Reviews for Against the Moon
Guest chapter 113 . 9/30/2018
I really like your Regulus. Only I think Sirius should be kinder to him. I don't think it was necessary to include the fact Sirius was ready to go and look for Remus. I mean, we are lead to believe there was this special connection between the two, and yet Remus knew Sirius thought he was a traitor. The only reason I can think of that would lead him to suspect that is Remus's status as a werewolf because Greyback is mentioned among those whom Voldemort persuaded to join him in the first war. So where did all this trust disappear to if Sirius was so willing to accept Remus's condition. While reading the beginning of the chapter I caught myself thinking that maybe it's true we don't appreciate what we have once we have it. Remus wouldn't have gone to see madam Pomfrey if it hadn't been for Sirius even though he desperately wants to be liked and enjoys being wanted and needed. I liked that this time James was the one to be on Remus's side because it's bit frustrating that this role is always delegated to Sirius while James doesn't seem to care as much.
Guest chapter 112 . 9/29/2018
I miss Meyrigg. I'm a little jealous, though. Remus had the sort of relationship with his teacher Iwould have wished to have. I don't know whether you've used a real person as a basis for her character, but there were a few scenes I would have liked to transfer into my own life. I still hope they won't draw Remus into this whole animagus business. I do like that you show lessons we didn't have a chance to see in canon. That ancient runes professor was the most interesting. That's what it means to be passionate about the subject you teach. And Severus Snape and ancient runes, who would have thought. But the teacher seems quite friendly, so Remus should be alright. I have a suspicion he might have to drop either ancient runes or arithmancy at the end, he misses Meyrigg, too. I love you for putting in that line.
Guest chapter 111 . 9/29/2018
And what did Meyrrig write to him? I was so looking forward to that letter. There was time I would have given anything for such a letter. All those teachers seem nice, but you don't seem to have a problem with writing nice American will drive them mad by the end of the year, though. I still can't believe Sirius is sincerely interested in muggle studies. If you had told me he took this subject, I would have thought he simply he wanted to annoy his mother. I like that you often describe lessons in detail.
Guest chapter 109 . 9/29/2018
Siirius's behaviour seems inconsistant to me. He is willing to take care of Remus, but doesn't seem to notice when he offends James or Peter. He proudly shows off the pictures of his little cousin, but for some reason James is the one who tells they should take him to the boats and Regulus actually has to draw his attention to get him to wish him luck. I still think it's strange that Remus is a special case with Sirius. Even if we assume Sirius sees him as someone weaker and in need of protection, his behaviour where Regulus is concerned is strange, and even more so because of the way he treats Remus. Only his behaviour at the end seemed to fit. I don't think McGonagall would be so open about her thoughts on the matter of Sirius Black and Muggle Studies. It just seemed very out of character for her to be so open. I was actully surprised Remus didn't realize he might have trouble with his studies. My first thought after learning the subjects he chose was,' who will give him notes when he has to miss ancient runes and arithmancy.
Guest chapter 108 . 9/29/2018
I like how you show Sirius inherited his mother's attitude, reflected in the way he treats strangers (I was somewhat unsettled by his belief crouds must part for him). But he can't even be bothered to be nice to his brother or house elves or anyone at all. I know what will happen in the next chapter, and I have to say this secrecy is strange to me. Their friendship should be pretty solid by now, and yet Remus is the one Sirius shows hthe marks from his mother's beating. I just don't see why James shouldn't know it. I don't think that common interests and similar personalities were the only things that made them best friends, they must have trusted each other. I don't think there's only Remus Sirius, in fact there are four boys who are friends. Also, I can't imagine his mother beating him simply because if she did, the others would see, I don't think the mistress of the house of Black would want to be asked awkward questions.
