Reviews for Against the Moon
CanisMajorBlack chapter 134 . 2/7/2019
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please update. I need Against the Moon. Please say you have an update soon.
megSUPERFAN chapter 50 . 2/6/2019
I'm crying... it may be tiredness and all, but I AM CRYING. These last few chapters (and, I'm sure, the coming ones) have been absolutely precious. *much love*
megSUPERFAN chapter 28 . 2/5/2019
It's so weird to think that Ted and Andromeda are Remus's future parents-in-law. Wow, if Sirius knew THAT in this story... :)
megSUPERFAN chapter 12 . 2/5/2019
Remus is so innovative... for a first year, he's got way more smarts than he thinks he has.

I love the characterization in here. It really makes the story great. Nice work!
Nati chapter 134 . 1/30/2019
I just wanted to let you know that I am rereading this story once again and that if/whenever you decide to update it, I (and I assume many other readers) will still be here to appreciate every little bit. I've said it before, but I'll repeat that I appreciate your understanding of these characters, your amazing writing style, and how much you really seem to understand people in general and what makes them act the way they do. I kept thinking that I'd ask you if you'd mind me translating this into Spanish, but I never have time and probably won't any time soon, but I want you to know that I'm thinking about it and think this is a story that more people should read and enjoy. Take care.
Aisha461 chapter 134 . 1/23/2019
Hope all is well with you! I just finished reading (recommended by a friend) and it was so familiar and captivating. I read it the same way I read the HP books, chapter after chapter until there were no more. The attention to everything is beautifully thought out and it really is an amazing work. Looking forward to more 3
Guest chapter 20 . 1/23/2019
I haven't noticed it before, but Remus is cross a few days before a full moon here and tries not to snap at James. I was rather surprised by this, I'm not sure why. Of course, it might be tiredness and the fact he isn't feeling particularly well, but I do hope this won't turn into that business of pre-moon sexual drive. I don't know why, but this prospect worries me a lot. I didn't expect Remus in your story to be emotionally affected on pre-full moon days. I already posted some comments in one forum about how I dislike the focus on sexual drive in Remus centric stories. But then again, in your short-story 'in desperate manner', there's no sign of such a thing, so maybe I shouldn't worry.
LR chapter 134 . 1/16/2019
Wow this was a ride! I don't think of this as one fic, so much as a series of fics, with two complete, and one ongoing! I really love where you are taking the whole story: how you're slowly build up the rise of Voldemort and the Death Eaters (the second year finale was heart-rending, and the hints from Lily's point of view were so tantalising), and the building of the Order from students (I love how Remus's observations of Dorcas and Alice at Hogsmeded clue the readers in on what's happening on that side).

And yet, I love how all the while, the focus remains on the trials and tribulations of Marauders as a group. Their characters and relationships are so uniquely defined. I love how Sirius and James aren't just the twin pranksters, they each have different upbringings and opinions (sometimes clashing) and they are each their own person. And Peter's arc is so interesting. His hunger for friendship and appreciation and glory, but his fear of negative consequences and risking himself. His simplistic way of looking at the world that sometimes lends to prejudices, but also his surprising intelligence and observation when he does take charge.

