muggle Studies, which was terrible enough. Now he has to face the consequences of the mockery of her Howlers, his continued “disobedience” over Andromeda’s letters and the class, and perhaps worst of all, the repercussions of pranking Narcissa. I really don’t think it’ll go well for him, and something tells me Mrs. Black can do a whole lot worse. Here’s to hoping someone helps him (whether it be Remus or Mrs. Potter or McGonagall or Pomfrey). Please continue with this, so I can see what winter break holds in store for him. I’m terrified for him!

Honestly, this is such a good story. I would call it canon for sure, and if it was up for sale I’d definitely buy it.

Okay, so now that I’ve sat here for an hour and wrote this long winded review, instead of doing my essay that’s due in about twelve hours, please please please write another chapter! Actually, several more chapters! You can’t leave me like this! I know you’re working on another project, but when you get a chance could you please continue on this one? I need to know what happens!

Thank you for this wonderful story! 3
Teddylonglong chapter 134 . 5/3/2019
A fantastic story - thank you so much for sharing it! I hope very much that you will be able to continue writing and update soon :)
Guest chapter 120 . 5/2/2019
You've basically spoiled any chance of me being able to enjoy any other marauder fic. This is canon for me now, and nothing else can match. 3
undy chapter 134 . 5/2/2019
...and now I can re-engage with real life. Thanks you so much for 134 (!) chapters of excellent writing, I've enjoyed every sentence.
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