Guest chapter 107 . 9/28/2018
I love your attention to detail. I'd love to have a ride on one of those winged horses. And that house...I'm so jealous. I could practically feel those lush carpets and I got hungry just reading your descriptions of the food they ate. I don't understand James's behaviour, though. It doesn't exactly help Remus to feel better and welcome when he knows James's parents wouldn't accept him if they knew about his problem. And it still doesn't explain why he needed time to think whether he could accept Remus. That statement made little sense to me in general, given the fact he knew Remus, but I thought he heard things about werewolves from his parents, now it seems he had no idea what they thought. I'm still rather confused about this whole issue, given how dense Sirius is when it comes to James's feelings in this chapter, for Pottermore it says that those two weren't always kind,but here it seems that Sirius is only actually kind to Remus. It seems,though, that they accepted this problem far easier and quicker than it appears here. It also appears that the potter house was the only place where all of them had fun, but this somehow is sad.
Guest chapter 106 . 9/28/2018
I knew Remus's father won't be happy his 13 year-old son got him a I don't remember him being happy at his old job either. The irony of the whole situation is that Remus doesn't understand why his father isn't happy but a few years later he'll find himself in an identical situation. Sirius bosses everyone around, that's disgusting, honestly. He is so impertinent, I can't quite understand how anyone can find it charming. I don't think James would be that lazy as to take only two subjects, that just doesn't sound right. I never gave much thought to James's house, but it seems Lily married quite the aristocrat. I'm sad Remus won't be seeing his parents for the next 10 months. But if seeing them means Sirius is around, maybe it's better that way.
Guest chapter 105 . 9/28/2018
I know I'm supposed to admire Sirius, but I couldn't stand the way he talked to Remus's father. And I still think singling him out breaks the whole structure of the group while Remus clearly says the three of them were his best friends. I just think that if Sirius had been that special, there would have been signs in canon that showed it, signs that we would have seen in that brief memory in OOTP. Now Sirius is like some sort of open-minded, modern youth that should be an example to us all while in truth his behaviour had a lot to do with defiance and the fact he knew Remus before he learned of his condition. I do think he knows what it's like to feel different, but I also can't see why James, and not Sirius, needed time to accept Remus's condition.
Guest chapter 104 . 9/28/2018
That's interesting. I've realized recently that Remus actually doesn't show anger at all. I wonder,though, whether this outburst is related to his maturity, it's a pity I'm not familiar with the developmental psychology of teenage boys, but it's the only reason I can think of. That part where he thinks he ought (I love it when he uses this word) to learn to smile politely even when he was seething is reflected throughout canon, though I suspect this was your intention. I can think of only one case when he showed real anger, though. It's rather remarkable that he never gets angry. As someone who has trouble hiding her anger, I find it quite impressive. But I'd love to know wehn he was really angry and didn't show it. Sirius in particular has a nasty temper, but based on this theory of yours, Remus always tried to keep his temper in check. Interesting. I've always thought he was quiet and calm by nature, and his condition only made him develop these qualities even more as if by doing that he could tell the curse what it could do with itself. And Sirius is back *sigh*.
Guest chapter 103 . 9/28/2018
That bit about Peter saying he'd do anything to avoid prison was a nice foreshadowing. I knew his father must have been sent to prison. Remus seems to be everyone's confidante, but he has the sort of charm that attracts trust. I quite like Peter's sister. Even though she's a bit tactless. It's interesting that we associate cheerfulness with tactlessness for every cheerful character I know is also tactless. I'd love to meet one that isn't. you do well with characters that are rejected by the larger part of society. Mary obviously sees herself as a disappointment to her parents, it's a good thing Peter loves her so. I liked her remark that she also thought Peter knows more than he thinks he does. It's lovely to have a sister like that.
Guest chapter 102 . 9/28/2018
It's sad Remus isn't happy in his own house. I don't understand why his father is so miserable. I suppose he is the kind of man who had a lot of ambitions and they all were dashed in one night. It's weird James wasn't happy at Remus's home even with Sirius there. Now he is unhappy at Peter's home either. What I find hard to understand is that Sirius and James don't seem to get that Remus's parents can't spend their money on feeding two teenagers. Sirius's inability to respect adults still astonishes me. I mean, those who grow up in the house of Black certainly know adults have to be respected. I still think Sirius gets himself into trouble and then has to pay the price. I have to admit I'm glad he isn't here now.