I also love how this fanfic DOESN'T portray the Marauders as just pranking and hexing for its own sake. While some of it is in good fun (they are kids, after all), much of it is to help Remus, or raise people's spirits. And all this is woven so seamlessly into the character-building and friendship-building. It is amazing and lovely and I hope with all my heart your muse wanders back to this soon after you complete TVW.
Exhilaration chapter 134 . 1/7/2019
Just stumbled on it, and found it beautiful. You have really captured the spirit of the characters without making them too silly, or too overdramatic, or too deep. This is one of the only really long stories that didn't bore me out or feel redundant: your pacing for this story is marvelous. I'd love to see you update.
Queen of Sneaks chapter 134 . 1/6/2019
I just wanted to ramble a bit about how much I love this story. (It took me a while to reread it for the who-knows-how-many-th time, and then I forgot to write down what I wanted to say, and once I remembered I just had to come review this again.)
All of your writing is done with such immense care for your characters and the plot and the world in which they live, and it is SO evident in each word. You have a beautiful style, one that fits seamlessly with the Harry Potter universe but is so uniquely you that it makes rereading this story feel like coming back home.
Your characterization blows me away in so many ways - the initial dynamic of the Marauders, the friendship between Sirius and Remus, Snape in general, and the seeds of doubt you've put around Peter while still keeping him firmly in the group are stunning. And Remus's characterization is so, so wonderful - it's exactly how you'd think he'd be as a young boy, and you can just see him growing into the caring adult figure he so needed as a child.
I'm in constant awe of your ability to plot so many chapters in ways that keep each one interesting and new, and the way each year has a theme that all ties into an overall feeling so similar to the original series.
In times when I'm in a "Harry Potter is so great and I need to reread it!" mood, I turn to your story first because I feel like it gives all the same nostalgia as the original series, but a newer taste of what it might be if JKR had a more elegant style and way of plotting. This is something that I'll reread for as long as I physically can, and I hope you know how much joy (and sadness but then also joy) this piece of art has given me and countless others.
This story is SO amazing and I love every word of it. I'll always count it among my favorite literary works ever, and even if it takes decades to get through the whole story (and even if you choose to end it before its time), I'll always be here waiting to give it another read. Thank you so much for your beautiful work! 3
Guest chapter 21 . 1/5/2019
'Remus thought bitterly that she ought to hear what he got up to when he was transformed'...This line was funny in a strange way, though I suspect it wasn't supposed to reminded me of that 'his name is Rmeus Lupin' bit from OOTP for some the line 'she cared whether he lived or died' just upset me. It seems that in your story madam Pomfrey has some psychological knowledge, which is great. I've read other stories where she,well, doesn't seem to be so accepting, so it's refreshing to read one where she is so kind and caring. Poor Remus behaves the same way I do when I'm worrying- works himself up into a state, and then it's hard to get rid of that thought pattern because it haunts you at every turn. I wish I knew what Dumbledore was up to. But, I know, I know, point of view. And it just struck me that Harry and Ron weren't half as curious what Hermione was up to when she seemed to be in two places at the same time as Sirius and James are about Remus. I recommended this story to one person and later she asked me what I thought about Remus's characterization, and I said I loved it and could see how he could grow into the person we see in canon. The person to whom I recommended this story said she thought Remus was very frightened, that canon Remus is 'quietly sassy'. I thought about this for a long time, and,well, I can only shrug and sigh. Canon Remus is ann adult, and we also see him from Harry's point of view, God knows what's going on in his head. I always liked his charming side, but after reading your story I realized that what I liked more was his ability to be kind and your Remus definitely has that quiet sense of humour I love so much in canon Remus. Besides, PoA Remus is just that kind teacher, though he has his issues, of course. The Remus we see in DH is far from that kind teacher, but it's still Remus. I read those stories where Remus is a typical teenager making jokes, and I'm glad you didn't choose that path. I mean, Neville stands up to Voldemort in DH and later becomes a teacher too, even though he was a shy child and no one would have believed he'd be able to manage a classroom. All in all, I was surprised someone didn't like the way you characterized Remus because your characterization is one of the things I enjoy the most and it's not like adult Remus has to freeze when he's in front of his students, but it doesn't mean he isn't worried. Rowling's Remus manages to look charming and confident without having any prior teaching experience, so I sometimes don't even know how we are supposed to make sense of what we get in that book, even though we have his biography. But that discussion made me realize how complex and, more importantly, how mysterious Remus is. Spending some time in his head must be a real treat. So again you get some well-deserved praise from me and I declare proudly that I am your fan.
anya chapter 1 . 1/3/2019
coming back to this fanfic since I love it so much- your writing is impeccable and your ability to capture the essence of these characters and their story is incredible. I genuinely believe this is a novel in it's own right, and the dedication you have to it is beyond admirable. Thank you, so much, for writing this and for blessing the world with it. I don't believe I have read a fanfiction like this in a long time.
Guest chapter 22 . 12/10/2018
I don't know why, but Remus's question whether James would mind a home made gift is so poignant. I've received such a gift only twice in my life, and definitely would love to get another such gift someday. Remus of course has to give home made gifts out of necessity, but when I think of how much time he'd have to spendmaking it, I really want to cry. It's another proof that he doesn't appreciate his own contribution, whether it be helping Peter with his homework or making a gift. Maybe that's the whole secret: the best people simply don't know they are the best, but maybe that's the whole point.
Guest chapter 119 . 12/3/2018
I love madam Pomfrey's reaction to James's remark that Remus's condition isn't publicly known. This was exactly what I thought when Snape hexed him. She doesn't care nobody knows. I just love her. It had just occurred to me that Remus is the only student whom she addresses by his first name, and I just love this. A boy whom many dispise is special to her. I've been thinking recently how lovely it is to have someone on your side when you are is lucky in that respect. Maybe Snape would have turned out differently if he had had friends willing to stand up for him. He has Lily, but there isn't much she can do. And I'm a bit unsure how he views this friendship in your story. It almost seems like he doesn't appreciate it enough. I really like Charlotte. I like everything about this girl- her name and surname, her shyness, and the way you describe her. Couldn't Remus end up with her? I also like that you focus on ordinary things, like the need to get a book, hexes, teacher's lives. Rowling's book was more about adventures, and there were times I would have wanted to learn more about the classes themselves, especially when Remus was teaching. And to think some people say that the marauders prequel wouldn't be interesting because it wouldn't be as fascinating as Harry's story. Well, I guess they haven't read your story yet.
Guest chapter 117 . 11/30/2018
I'm so happy every time you show that Peter is able to contribute something. It's lovely that it was his and James's notes Remus found the most useful. I also liked Remus's feeling of confusion when reading potions notes. That feeling seems very vivid and poor Remus doesn't realise it's puberty. Doesn't he know other people get angry too?I was also a bit surprised Remus kept trying to find out what Sirius's notes meant. I mean, I wouldn't have been able to imagine him doing that in his first year. He would have kept reminding himself he had to be grateful for what he had.
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