Guest chapter 101 . 9/28/2018
It's nice to see his mother isn't so perfect after all. Her remark about Remus's father's insecurities made me realize Remus is a lot like him. But I can't help but wonder why his father can't stand up for his own child. Even though I can't say I was surprised his mother was the one to take matters into her own hands, but it's actually sad. Well, at least according to Pottermore, his father was able to speak his mind when he wanted to. It just seems his wife is somehow able to cope with it. I am not sure where you took the information about this sort of treatment, I suspect people with HIV had to go through this, though. Remus's desire to spare the healer all that distress was unexpected, because I personally would have been angry. It often made me wonder how he always seemed to think it was understandible that people avoided him, as if they had a right to be nasty to him because of something that wasn't even his part of his character is a mystery to me and it's particularly prevalent in that scene with the healer,' I won't hurt you'. Now really...Maybe his father's behaviour had something to do with Remus's own attitude or maybe different people react to similar situations differently.
Guest chapter 100 . 9/28/2018
Well, now it's clear where Remus learned to deal with people like Severus Snape. That was an amusing chapter. I'm a bit fed up with Sirius, though, who said that the opposites attract must have been drunk. I've only noticed that there's a sharp contrast between Remus's parents. His father seems like a real person whom one is likely to meet in real life. His mother seems to be too good to be true. People often criticize Molly, but the fact she wasn't perfect doesn't make her a bad mother. The problem with Mrs. Lupin, at least to me as a reader, is that I can't help but see her as some sort of saint while it's in fact impossible to be like that. I don't know how I feel about it, it's just that you sacrifice one character to show how wonderful another character is. It might become a problem because she appears in the story quite often, with the characters that are less prominent it wouldn't be so obvious and noticible. She is the only one who is shocked by Mrs Black's behaviour. Even Mrs. Potter seems to be able to explain away this event. I guess I could never fully accept this fandom notion that Sirius's mother was abusive, resorted to violence, and restricted his freedom. But take this with a grain of sault, because I don't like teenage Sirius at all and I do think he enjoyed annoying her and disobeying her. I'm not saying she was nice and he was a horrible child, only that fandom maybe is a bit too dramatic where she's concerned.
Guest chapter 99 . 9/28/2018
I do think that instead of Remus giving his mother a kiss, she would be the one to do that. Rowling's men are quite typical, only Remus and Arthur are more gentle. However, there's nothing to suggest Remus is physically affectionate in the presense of others, unless he's experiencing some strong emotion (hugging Sirius in the shack). Sirius's role is still very prominent. And it kind of takes the fun out of the story when he knows what they are going to do to help him, so I'm personally rather disappointed by this turn of events.I'm glad he went swimming, though. But his role as a sort of nanny still amazes me.
Guest chapter 98 . 9/28/2018
Remus's mother is a saint. Mine wouldn't be all that happy if she had to drive to such a place. This made me think she probably didn't have time to have much fun when she was younger. But they could have thought of something even when Remus was younger, most parents do. I still can't imagine Sirius proudly showing his baby cousin's pictures. But the whole idea seems peculiar in light of what we know. In the other story I've read about this it didn't feel so odd, I don't know why. Oh and the puppy shippers would enjoy that scene with Sirius and Remus. When I read that part, I realized the fandom ruined it for me because of wolfstar because it can be interpreted as a perfectly innocent thing. On the other hand, maybe it can't, since they mention the word adorable. Poor Remus, though. It's strange his mother doesn't realize he can't show his body to his friends. I mean, surely she knows how it makes him feel. But I can sympathize since I know a thing or two about feeling damaged. I don't understand why Sirius says Andromeda can't have much to do with her in-laws. I suppose it makes everything more dramatic, but I don't think it's necessary. For all we know, Ted's mother might be a really nice lady, like Mrs. Lupin, and maybe Andromeda gets from her what she didn't get from her own mother. To me this part seem unnecessarily dramatic.
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